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Manifestation of My True Church.

This Message from the King Yahusha was published by His servant Christiena Boshoff, who originates from South Africa, on 23 December 2020 with the title Manifestation of My True Church.

"You are going to See and Experience the Manifestation of My True Church in the world like never seen Nor heard of before, when the Predicted Revival Happens. It is Not Orchestrated by any man Nor women and no one will get the Glory but My Glory will be Seen and Experienced like never before. I Am The King of Glory. What I have Foretold will Unfold and at My Appointed Time and all for My Glory.

I Am Preparing My True Church for this Glorious Time. It will be beyond human understanding. It will be the last and largest Revival ever and it is Coming and no one will be able to Hinder Or Stop Me. My Power and My Glory will be Seen Manifested in Unprecedented Ways in these Last Days. Many will be in Awe and Reverence of Me again for Who I Am and For what I Am Able to do. I Am Not Limited Nor Restricted Nor Predictable. I Do the Impossible, The Extraordinary and the Supernatural as I Want and When I Want because I Am Able and in Control.

You are either going to be part of it Or Not. The choice is your own. My True Church are Holy and Separated from the rest of the world. I do Not Live in man made buildings of stone and mortar. I Live in the hearts of My Beloved sons and daughters. You are My Dwelling Place. You are My Truth Warriors and Light Carriers and will Demonstrate My Kingdom Power and Glory during these Last Days and when the Predicted Revival Breaks out. I will Work Through you and you will do the Greater Works like never Seen or Heard of before. It will be the Manifestation of My True Church on earth as I Wanted it to be and the enemy will realize it also. Changes are coming according to My Plan and Purpose for this Predicted Revival in these Last Days. I Said again you are either going to be part of it Or Not and the choice is your own. Be Wise and Not foolish, for time will tell.

Submit yourself totally to Me and My Authority. Be One with Me in Spirit and in Truth if you want to be Used by Me according to My Plan and Purpose. I Am Preparing and Equipping everyone Myself for this time and to be Used during the Predicted Revival, The Manifestation of My True Church on earth as it must be. The Excellent Way is the Excellence of Love. You will Walk in LOVE and Demonstrate MY LOVE like never seen Or heard of before. I AM LOVE. It is Not My Will that anyone perish but that all repent to have the Hope of Eternal Life in the end. The Manifestation of My True Church is at hand. Be Prepared and be Ready. My Promises Never Fail. My Word will Not Return Empty to Me but will Accomplish all that I Want, as I Want and at My Appointed Time. Those who have ears to hear will hear and Understand."


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