On the 24th of January in 2020, actually between sundown on the 23rd and sundown of the 24th, which was Rosh Chodesh Shenayim (the 1st day of the 12th month) on the Yom Qodesh calendar, I renewed the Contract I had made with YAHUAH Elohai on the 14th of June in 1993, Who I then still used to call the LORD God.
That "Contract for the remainder of my life" I had written in a small notebook, leaving the page empty to indicate that it was completely up to Him to determine the details of the contract, and only dating it and under-signing it with my signature.
On another page I wrote the fine print of the contract:
"Now that I have well-considered abandoned every entitlement, I deliberately turn my back on everything. This way I surrender all that I am and have. It's not mine any longer but God's. He also has than the fullest right to do with it what He wants, and if He ever might ask of me to literally leave what I have abandoned, then I may not even become rebellious or protest.
God will put me to the test to see if I really mean what I say.
If I really have abandoned all, it will not be difficult when the trial comes.
But if I only in my words an not really in my heart abandoned everything, then this time of testing will be terrible and I will likely take back again that, from which I said, so to speak, that I abandoned it. Jesus is Lord over everything, or He is Lord over nothing.
There is nothing in between!
You can't serve two masters at the same time. You can't serve two Lords.
So, no longer: "Allow me first ...", but: "Seek FIRST HIS Kingdom."
Do I love Jesus more than everything else in my life?
Is He Lord of everything in my life?
Now I know that a contract, which is a covenant, is not to be taken lightly. And I admit that I, in time, had forgotten about it. But He hadn't!
I believe that this was the reason behind Him asking me and my family to sell our house to take up a task in a Theological High School where we had a quite difficult time, after which He lead us to our country of residence.
There we underwent another testing through a severe accident I had.
But that was not per accident!
A long difficult road to recovery also brought us nearer to YAHUAH then ever before!
But YAHUAH's path through life is a Narrow Road, which becomes often narrower in time. And there are less and less fellow-travellers with us on it.
But the end is in sight!
That is why I think it is appropriate for me to renew this "contract", this covenant, without any changes.
It is just like a married couple renewing their marriage vows, which is such a well-known event, and doesn't mean that they marry another spouse after divorcing the first, but that they re-affirm the existing marriage.
It is also like the ancient covenant of YAHUAH and His people Yashar'el (Israel), and the Renewed Covenant, the Brit Chadashah, which are more commonly known as the Old covenant and the New covenant.
In precisely similar way I renewed and re-affirmed on the 24th of January in 2020 the covenant with my Elohiym, Whose Name is YAHUAH, and Who is Elohiym Yeshuati, the "God" of my Salvation.
This Renewal and Re-affirmation I under-signed in "The Challenge", my dwelling place at Vermount, Menlough, Moneen, Ballinasloe, County Galway, Republic of Ireland.
I know Yahuah will again remember this renewal and re-affirmation, just as He didn't forget about the original one. Compare this for instance to Ya'aqov's (Jacob's) vow to Yahuah in Bere'shiyth (Genesis) 28:20-22 and Yahuah reminding him of it in Bere'shiyth 31:13.

Now quickly forward to August 2022. Notice and remember that the above was just a few months before the WHO declared a pandemic and our governments came with their demands, lockdowns, etc.
Very recently I was reading the book “A Beautiful Delusion”, subtitled as “(The Coming Antichrist)”, which was written by William Kinney – Maryville, Tennessee – and published in 2010.
I came across information about the 144,000 as mentioned in Chizayon (Revelation) 7 and 14. Especially the mentioning in chapter 14 is interesting, because the author of the book I was reading related it with the 144,000 genes. These genes have never been corrupted and have remained pure in their form.
Traditional translations and even the את CEPHER present these verses as
“2. And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder: and I heard the voice of harpists/kitharists playing with their harps/kithara:
3. And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four living creatures, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth. These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins.
4. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goes. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God/Elohiym and to the Lamb.”
William Kinney writes that he is a little at odds with the King James translation of the Greek at the point of these verses. Since the Greek word referred to here as “virgins ” means maidens or unmarried women.
Just as Kinney, I have always thought it a bit weird that the underlined sentence seems to indicate that all 144,000 with Mashiach (Christ) on Mount Tsiyon (Zion) are unmarried women who have not been defiled with women.
The word translated as virgins (G3933 – parthenos) means unmarried daughter and cannot refer to a “male virgin”, which is the only other translation that might apply; that is to say, these are virgin men who have not been defiled with women. However, that is not the case.
I think that Kinney is right in believing that the New Living Translation by Tyndale is the translation that relates accurately the idea being conveyed in its true context.
“No one could learn this song except the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth. They have kept themselves as pure as virgins, following the Lamb wherever he goes.” Revelation 14:3b-4a NLT
These verses actually come alive when you understand that the 144,000 being referred to is the immortal life genome that since the time of Chuah (Eve) has never been defiled or polluted. They have been preserved by Elohiym, in a pure state. There is scientific proof of this truth. (See chapter 9 of Kinney’s book.)
And the calculation of the number of the beast mentioned in Chizayon - which is 600 × 60 × 6 = 216,000 – indicates that there is a triple helix molecular structure of DNA, instead of the usual dubble helix resulting in 144,000 genes.
Based on the scientific facts Kinney presents, and the most accurately presented meaning of Chizayon 14:2-4, as conveyed in the NLT, I have decided to keep myself as pure as a virgin, and to follow the Lamb of Yahuah wherever He goes.
This means I keep following Yahusha HaMashiach and will not be inoculated for the so-called pandemic of COVID-19 and any further plagues.
I will not be made to fear a virus!
I will only fear my Elohiym, Whose name is YAHUAH TSEVA’OTH and Who sent His word into this world to take on a human body in His Son Yahusha, Who is HaMashiach and Cohen HaGadol and gave Himself up on behalf of me and all of us to offer His blood as an atoning offering to be able to redeem us from this world.
Nothing will ever deter me, as it once did, from following the Lamb of Yahuah wherever He goes!
N.B. William Kinney’s book can be downloaded via https://williamfkinney.com/a-beautiful-delusion
N.B.: Feel free to share this personal blog far and wide as long as no word is changed, to download and read Kinney's book which is free, and to respond to this blog here on the website or via email to the.watchman.news.agency@gmail.com
Thanks for taking the time to read this personal testimony.
Today I read the Torah portion for this week and read, amongst others, this verse of Scripture:
If a man vow a vow unto Yahuah, or swear an oath to bind his soul with a bond; he shall not break his word, he shall do according to all that proceeds out of his mouth. BEMIDBAR (NUMBERS) 30:2 את CEPHER
To me this confirms that Yahuah doesn't forget our making of a covenant with Him, as that is also making a vow to Him. 🤗