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Lockdowns are an ‘invention of Xi Jinping’: Naomi Wolf

American author Naomi Wolf says lockdowns are an “invention of Xi Jinping” as they have never existed throughout history in a free society.

In an exclusive interview with Sky News host Chris Kenny, Ms Wolf said lockdowns “violate basic human rights".

“Every human right in law is being violated,” she said.

“Australia has a very central place in my heart, I fell in love with the country year ago, it’s a beautiful country full of amazing, diverse, incredible creative people”.

“It’s a democracy – or it was”.

“It’s been painful for me to watch the people of Australia being lied to over and over and tortured there psychologically.”

Ms Wolf said Australia’s democracy has been “put on hold” for “illegal reasons”. “Nowhere does it say in a sound and healthy society that you get to suspend civil liberties if there’s a disease around. That is not how it works in a democracy.”

This is truly something to take into consideration.



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