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את Cepher!
A comprehensive restoration of sacred scripture.
What is the את Cepher?
The collection of writings in the את CEPHER (pronounced et' sef’-er) is a restoration of the books traditionally recognized as Set-Apart (Holy) Scriptures and also includes certain writings retained in the Dead Sea Scrolls
[Chanok (Enoch) and Yovheliym (Jubilees)], together with the recaptured writing of the Cepher Ha’Yashar [Yashar (Jasher)] and the
Apocalypse of Baruk [2 Baruch], the recapture of those books recognized in the Septuagint, and is completed with the last two writings of the Makkabiym [3 and 4 Makkabiym].
The את CEPHER sets forth the Set-Apart Name and Set-Apart identities in an English transliteration and restores the names of people and places found in the original Ivriyt (Hebrew) tongue, all of which have also been transliterated into English.

The Name Yahuah
The publishers make mention in it of the name Yahuah (יהוה). The tetragrammaton went unmentioned for over two millennia based upon the ineffable name doctrine articulated after the destruction of the second temple. However, Yocephus tells us in Wars of the Jews, Book Five, Chapter Five, Section 7, that the tetragrammaton was pronounced by the priests prior to the temple’s destruction, and they pronounced it as four vowels. We believe that the demands of the language declare those vowels to be ee-ah-oo-ah, which we have captured in the construction of the word Yahuah.
The Name Yahusha
The publishers have set forth the name of the Mashiach (Messiah) as Yahusha (יהושע), partly because his name is identical to the name Mosheh (Moses) called the Ephrayimiy (Ephraimite) Husha (Hoshea) the son of Nun [See: Bemidbar (Numbers) 13:8 and 13:16]
The translation of the ancient Ivriyt Scripture to Koine Greek in the Septuagint gives the name Yahusha (Joshua) as Iesous ( Ἰησοῦς), which usually is translated to English as Jesus. The Besor’oth (Gospels) in the Stephanus Textus Receptus (Greek) give us Matthew 1:16 as ““ιακωβ δε εγεννησεν τον ιωσηφ τον ανδρα μαριας εξ ης εγεννηθη ιησους (Iesous) ο λεγομενος χριστος (Christos).”
This shows that the Messiah has the same name as Joshua, the son of Nun.
More on this, on terms as “the only begotten son”, “to be one”, “Lucifer”, “Dead Sea Scrolls”, “Enoch”, “Jubilees”, “Jasher”, “Joseph”, “Esdras”, “Baruch”, “Acts 29”, “666”, “The Aleph Tav את”, “Yashar’el (Israel)”, “Paul”, and more about the את Cepher, including videos, is to be found here: https://www.cepher.net/preface.aspx
An extract of some of the reviews of the את Cepher:
The את Cepher is the most advanced, yet the most correct to antiquity, of any collection of Biblical material available today.
I believe it to have been one of the greatest services to be inclusive of the writings that have shaped the faith of true believers for more than 2400 years - without the exclusions of books and proper Names that have been slanted by Councils, self-serving individuals and Societies for hundreds of years.
The scholarship and literary inclusion found in the Cepher is the best available in one volume to the Disciple today.
Your careful translations of verses like John 3:16, the Prayer of Messiah in Mt. 6, Phil. 2:11, and dozens and dozens of others, delight my mind and satisfy my soul.
I am a member of a Netzarim Congregation, (but) was born and raised in the synagogue and had my Bar Mitzvah there. I’ve read many commentaries of the sages and must say the read on this collection of yours is the best I’ve seen so far.
I highly recommend the את Cepher as a study tool to have in your library alongside your King James Bible.
This is a must-have tool for anyone who considers themselves a true scholar of the biblical text.
I was very pleased to find the את Cepher also includes the books of Enoch, Jubilees and the Apocryphal texts. Many of these texts were once included in our King James Bible, but then later removed. I believe the book of Enoch, the book of Jubilees and the Apocrypha are important texts to study in these last days.
Since I purchased my Cepher nearly two years ago, I've proclaimed to EVERYONE that it's the BEST INVESTMENT I EVER made in MY LIFE!!!
A little over a year ago I was in prayer asking “what is Your Name” because I was hearing so many versions . . . Yeshua, Yahushua, Jesus. Well, the name I heard was . . . Yahusha! Around the same time, my husband found a study online showing His true name is Yahusha. I was so excited to have extra confirmation. This Cepher will be an excellent tool to share the name of our Lord and Savior Yahusha and our Heavenly Father Yahuah.
Of the more than fifty Bibles in my study and many translations, I value the Cepher as the most complete of my collection of Bibles.
Excellent restoration of scripture. A must have!
I had so many questions that were answered, little things that bothered me. We have been given only part of the truth, which has left much for man's interpretation. Now I have all the pieces, I have the full knowledge and truth, and I stand in awe of our GREAT and Mighty CREATOR.
Highly recommended!
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