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Four recent Messages.

Very recently some interesting Messages were given by King Yahusha to His servant Christiena Boshoff, who originates from South Africa, to publish on the mentioned dates and with the mentioned titles.

I Want everyone of you – April 10, 2021

I Want everyone of you to Know that I Love and I Care for you. I Want you to Hear it From Me for yourself, and Not only from reading it Nor hearing it from other people. I have No Favoritism and I Do Not Discriminate. I Died for everyone of you, out of Love. I Paid The Ransom with My Blood On The Cross.

I Want everyone of you to be Reconciled and in Peace With Me, The Prince of Peace. I Am your Only Hope for Eternal Life in The End. I Am The Only Savior, The Messiah of the world. I Find No Pleasure in the death of a sinner. This is why I still Call sinners to Repentance out of Love and because I Care. It is Not My Will that anyone Perish but that all Repent to have the Hope of Eternal Life in The End and The End will tell.

I still Speak. I Did Not Change. I Want everyone of you to Hear My Voice for yourself. This is why everyone of you must have your own Personal Love Relationship With Me, your Abba Father. It is Not about dead religious practices but Relationship With Me. It is all between Me and you and it is your own responsibility to work on it. If you want to Experience Me for Real, for Who I Am and for What I Am Able to do. Everyone of you can Know Me, The One you Believe In and Worship for Real. I Want to Reveal Myself to you, as I Want and When I Want. I Am Not Limited Nor Restricted. I Do the Impossible, the Supernatural, the Extraordinary and the Unprecedented, My Way because I Am Able.

I Want everyone of you to Walk With Me, every day in Oneness, One in Spirit and in Truth to Accomplish My Will, according to My Plan and Purpose, so that everyone of you can be in My Perfect Will. My Will be Done on Earth as it is in Heaven. I Am in Control. I Know The End From the Beginning. Trust Me and do Not Doubt Me.

I Must be Real and Alive to you. This is what I Want and Desire for everyone of you, no one is excluded. If you Diligently Seek Me, you will Find Me. You will Not be Disappointed but be Rewarded by Me. I Am always Faithful and Trustworthy. My Promises Do Not Fail Nor Disappoint. You are Loved, Love Me with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself. Show Me that I Am your First Love.

I Want everyone of you to be My Obedient children of Light. Let My Light Shine in and through you. Be different and separate and stand out as My children of Light, in a world that is in darkness. Be a Beacon of Hope to those who are still in darkness. Be a Light Bearer and a Truth Warrior out of Love and because you Care and all for My Glory.

Reconciliation Requires Repentance – April 08, 2021

Everyone must be Reconciled and in Peace With Me, The Prince of Peace, The Only Savior, The Messiah of the world, to have the Hope of Eternal Life in The End. There will be No Mercy without true remorseful Repentance. Everyone must Repent and turn from all your wicked ways, to be in Peace With Me.

I Am The Only Way, The Truth and The Life and Besides Me there is No other and will Never be. Do Not let anyone lure you away From Me with satan's lies and empty promises. There is a way that seems right to many but its end only leads to Eternal Damnation.

I Am Holy and I Do Not Change. You must all be willing to Change, be Transformed Into My Likeness, to be Pleasing to Me. You must be Holy because without Holiness no one will See Me. The unrighteous will Not Inherit My Everlasting Kingdom. Do Not be Deceived. The wages of sin is death. The soul that sins will die.

I Find No Pleasure in the death of a sinner. My Loving Kindness Leads to Repentance. I Call sinners to Repentance, out of Love and because I Care. It is Not My Will that anyone Perish but that all Repent to have the Hope of Eternal Life in The End.

You all have a free will and choose for yourselves, Life or death. Reconciliation Requires Repentance. Do Not let anyone Deceive you. Repent, be Reconciled and in Peace With Me. I Am your only Hope for Eternal Life. I Am The One Who Will Allow you Entrance Into Heaven Or Refuse you. I Write names in The Book of Life and I Am also The One who is Able to Remove names also. Be in Awe and Reverence of Me, For Who I Am and for What I Am Able to Do. I Am Love but I Am Also A Consuming Fire to My Adversaries. Seek to be always in Peace With Me, The One Whom it is all About. I Am Full of Loving Kindness, Merciful and Gracious. Those who continue to Despise and Reject Me, will Not have the Hope of Eternal Life in The End and The End will tell.

The Clock is Ticking – April 09, 2021

The Clock is Ticking so is Mercy Time running out. Do Not Wait. Now is Mercy Time, tomorrow is Not Promised. Many are dying every day, some suddenly and unexpectedly. The Clock is Ticking and No one knows how much time they have until their countdown comes to an end. This is why you must seek to be always Ready, Pleasing to Me. Be always in Peace With Me, The One Whom it is all About. I Am The One Who is in Control of Time also. This is how I Know that The Countdowns are on and that The Clock is Ticking. Do Not Play with Mercy Time, then you will be Disappointed but only have yourself to blame. Take Heed when I Warn and Call sinners to Repentance for Mercy Time will also Come to an end, for some even when they least expect it.

satan also knows that his time is running out. he has destroyed many already and is seeking for more. he is a murderer from the beginning. he is the father of all lies. he has deceived and lured many away From Me with all his lies, many schemes and empty promises. his way only leads to Eternal Damnation.

Wake Up sleepers for the days are evil. The Clock is Ticking and Mercy Time is running out. There will be No Mercy without true remorseful Repentance. Repent and Turn from all your wicked ways before it might be too late. I Love and I Care for you. This is why I Call sinners to Repentance. Make use of Mercy Time because The End will tell. The Choice is your own and all Choices have consequences. You have a free will. I Force no one.

I Do Not Delay My Coming like some believe. I Will Come at The Appointed Time with Power and Great Glory. Be always Ready because The Countdowns are on, The Hour is Late and The Clock is Ticking. My Beloved children Pray for Mercy for souls to be spared and saved in this time.

Worthy – April 11, 2021

I Am Worthy to be Honored, Praised, Worshiped and Glorified. I Am The One Whom it is all About. I Am your Only Hope for Eternal Life in The End. I Am The Worthy One. Be always in Awe and Reverence of Me, for Who I Am and for What I Am Able to Do. I Am The Almighty, The One Who Is, Who Was and Who is to Come at The Appointed Time, with Great Power and Great Glory. Praise Me, I Am Worthy. I Am The Only One Who Knows The End from The Beginning. I Am in Control. I Work all Things out for Good for those who Love Me who are Called according to My Plan and Purpose.

Be Worthy of your Calling. Those who love anyone or anything more than Me, is Not Worthy of Me and My Everlasting Kingdom. Do Not be deceived. Not everyone who Says to Me, Lord, Lord will Inherit My Everlasting Kingdom. You must be Worthy. Submit yourself totally to Me and My Authority. Be willing to deny yourself, pick up your cross every day and Follow Me, My Way, until the very End. I Must Find you Worthy on That Day because the unworthy will Not Inherit My Everlasting Kingdom. Be Counted Worthy by Me and no one else. Seek for My Approval of you only. I Am The Only Righteous Judge, I always Judge Fairly and Justly because I Know every heart, all motives and thoughts. I Am your only Hope for Eternal Life in The End and The End will tell. Be Worthy.

Do Not be deceived and do Not let anyone deceive you with their lies and empty promises. The “Rapture” will only be for the Worthy. Many are Not Worthy and will go through the hour of testing that will come upon the whole world. I must Find you Worthy on That Day Or you will be left behind and be very disappointed but only have yourself to blame. Be always Worthy, so that I will Find you Worthy on That Day because it will Happen at The Appointed Time. I Love and I Care for you. Be always Ready and Worthy, Pleasing to Me because That Day will tell.


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