How many more innocent lives must be sacrificed?
Look who was caught with his hand 'in the cookie jar'.
The Western MSM won't show this to you!
Another level of warfare: Terminators!
Why do we never believe them?
The least you should know about IOB.
There's more to Ukraine than you might know. (Part 2)
An unexpected approach to the War in Ukraine, and more.
There's more to Ukraine than you might know. (Part 1)
It was a conspiracy theory, ...
The effect of RNA on DNA means that mRNA ‘vaccines’ can permanently alter your DNA.
This is a Shot in the Dark!
The PCR Test is faltering!
What is happening to the planet?
UK Column News Special: Care Home Whistle-blower.
Lockdowns are an ‘invention of Xi Jinping’: Naomi Wolf
News from far away, but far from unimportant.
Have you noticed yet?
Health Care Workers refusing the vaccination? Why?