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Five witnesses about the length of the end years.

A summary of the first four witnesses, with links to blogs concerning them, and description of the fifth witness, with the new conclusions based on it.

The 1st witness: Scripture. 

It supplies all the numbers to calculate that the Scriptural year, that overlaps the Gregorian years 2017 and 2018, was the 120th jubilee year counted from creation, which makes it the 6000th year.There is no other explanation, for the world being similar to before that year, than that the 120 Jubilee years, which have been given to mankind, are to be counted from the fall into sin by A'dam and Chuah, which was seven years after the creation events, according to the cepher Yovheliym.

The 2nd witness: The Jerusalem predictions by Judah Ben Samuel. 

They confirm the jubilee cycle.

If you want to know more about these two witnesses, then read my blog

The 3rd witness: The Yom Qodesh calendar confirms the jubilee cycle, and - on top of that - my 2019 edition ends on March 28th 2025, the end date in my calculations.

If you want to know more about this third witness, then read my blog

The first three witnesses are conjoined and amplified in this blog:


4th witness: Dr Stephen Pidgeon's blog, titled "Year 6000 explained", confirms the calculation results and the jubilee cycle.

If you want to know more about this fourth witness, then read my blog

Note that the promised shortening of the days of tribulation for the elect's sake has been granted by it starting in spring 2020 and not in spring 2018.

The fifth witness:

During the week ending with the Shabbat of 16 December 2023, I started making this summary of the blogs I published on this topic, and had the thought "Wouldn't it be nice to find a 5th witness?"On the 16th we read the following during our Scripture studies:

“And after the completion of the seven years, which he had completed there, seven years exactly, and in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, the serpent came and approached the woman, and the serpent said to the woman, Has Elohiym commanded you, saying, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?”  YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 3:18 את CEPHER

I already stated that it seems that the 120 jubilee years, which is 6000 years, are counted from this moment, and not from the start of creation. It was in the 8th year, in the 2nd month, on the 17th day, that A'dam and Chuah sinned. If Yahuah is going to be very precise, and we know He is, this will add 1 month and 17 days to my former calculations and predictions!

This reveals now two possibilities for the thought, with which I woke up one morning in early 2018, to become a reality.

The thought was:"The (qodesh) believers are members of the body of Mashiach, Who is the head of the body. He, the head, was glorified on the day of His resurrection (from death). He was resurrected on the 18th of Nissan (the day of Bikkur in that year), and so will His body.”

This is the image I made

for a Facebook post in 2018.

In 2024 this day of Bikkur will be on Sunday March 24th, the day after Pecach of that year. The 18th of Nissan will be on Wednesday March 27th 2024.

In 2025 this day of Bikkur will be on Sunday April 13th, again the day after Pecach of that year. The 18th of Nissan will be on Wednesday April 16th 2025.

The 17th day of the 2nd month on the Scriptural calendar, which will be the end of the 120 jubilee years, will be on May 14th, 2025.

I believe that Yahusha will come for His people on one of the first 4 dates and that He will establish His millennial reign from the last date.


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