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Updated: Dec 21, 2020

COMFORT-19: Nineteen verses of comfort through Tehilliym (the Psalms).

Comfort-19 is a series of blogs that is an adaption of a reading plan from the YouVersion Bible App.

It needed adaption because the names used in it were traditional translations that needed to be restored to transliterations of the originals, and some of the beliefs presented in it were not truly Scriptural.

I added the Scripture quotes in the את CEPHER version and the EASY version.

The את CEPHER (pronounced et' sef’-er) version is a collection of writings, a restoration of the books originally recognised as set-apart Scripture, and also includes certain writings retained in the Dead Sea Scrolls (Chanok and Yovheliym), together with the recaptured Cepheriym of Yashar (Jasher) and Baruk Ri’shon (2 Baruch or the Apocalypse of Baruk), the recapture of those books recognised in the Septuagint, and is completed with the last two writings of the Makkabiym (3 and 4 Makkabiym). The את CEPHER sets forth the set-apart name and set-apart identities in an English transliteration, and restores the names of people and places found in the original Ivriyt (Hebrew) tongue, all of which have also been transliterated into English.)

The EASY, the EasyEnglish Bible 2018, is purposed to make the text as clear as possible in simple English. They have used a basic vocabulary of 1200 well-known English words. The publisher states that it is a good translation for anyone who is learning English or speaks English as a foreign language.)


This devotional guide was written for those affected in some way by the so called COVID-19 pandemic. Many people have experienced the stress and anguish that the regulations, because of this virus, have caused. From health failures to job loss, and from losing loved ones to adapting to a new way of life, none of these circumstances can rightly be compared to another one’s experience, as they are relevant to the individual who is suffering.

Don’t all people deserve Yah’s comfort? Yes, they do. (Yah is generally referred to as God.)

Because we now live in a “Post COVID-19” world, our outlook has changed. Our world has changed. But, does this change Who Yah is? Absolutely not. Does this change the way we see Yah or change the way we perceive the Sacred Scriptures? It can. Not only are we to live well by holding a Scriptural view of Yah and walking in His truth, but we are also to live in the reality of what He gives mankind. As Yah's children, we are blessed to receive the eternal gifts of His truth such as unconditional love, acceptance, forgiveness, healing, joy, restoration, and comfort.

Reading and singing of Tehilliym can assist in our communion with Yah by calming our souls and helping us to build a community with people.

Our communion with Yah is an exchange wherein we discover the beautiful, yet mysterious, work of His compassion and reality of His grace. Listening to Yah helps us to receive His comfort. Responding to Him helps us to release our pain.

When we allow Ruach HaQodesh (the Holy Spirit) to open us up completely, we experience the fullness of His healing. Our outflow of tears, words, and heartache are carried away by His waters of healing that restores our souls.

“Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.” (Psalm 23:4 NIV)

The Sacred Scriptures do not say that we will never walk through the darkest of valleys. They do however say that when we do have to walk through those valleys, we will never be alone. Yah is with us in the dark and we are always protected in the light of His comfort.

Comfort: kum'-fert ( nacham; parakaleo): These Renewed Covenant words are translated as to "comfort," "exhort," or "beseech". Etymologically, these words mean "to come alongside of," or “to summon for assistance.” To comfort is to cheer and encourage, to dispel grief by the impartation of strength.

Scripture quotes:

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for you are with me; your rod and your staff they comfort me." (Tehilliym 23:4 את CEPHER)

"I may walk through a valley that is as dark as death. But I will not be afraid of any danger. This is because you are with me, Lord . Your stick and your shepherd 's pole make me feel brave." (Psalms 23:4 EASY)


Before we begin, I must ask, have you given your life to Yahusha HaMashiach, Who is generally referred to as Jesus Christ? Is He your Adonai (Master) and Savior?

Some readers will skip over these introductory words in order to get to the main portion of the reading. However, if we miss the critical point of honouring Yahusha HaMashiach by offering our lives to Him, then reading the rest of this devotional is pointless. Within life, if we are not aware, we can miss important moments. Moments that may seem insignificant at the time could, in fact, allow us to observe those essential areas in our lives that Yah has yet to fill.

So, what if you are not a Mashiachiy (Christian)? Obviously, you have found the topic of "comfort" interesting. My friend, there is no other comfort in the entire universe as personal, real, and unconditional as the comfort Yahusha HaMashiach gives.

Yahusha gave His life for you and me. When sin entered the world through A’dam, there was a price to be paid. Sin could only be atoned for by living perfectly under the Torah (Law) of the Ten Commandments. Understandably, everyone fell short of living perfectly under the Torah. So Yah sent His Word, YahushaHaMashiach, to walk the earth, to die an incredible death on the cross, for us, and to rise again into New Life victoriously. Yahusha HaMashiach paid the penalty we could not pay, and He offers the forgiveness that only Yah could render through Him. Yah desires to take up residence within us through His Rauch. Through Ruach HaQodesh we are able to walk in wisdom, comfort, and guidance, until Adonai Yahusha returns from Heaven, or we go to be with Him when He takes us home to Yah.

Would you like to receive Yahusha HaMashiach as your Adonai and Savior? Or if you once in the past received Him, but have slid back, then I advise you to first go through the writings in the subsection “instructions” within the section “Netseriym” to come on track or back on track.

If this is absolutely too much for you, at least pray the prayer below…

“Dear Yah, I know that I am a sinner. There is nothing I can do to save myself. I confess that I am helpless because of my sin and that I cannot earn my way into Heaven. I need Yahusha to be my Saviour. I believe that You sent Your Word as Yahusha HaMashiach into the world, and I confess that He is Adonai. Yahusha HaMashiach alone bore my sin and died on the cross. He paid the penalty that I could not pay. Yah, I believe that Yahusha was raised from the dead and that His life is a guarantee of my own, future resurrection. I put my faith and trust in You. Yahusha, please forgive me of my sin and come inside my heart. Live in me forever by your Ruach HaQodesh. Yahuah, You are my Father and I take You at Your Word that I am forgiven. I rest in Your Eternal Life. Thank You for hearing my prayer and saving me from my sin. In Yahusha’s Name, Amein.”

Are you in need of Yah’s comfort?

There is something curiously special, and yet unexpected, about Tehilliym. We typically skim over the Cepheriym (Books) of Tehilliym (Psalms), Mishlei (Proverbs), and Sirach (Ecclesiastes), also known as the Cepheriym Chokmah (Books of Wisdom).

These Cepheriym are sometimes recognised as collections of poetry. The Cepher Tehilliym is not a book of songs, actually, it represents words of prayer that were sung to and from Yah.

Yah takes great delight in you. Do you want to experience His great love? Are you ready to hear His words of comfort sung over you like a waterfall, to bring healing, restoration, and hope?

Because Yah delights in us, we find comfort and mercy in the One True Creator.

Yah refreshes our hearts, restores our souls, hears every prayer, wipes every tear, and always gives new strength for today and hope for tomorrow.

As we look through Tehilliym, try not to miss the honest and raw prayers contained in the Cepher. Throughout Tehilliym, Yah teaches and reminds us of a unique way of engaging with Him. As we see the Sacred Scriptures in their entirety, we also see a two-way line of communication in the Tehilliym: 1.) We hear from Yah and His Word to know Him personally. 2.) We respond to Yah through His Word while we worship Him humanly.

In essence, we learn how to be comforted by Him. We also learn to seek His wisdom and to worship Him through the Tehilliym. In this earthly life, especially in times of uncertainty, it is essential to know Yah in the reality of our pain and in the anticipation of our hope. The Cepher Tehilliym is a poetic book of the Sacred Scriptures.

Along with the Cepher Tehilliym, there are also the Cepheriym of Iyov (Job), Mishlei (Proverbs), Sirach (Ecclesiastes), and Shiyr HaShiriym (Song Of Songs, or Songs of Solomon). Collectively, these five books contain the poetry of the nation of Yashar’el, also referred to as Israel. They provide us with important stories, poetry, and wisdom. The Tehilliym are the first written words of music, and they are known as “the congregation‘s first hymnal.”

Tehilliym is a Cepher of worship capturing the writers’ response to Yah from a variety of perspectives and through a wide range of emotions. In the Tehilliym, we find exuberant praise and overflowing gratitude. Conversely, we also find laments and cries out to Yah that are filled with fears, heartaches, and disappointments. In their uncertain times of desperation, we hear the writers cry out for Yah’s help and comfort while professing the certainty of His salvation and promises.

The melody of human need and the harmony of real-life emotions and experiences resound through the Tehilliym. In essence, the Tehilliym identify with our humanity. The Tehilliym invite us to go deeper in our relationship with Yah, by exploring the loving nature and power of Who Yah is. The more we read, study, meditate, and even sing the Tehilliym, the more we worship Yah with authenticity and ardour.

As Yah increases our desire to know Him, His Word inspires us to grow deeper and become more rooted in Him. Growing deeper with Yah, then instils comfort in our hearts and provides us with a renewed strength and wisdom to hold fast to Him during challenging times.

May those who have lost their sense of comfort, or those who need to be strengthened, find encouragement within these devotions and the undeniable peace Yah gives through His Word and Ruach HaQodesh.

“Yet Yahuah will command his loving-kindness in the daytime, and in the night his song shall be with me, and my prayer unto the El of my life.” - Tehilliym 42:8 את CEPHER.

“By day the LORD directs his love, at night his song is with me - a prayer to the God of my life.” – Psalm 42:8 NIV.


This devotional guide, entitled COMFORT-19, contains seven devotions, along with nineteen highlighted verses from the Tehilliym. Each verse focuses on the discovery, wonder, and benefit of Yah’s comfort.

A few years ago, Branon Dempsey, the original author of the reading plan on which this series of blogs is based, produced devotions for worshippers and worship leaders: “The Heart of a Worshipper,” “The Prayer of a Worshipper,” “The Life of a Worship Leader” and many more, in both English and Spanish. The writings revolve around the Tehilliym. I truly believe that the Tehilliym speak to the soul because they are filled with human emotion.

As Branon Dempsey teaches workshops, he resorts to the Tehilliym continually. Similar to how the Renewed Covenant Besorah according Yahuchanon (Gospel of John) speaks to his heart, the Tehilliym of the Ancient Covenant speaks to his soul. The more he worship through the Tehilliym, the more he finds himself studying their meaning and cross-referencing every portion of the Sacred Scriptures. The Tehilliym expand his heart for worship and deepen his understanding and walk with Yah. That's why he writes and often speaks from the Tehilliym.

As you read through the selected Tehilliym, pay attention to their meaning. Dig deep in order to extrapolate the intent and purpose of these writings.

May you become inspired and moved to offer Yah authentic prayers of worship in Spirit and Truth!

Each of these devotions is paired with several verses of the Tehilliym. I offer a brief explanation of the Scriptures: this is meant to help centre your thoughts on the words and then guide you in relation to your modern-day encounters of life. Allow the Qadosh Ruach to guide you and inspire your prayer, worship, and meditation. Keep your heart and your mind fixed on the Echad (One) and Eternal Elohiym (God).

At the end of each devotional, I offer you a reflection in two parts:

1.) What did you hear from Yah personally?


2.) How can you respond to Yah humanly?

You might find it helpful to read these prayers and use them as a springboard for your own communication with Yahuah.

Open your heart to Yah's Word as He speaks and moves you into a deeper walk and fellowship with Himself.

Let us begin now in prayer.

“Yahuah, open our eyes to see Your wonder. Speak to our souls as Your Word leaps off the pages into our hearts. Comfort our very being and deepen our worship with You. May we respond to You, by Your very Word, and give You authentic praise and transparent prayers. In Yahusha’s Name, Amein.”

"Yet Yahuah will command his loving-kindness in the daytime, and in the night his song shall be with me, and my prayer unto the El of my life." (Tehilliym 42:8 את CEPHER)

"Each day, the Lord shows me that he loves me with his special love. Each night he gives me a song to sing, as I pray to the God who lives." (Psalms 42:8 EASY)


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