At sun-down the New Year according to the Yom Qodesh calender starts.
Everything about this calendar, which is the Truly and Fully Scriptural calendar, you can find in the blog about it:

The New Year is the 6005th year since the creation of earth, sun, moon and stars, and all that is in this creation. Most special in this creation is mankind, which was created in the image of its Creator. The Creator is Spirit, Ruach in Hebrew, which means He is invisible. But He created by speaking everything into existence, and it is this Word that became a human Himself, in the man Yahusha, Who is also known as Yeshua, Jesus, and many more names, depending on language and background of the user of the name.
The Scriptural year starts in spring and overlaps 2 Gregorian years. 2017/18 was year 6000, the 120th Jubilee year since creation.

After A'dam and Chuah, who are better known as Adam and Eve, fell into sin, the Creator gave them and their offspring a total of 120 years. A'dam died at the age of 930, so within the 1st day of a 1000 years. The 120 years meant 120 Jubilee years.
A Jubilee year is a 50th year. 120 x 50 = 6000.
So, why have 6004 years past now?
According to the Book of Jubilees A'dam and Chuah sinned in the 7th year.
The 6000 years have to be counted from that moment!
Which means the end is very near!
This brings consequences and expectations.
And, in the year ahead, 365 days of chances to do things right, or get things right.

My wish to the readers of this blog, and to anyone else, is that you may experience the Peace of Yahusha, which is above any kind of peace the world can give, the Love of Yahuah Elohiym, our Heavenly Father, and the Laughter of the Joy of Life, may be with you wherever you go and whatever you do.

Quite special of this New Year celebration is that it is on Yom Shabbat, the 7th day of the week.
So, we begin this year with the new life in creation, and with the rest and peace of Yahuah Elohiym, our Creator.
And with David, we delight in Yahuah's commandments, which we love!

Isn't it wonderful to start a new year from the rest we were created to experience in and with our Creator?
Be blessed everyone!
And have a Happy New Year!

SHABBATH SHALOM / Happy New year 🎉🎆