This “Message from the King” was published by His servant Christiena Boshoff on Wednesday June 17 of 2020 with the title "Mercy Time".
Now is Mercy time but it will Not last forever. There will come a Day when it will be over, no more Mercy time and for many it will even be today. Every day many are dying, some suddenly and unexpectedly. That is why you must make use of the time that you have. Time is of the essence. No one knows when it might be their time. That is why you must always be Ready, Pleasing to Me so that I will Find you Worthy to Enter into Heaven. Do Not harden your hearts and despise and reject My Mercy and Grace. Mercy time is running out. Be Reconciled and in Peace with Me before it is too late because you will bear the consequences. I Am The only Righteous Judge, I always Judge Fairly and Justly. I Know every heart, all motives and thoughts. Nothing is hidden from Me. I See and I Hear everything. You will all give account for your own deeds, good or evil and bear the consequences. Now is Mercy time, tomorrow is Not promised. Do Not wait. Take heed, Repent and turn from all your wrongful ways because there is a way that seems right to many but its end only leads to death. Seek Life Not death. I Find No Pleasure in the death of a sinner. That is why I Warn out of Love and because I Care and I Call sinners to Repentance. There will be No Mercy without true remorseful Repentance. Now is Mercy Time. It is Not My Will that anyone perish but that all Repent to have Eternal Life. I will Never reject anyone who Comes to Me Humbly, with a Repentant heart. Be wise and Not foolish. The wages of sin is death. The soul that sins will die. Repent and you will live and have the Hope of Eternal Life in the end.