On 31 Dec 2022 Nate, Canadian Prepper on YouTube, published a video with above title.
In this video he presents his predictions for 2023, from conflict, economics, pandemic,
civil unrest, energy crises and much more!
You can choose to watch the video on YouTube, for which I provide at the end of this blog, watch my copy of it at the end of this blog, or read the text below, which is from the transcript of the video.

In December of 2019 Nate, the Canadian Prepper, said the following: “The threat of pandemics spreading around the globe is a real one.”
Well, we all know what happened after that.
Here are his predictions for 2023.

In 2023 the catch-all phrase to describe the collapse of our modern way of life will be referred to as poly-crisis. A global poly-crisis occurs when crises in multiple Global Systems become casually entangled in ways that significantly degrade Humanity's prospects.
It's safe to say we're probably there.

A new Ipsos pole of 33 countries found that the vast majority of people, within all the countries surveyed, thought that the possibility of World War III was extremely likely. The four developing theatres for the third world war are: the Middle East, the Korean Peninsula, Eastern Europe and the South China Sea.
The probability of the war in Ukraine escalating to the nuclear level in 2023 is extremely high.
Both sides have sacrificed a considerable amount of manpower and resources and neither side is showing any sign of backing down.
Russia has committed to spending nearly one-third of its Budget on the military, drastically increasing the size of the military and committing to the large-scale deployment of their next generation of nuclear weapons.
All of this is coming up against a more heavily armed and relentless NATO-backed Ukraine.
Many suspect that, if Russia loses this upcoming winter offensive, everybody will lose because Russia will have no choice but to utilize nuclear weapons in an attempt to escalate to de-escalate the situation.
However, if Russia continues to make small victories, the war is likely to drag on for a long time.
The more likely scenario from my perspective is that a major winter offensive is going to destroy a significant portion of the Ukrainian military, and this is going to lead to asymmetrical style attacks by the Ukrainians deep inside Russian territory.
This is also going to increase NATO's participation in the war.
This increased participation in the war by NATO will either lead to one of two things: an armistice or a nuclear bomb.

Recently, audio was leaked of President Biden saying that the Iranian nuclear deal was effectively dead. This deal, that was originally brokered by the JCPOA to allow Iran to reap the benefits of nuclear power, while theoretically preventing them from acquiring nuclear weapons, is no more.
The USA withdrew from the deal under Trump and Iran has continued to enrich uranium now up to a 60% grade. Note that 90% grade is what's required for a nuclear bomb.
This, of course, has been done to the disapproval of the Israeli American alliance.
There's an old joke that Iran is always weeks away from a nuclear weapon. Now, however, it isn't a joke. The Iranians soon will have that capability.
The USA and Israel have recently bolstered their military partnership and have run several war games, simulating attacks on Iranian nuclear assets.
Contrarily Iran and Russia's military partnership has grown immensely with Iran providing Russia conventional weapons to fight the war in Ukraine, while Russia is presumably extending technical support to the Iranian military and quite possibly extending the nuclear umbrella over their country.
It's very likely that Iran will continue to enrich uranium and Israel will attempt to attack their nuclear facilities asymmetrically.
Iran's response to this attack could trigger a major conflict in the Middle East in 2023.
A war in this region will likely cause oil prices to skyrocket as Iran has the capability of closing the Strait of Hormuz. This is the corridor through which nearly 20 percent of the world's oil flows.

From China's point of view, time is of the essence for the reunification with Taiwan. The longer they wait, the more heavily armed Taiwan will be by the United States, who's committed to support the Taiwanese.
The Biden Administration has encouraged military forays through the Taiwan Strait, just to make a point to the Chinese that they are unwavering in their support of Taiwan.
They've also sent numerous delegations to Taiwan, to the disapproval of China, and they just imposed an export ban on supercomputing chips and chip making equipment that almost guarantee that there will be an escalation in this conflict.
We should expect more brinkmanship and likely military altercations on the Taiwan Strait in 2023.
There are many military experts, like David Pine, who believe that the invasion of Taiwan could come before summer of 2023.

Intelligence agencies have been anticipating another North Korean nuclear test to happen very soon.
They did launch a record of 86 ballistic missile tests in 2022 alone.
On the flip side, the United States and South Korea have been conducting massive joint military exercises in response to the Sabre-rattling. And Japan has now committed to spending nearly 360 billion dollars over the next five years to bolster their military.
Late December 2022 the USA has deployed nuclear-capable bombers for drills with the South Korean Air Force in response to nuclear threats by North Korea.
Needless to say, it is Nate’s prediction and it's certainly not a difficult one to make, that 2023 will likely be one of the worst years for global conflict since World War II.

The global energy price index has shown how prices have exploded in the past two years and there are many factors that are contributing to seeing that trend continue throughout 2023.
The U.S strategic oil reserve is sinking like a stone down from nearly 600 million barrels, just a year ago, to 380 million, early January 2023.
China's reopening will increase global demand for petroleum-based fuels, and the most obvious predictor of global energy price increases is, that the world's production of oil peaked in 2015, but demand has steadily increased. This translates into rising prices.
If Russia is even marginally isolated from the global oil and gas markets as a result of the price cap, this single factor alone can lead to a market increase in energy prices.
Europe's reliance on more carbon intensive liquid natural gas is far more expensive and will likely lead to de-industrialization and an economic depression in Europe.

Many economists predict that inflation may cool towards the end of 2023.
That's only if supply chains aren't further compromised by war, COVID, labour shortages and energy prices.
According to the International Monetary Fund the worst for the global economy is yet to come in 2023, as all metrics indicate that we're well into recession territory.
Current global inflation rates hover around 9.8 percent and nearly half the world's countries are actually in double-digit inflation, some as high as 200 percent year over year.
This economic downturn, that we are currently experiencing, anti-climactically comes on the heels of one of the biggest bull runs in stock market history in 2020.
This is when everybody thought they were smarter than the status quo and was dumping all their money into the markets.
Recent layoffs in big tech signal a wave of unemployment is on the horizon and, when paired with the elevated cost of living, this will likely provide fertile ground for the hyper polarization in the political sphere that will likely culminate into massive protests and general strikes.
Nouriel Roubini, AKA Dr Doom, the guy who predicted the great recession of 2008/2009, predicts a protracted and deep recession that's going to coincide with the escalation of World War III.
He has warned that the S&P-500 could slide another 25 percent in 2023.
This might not be so bad, had it not declined by nearly 17 percent in 2022.
And lastly, the Schiller Price To Earnings Ratio clearly shows that the market is wildly overvalued.
All the conditions currently exist for a massive stock market implosion in 2023.
I and others have also predicted that the price of gold is set to rise in 2023.
This is due to global de-dollarization, and individuals and institutions looking for ways to hedge against inflation.
Both Russia and China have increased their gold holdings as they de-dollarize and prepare for the great decoupling of East and West.
In fact, central banks bought more gold in the third quarter of 2022 than they have since 1967.
Recall that during this time the Vietnam War was just ramping up. Only then we didn't have the debt that we have now, and gold still backed the dollar.
Needless to say, the probability for an apocalyptic economic collapse in 2023 is very possible.

COVID will continue to wreak havoc on the supply chain and the possibility of a new variant emerging, as a result of the current outbreak in China, is extremely likely.
A recent study out of Hong Kong is estimated that the current outbreak in China could result in nearly 2 million deaths in 2023.
Currently crematoriums are swamped and are running 24/7, as China struggles to flatten the curve.
Another threat in 2023 will be bird flu. Bird flu was spreading at a record pace in 2022 and 2023 may well be the year that it actually makes the jump to humans and possibly even becomes transmissible from human to human.
Late December 2022, Europe was in the midst of the worst ever bird flu crisis in history.
Between October 2021 and September 2022 around 2500 outbreaks of bird flu were detected on farms in nearly 37 European countries.
The situation is similar in many other countries including the United States and Canada.
It's expected that free-range eggs will effectively run out by March thanks to the bird flu outbreak.
This is going to add to poultry and egg inflation well into 2023.
According to Dr Shayan Sharif, a professor with the Ontario Veterinary College at the University of Guelph, eventually bird flu will mutate such that it could gain the capacity and capability to transmit from poultry to humans, and human to human transmission might follow.
Lastly, unlike the relative peace that existed before COVID, the entire world is now embroiled in turmoil.
And for that reason, it's very possible that nation states, or rogue elements within them, will try to weaponize these pathogens in 2023.

All of the inputs into the agricultural market are rising in price, due to conflict contagion and climate related issues.
We got lucky in 2022, because these price increases were not realized due to farmers having stockpiles that they held over from previous years.
In 2023 however, the cost of farming will be monumentally more expensive.
Things like natural gas, fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, diesel fuel and other agricultural chemicals are currently trading at extremely elevated levels. The rising fertilizer costs due to export limitations on Russia, who happens to be one of the biggest exporters of fertilizer, is going to hit developing countries very hard, while the projected five to seven percent increase in food prices in North America in 2023 is going to be a major inconvenience for people, this is going to translate into catastrophic price increases in the developing world, where the majority of their income is already spent on food.
This could potentially lead to one of the worst famines in history.
According to the UN, the number of people facing acute food insecurity has soared from 135 million to 345 million since 2019 alone.
And it's expected to rise considerably in 2023.
This will work to further destabilize already economically compromised recipient countries.

Climate anomalies and erratic weather in the form of heat waves, polar vortices, droughts, floods, hurricanes, and winter storms, will complicate food production and displace millions of people.
Because the world is now at war, any collective efforts that were initiated in the past to address these global issues, will likely be shelved.
And Nate also predict that even those countries which are currently trying to enforce climate-related regulations, will be forced to capitulate to an increasingly resistant population, as the cost-of-living soar.
For example, late December 2022 an abnormally dry cold streak has descended upon North America.
Scientists are worried that this unusual blast of Arctic air could result in the damage or even death of the winter wheat crops.
This is but one of dozens of ways these environmental factors will impact our way of life in 2023.

The push to indict Donald Trump, on charges related to the January 6 incident, will drive civil unrest in 2023.
According to one study, half of Americans expect a Civil War, and many of these people say that they would be willing to trade-in democracy for a strong leader.
It's also been noted that the United States has seen an increase in people's willingness to engage in violence.
For example, homicides in cities have increased 44 percent between 2019 and 2021.
This is likely a tendency that will carry over into the political sphere.
The USA is arguably even more vulnerable to political violence than other countries, because of the lack of trust in its institutions.
For 40 years trust in institutions of all kinds, whether they be the church, police, media, academia, and politics, have been in free fall.
Around the world the situation is really no different, as the global economic burdens of a three-year pandemic and World War bear down on people.
Political upheaval is possible all around the world in 2023.
It's very likely that the January 6 incident may have just been the start of a major civil conflict.

And now for the good news.
You have every opportunity right now to make the best of a bad situation.
And the demise of your current set of living arrangements is not a foregone conclusion.
Prepare for the tough times ahead, by watching Canadian Prepper’s library of blue strip video content.
This will offer you practical how-to tips on how you can prepare for the austere future that awaits.
Watch my copy of Nate's video here:
Let him know what your predictions are for 2023 in the comments section below his video on YouTube:
Thanks for watching his video on YouTube and commenting if you do so.
Nate states at the end of his video, that the best way to support his channel is to support yourself by gearing up at canadianpreparedness.com, where you'll find high quality survival gear at the best prices. No Junk and no gimmicks. You can use discount code “prepping gear” for 10% off.

Nate ends his videos always with these words:
"Don't forget the strong survive, but the prepared thrive." and "Stay safe."
I would add: "Stay under Yah's protection!"