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More than meets the eye, or is reported on by MSM.

On August 11th 2020, the YouTube channel called "Christian Truthers" published a video called "THIS Will Change Your Mind in 4 Minutes."

A close source of Justin was able to get him videos of some of the events that unfolded on the ground. Here, we're fortunate enough to have plenty of PROOF that this was not what most are saying.

But the information supplied in this video is not all that is known at this moment.

Other sources supply more on what happened.


One of these is "Israeli News Live".

While their YouTube channel is quite opposed and sometimes right-out boycotted by YouTube, their Patreon channel is still open to their posts.

Here is a link to it:

Become a Patron for just $5 per month to unlock the videos, and go to:

to watch their video on what happened.


If you don't want to become a Patron of Israeli News Live on Patreon, here are some source Steven Ben Nun supplied with his video:

1 - "Beirut Lebanon Explosion negative filming صاروخ وراء تفجير بيروت"

by Skander Tlili, which Premiered on 6 Aug 2020.

A comment by Skander Tlili, 5 days ago, on this video says "Since governments are hiding the truth behind this explosion, someone has to poorly edit it back on the original video 🥴"

And a comment on the video by Israeli News Live on Patreon by Heidi Sara Cumbow says: "As a graphic designer familiar with editing picures and videos. We took time to blow the video up and slow it down following the object frame by frame. You can literally follow the image coming in you can see it disappear seconds before the explosion. Definitely an edited video. So sorry people do this especially at a time like this when people are honestly trying to bring the truth out."

Of coarse this makes it difficult who to believe for the truth.

Which means we need additional supporting information.


2 - So, Steven's next source is an article on the website from AUGUST 5, 2020.


Israeli fingerprints all over Beirut explosion


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned of Hezbollah missile sites in downtown Beirut in a warehouse that happens to be near or the exact location of Tuesday’s devastating explosion, according to resurfaced footage of a 2018 UN speech.

Netanyahu stressed that Hezbollah was using the locals as “human shields” given the sites’ locations in the densely populated city.

This is a video published by "Trending News Today" on YouTube on 5 Aug 2020.

The description box of their video says, among more: "As reported earlier by Cristina Laila, The National News Agency reported that the explosion was at a warehouse for firecrackers near the port. But now there are conflicting reports including a report at Al-Hadeth that claims the massive explosion was a Hezbollah warehouse in Beirut for missiles from Iran. Back in September 2018 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned global leaders at the United Nations that Hezbollah was producing guided missiles at the sever location where the explosion occurred on Tuesday."

“Here’s a picture worth a thousand missiles,” said Netanyahu. “Here’s the first missile site, it’s in the Uzai neighborhood on the water’s edge.” “Hezbollah is deliberately using the innocent people of Beirut as human shields.” Just yesterday, President Trump said the incident looked like an attack, based on counsel he had with his generals.

A Tweet by Breaking911 @Breaking911 - 11:37 PM · Aug 4, 2020 REPORTER: Are you confident the #Beirut explosion was an attack?

PRESIDENT TRUMP: "...I've met with some of our great generals & they seem to feel that it was." --- "They would know better than I would. They seem to think ... it was a bomb of some kind, yes."

“…I’ve met with some of our great generals & they seem to feel that it was,” said Trump. “They would know better than I would.

“They seem to think … it was a bomb of some kind, yes.”


3 - Next source supplied by Steven is a video by Off Grid Desert Farming with Paul & Adrienne on YouTube published on 6 Aug 2020 with the title "IT WAS A BOMB CAUGHT ON CAMERA BLOWING UP PORT IN LEBANON".



4 - Then he came with this source: A video by the YouTube channel "aplanetruth5" published on 5 Aug 2020, titled "TR3B's Caught Bombing Beruit".

The channel didn't provide any extra information in the description box of the video.


5 - Lastly, Steven supplied an article on as an source of extra information.

From this website: WarZone > Israel hits Beirut with nuclear missile, Trump and Lebanese Govt. confirm (New infrared images from 2 cameras)

Trump confirms this was a bombing, not an accident and is immediately scourged by pro-Israel press...starting with the Daily Beast.

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor - August 10, 2020.

#Breaking #Syria President Assad orders all borders and ports in the country open to #Lebanon, orders caravans of ambulances to head to #Beirut and ferry injured to hospitals in #Damascus, and launches an air bridge of medical and food supplies between the two cities.

Absurdity squared: YouTube and Facebook “Fact Checkers,” employed by the people VT claims staged the attack are wiping the evidence from the internet…who would have guessed it.

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor with

  • Nahed al Husaini, VT Bureau Chief Damascus

  • Jeff Smith, VT Editor, IAEA Nuclear Inspector/Particle Physicist

This is the original video frame, never posted anywhere, that proves everything on Facebook and YouTube which was taken down is real.

This is the grandfather of them all, one carefully validated as untouched and genuine.

Infrared images of the missile itself prior to impact:

Set I

Set II Different camera, different angle

Frame 1 Beirut

Frame 2 Beirut

Frame 3 Beirut

This is the same missile seen from a slightly different angle on impact.

Israeli Delilah missile carrying 6 kiloton (6000 tons of TNT equivalent) nuclear missile (unretouched photo via VT Damascus) Tineye says this is a unique image and doesn’t appear anywhere on the web.  We, however, are always suspicious when something seems ‘too good to be true.’

This is an infrared video which shows, at 6 seconds, the missile coming in and hitting…

This infrared video makes much more sense than ammonium nitrate on its own. Yes NH4NO3 is an oxidising agent and explosive under the right conditions, it is also very stable. Judge for yourself. Doctored video? Different location? Or #Beirut attacked?

— Darren of Plymouth 🇬🇧 (@DarrenPlymouth) August 6, 2020

This is the video that was removed from Youtube for “violating content”.

Pixel analysis says this is a good photo. Thus, debunking it will become a huge issue. An army of trolls is already on Twitter and Facebook.

” First explosion was caused by Gabriel anti ship missile of Israel. The second explosion was caused by Israeli Delilah missile from F16. Our country is in complete jeopardy with this lazy and corrupt regime.” 

This is the radiation signature of the explosion received from a source in Italy, submitted to VT by the International Atomic Energy Agency (UN)

Evidence of a nuclear fission event in the Eastern Mediterranean

Trump confirms attack (nuclear not mentioned) and has suddenly become an “Enemy of Israel” (In 2015, Trump was referred to VT as a source of intelligence briefings. Eventually his staff turned to InfoWars and Steve Bannon.  You can see how that has worked out.)

A Tweet by StanceGrounded @_SJPeace_ on 4 Aug 2020: The media in the west claiming that this massive nuclear like explosion is from "fireworks"


My heart is so heavy Prayers for Beirut, Lebanon

There's a video from "CGTN america" linked to this Tweet.

VT: A general in the Lebanese Army reports that Israel dropped a tactical nuclear weapon on the port of Beirut today.  He reports that this was done to collapse the current political regime there and revolt against Hezbollah.

Their denial, almost identical to Israel’s supports this hypothesis.

As the lies begin, nothing about this explosion, the mushroom cloud or the strength of the explosion is fireworks, which was the first lie, then ammonium nitrate fertilizer, they say under 3k tons, which was stored for years to use on Lebanon’s golf courses, when they decide to build them.  No, nothing about today is funny.

We also add that earlier today, Netanyahu’s statement which we believe is Israel taking credit for the attack.  Beirut is still bomb damaged by Israel from 2006.  How you take Netanyahu’s statements as outlined in Times of Israel today, is a matter of faith, trust or conjecture.

A Tweet by Reem Al-Harmi ريم الحرمي chez moi @Reem_AlHarmi on 4 Aug 2020 نتنياهو قال اليوم بأن اسرائيل ستفعل”ما هو ضروري"لحماية نفسها،تهديد لحزب الله- ما يفسر التفجيرات في #بيروت Netanyahu said “will do what is necessary in order to defend ourselves”. An obvious warning to Hezbollah, and this explains the explosions in order to defend ...

A Tweet by Selami Haktan (Eng) @slmhktn_eng on 4 Aug 2020. The destruction in Beirut is far larger than you can ever imagine. The city seems like it has been hit by a small scale nuclear weapon. #beirutexplosion #lebanon There's a video from "#كلن_يعني_كلن" linked to this Tweet.

The weapon was 6 kilotons.  That report now:

“Getting reports from Beirut, a tactical miniature nuclear bomb has been used to attack the port, nuclear experts and researchers have randomly pointed out to the reacted particles in the fire ball.

A Tweet by Daily Mail Online @MailOnline on 4 Aug 2020. #Beirut blast horror: Mystery explosion 'like a nuclear bomb' tears through city with boom heard as far away as Cyprus There's a video linked to this Tweet.

Threaded to this Tweet is this Tweet from 4 Aug 2020.

Beirut's main airport – six miles away from the port – was 'damaged by the explosion' Link to this Tweet:

Even if there is going to be a government cover up for peace and political implications in the coming hours, one thing is clear, it is a clandestine operation by some anti-Lebanon foreign agency not by some random terrorist (non-state actor).

Terrorists involved in Urban Warfare in ME do not have access to these highly advance tactical weapons. If they have it now, then someone is equipping them for political gains. Let us wait for the official statements from Lebanon. I hope our friends from Beirut are safe.

As per my latest source of information from Beirut. There is going to be a government cover up. The story about “Nitrate in the containers” is going to be declared as the original cause of the second massive explosion that caused the major damage. This will become the official narrative in the msm.

A Tweet by Barbara Davis @Natusb2 on 5 Aug 2020 was a link to an article. The New York Times.

I Was Bloodied and Dazed. Beirut Strangers Treated Me Like a Friend.

In a land conditioned by calamity, people knew what to do, including helping wounded people they didn’t know.

Published Aug. 4, 2020, Updated Aug. 6, 2020

The injured being evacuated after a massive explosion in Beirut, Lebanon on Tuesday.Credit...Hassan Ammar/Associated Press

BEIRUT — I was just about to look at a video a friend had sent me on Tuesday afternoon — “the port seems to be burning,” she said — when my whole building shook, as if startled, by the deepest boom I’d ever heard. Uneasily, naïvely, I ran to the window, then back to my desk to check for news.

Then came a much bigger boom, and the sound itself seemed to splinter. There was shattered glass flying everywhere. Not thinking but moving, I ducked under my desk.

When the world stopped cracking open, I couldn’t see at first because of the blood running down my face. After blinking the blood from my eyes, I tried to take in the sight of my apartment turned into a demolition site. My yellow front door had been hurled on top of my dining table. I couldn’t find my passport, or even any sturdy shoes.

Later, someone would tell me that Beirutis of her generation, who had been raised during Lebanon’s 15-year civil war, instinctively ran into their hallways as soon as they heard the first blast, to escape the glass they knew would break.

I was not so well-trained, but the Lebanese who would help me in the hours to come had the heartbreaking steadiness that comes from having lived through countless previous disasters. Nearly all of them were strangers, yet they treated me like a friend.

When I got downstairs, dodging the enormous broken window that rested jaggedly in my stairwell, my neighborhood, with its graceful old-Beirut architecture and arched windows, looked like a picture from the wars I had seen from afar — a mouth missing all its teeth.

Someone passing on a motorbike saw my bloody face and told me to hop on. When we couldn’t get any closer to the hospital, our way blocked by hillocks of broken glass and stranded cars, I got off and started walking.

Everyone on the street seemed to be either bleeding from open gashes or swathed in makeshift bandages — all except one woman in a chic, backless top leading a small dog on a leash. Only an hour before, we had all been walking dogs or checking email or shopping for groceries. Only an hour before, there had been no blood.

As I neared the hospital, elderly patients sat dazed in wheelchairs in the streets, still hooked to their IV bags. A woman lay on the ground in front of the exploded emergency room, her whole body dripping red, not moving much. It was clear that they weren’t taking new patients, certainly not any as comparatively lucky as I was.

Someone named Youssef saw me, sat me down and started cleaning and bandaging my face. Once he was satisfied I could walk, he left and I started wandering, trying to think of another hospital I could try.

I ran into a friend of a friend, someone I had met only a few times before, and he bandaged the rest of my wounds, disinfecting the lacerations with splashes of Lebanon’s national liquor, an anise-flavored drink called arak.

His roommate swept up their terrace as I bloodied their towels. “I can’t think unless it’s clean,” he explained.

Until then, I hadn’t had more than the vaguest guesses about what might have happened. Someone was reporting that fireworks had exploded at the port. Much later, Lebanese officials acknowledged that a large cache of explosive material seized by the government years ago was stored where the explosions occurred.

Survivors walked by, moving faster than the jammed-up traffic. To anyone who appeared unhurt, people called out, “alhamdulillah al-salama,” or, roughly translated, thank God for your safety.

Before the end of the night, after my co-workers had found me, after a passing driver named Ralph had offered to take us to one of the few hospitals still accepting patients, after a doctor had put 11 staples in my forehead and another sprinkling on my leg and arms, people would be saying the same thing to me: Thank God for your safety.

“Thank you,” I said in reply, “truly thank you,” and I didn’t mean just for the good wishes.

However, what influential and credible sources from Beirut are telling me is this: “The Beirut explosion is about 100 times the energy than the 2015 Tianjin explosion, or 5.4 kilotons of TNT equivalent (using linear extrapolation from Tianjin, which involved 800 tonnes of ammonium nitrate).

Conventional nukes against Japan had 15 to 21 kilotons. But this explosion is different, it is because of modern tactical nuke that contains up to 10 kilotons of the hybrid material including uranium. It is this reason why we still have acid and radiation in the air. The storage facilities near the grain elevator are NOT marked for hazardous material storage, but are instead marked for general cargo. Therefore, you can guess it, what we will be fed in the coming hours.” – Ghayet Ali

” First explosion was caused by Gabriel anti ship missile of Israel. The second explosion was caused by Israeli Delilah missile from F16. Our country is in complete jeopardy with this lazy and corrupt regime.”

Hezbollah, we are told, is expected to retaliate against Israel and they say there is no way for Syria not to be brought in.

Jeff Smith of the IAEA confirms this is a nuclear explosion. The lies about fireworks in ships and fertilizer are what we always get. You don’t store either one downtown in a major city like Beirut under any circumstances. Not much farming in Beirut and they don’t celebrate the 4th of July there.

The smoke could well be missile fuel which may mean a missile storage facility was hit by Israel. We have confirmation from Israel that they were planning to attack Beirut 5 days ago in retaliation for Hezbollah’s military attacks on Golan, which were not reported anywhere.

We are told Lebanon asked for nuclear investigators from Russia but there is no attempt to protect the site which, even if this were a modern clean weapon, still be radioactive.

New video shows nature of the blast a bit better. We will keep updating.

Beirut Governor Calls Explosion a ‘National Disaster Akin to Hiroshima’

“A fire brigade of 10 people arrived at the scene. What happened is very similar to what happened in the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They drove to the scene and disappeared. This is a national disaster for Lebanon. We do not know how we are going to deal with this”, Beirut Governor Marwan Abboud said. (Sputnik/Moscow)

A Tweet by Noni Brown @chinonsoenemuo4 on Aug 4: "Please remember #Beirut, Lebanon in your prayers and thoughts. Many are dead and lots are injured"

“Israel has nothing to do with the massive explosion that rocked Beirut on 4 August, the country’s parliamentary TV channel has announced. A similar statement was made by an anonymous Israeli official in an interview with Reuters, while the country’s Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi alleged that the blast was likely an accident caused by a fire.” (Sputnik/Moscow)

Earlier/VT: Two explosions in Beirut, one a conventional guided bomb followed by a small nuclear weapon. The target is now confirmed to be a Hezbollah missile storage facility.

A Tweet by SkyNews @SkyNews on Aug 4 2020: One hospital in Beirut has said it is treating more than 500 injures and is unable to receive any more patients. Tens of the people injured will need surgery and the hospital is appealing for blood donations.

Follow the latest here:

There's a video linked to this Tweet.

The red smoke makes me suspicious. UDMH and RFNA (Unsymmetrical Di-Methyl Hydra-zine & Red Fuming Nitric Acid) burn with very distinct dark red smoke. And guess what, that stuff is commonly used as propellant for ballistic missiles ....

A Tweet by SkyNews @SkyNews on Aug 4 2020: A large explosion has been heard in the Lebanese capital Beirut. Security sources said a number of people were injured during the widespread destruction across the city, with residents reporting windows being blown out and ceilings collapsing

There's a video linked to this Tweet.

This smells like a cover story, I very much doubt there were any fireworks involved, the small explosions seen in the videos were more likely to have been munitions cooking off due to fires started by the first explosion.

RT has just covered the explosions and quotes a Lebanese govt. minister:

Health Minister Hamad Hassan told local media that a ship carrying fireworks exploded in the port. Video footage lends weight to his explanation, as it shows a small explosion followed by the crackling of fireworks, before a second and massively destructive blast.

Local residents have shared images showing extensive damage to property. The office of the Daily Star newspaper was smashed by the blast, with windows blown out and furniture flung to the ground. France24 correspondent Leila Molana-Allen said that her apartment was “blown apart,” adding that she thinks the blast was caused by a “missile from a jet.”

It looks very much like the Lebanese have invented the ship full of fireworks story to cover the truth. Molana-Allen is almost certainly correct – that it was some kind of missile or guided bomb dropped by a jet fighter-bomber.

Or are they going with the one we have heard so many times before when tactical nukes have been used – that it was a store of explosives that went up:Of course they would deny it was an attack, no-one ever admits a nuke went off, it’s terribly bad for public opinion.

Sodium nitrate, basically a big fertiliser bomb, nope, not buying that at all, this is the cover story they appear to be going with.

A Tweet by SECRETARY ACE™ @SecretaryAce on Aug 4 2020: Please pray for #Beirut, Lebanon. Reports are that it felt like a nuclear explosion.

This local lady describes a feeling of melting, that sounds like radiation hitting her – being hit by radiation feels like heat, it burns you.

A Tweet by Women_Advocate @hauwa_farouk on Aug 4 2020. Awareness

People in Beirut,Lebanon needs to stay indoors due to the recent Firewooks/nuclear explosion that happened in Beirut. The smoke is filled with nitric acid (Red/pink/purple smoke) which is toxic and can form an acidic rain. #BeirutBlast #Beirut

This is threaded to this Tweet:

Quote Tweet Women_Advocate @hauwa_farouk on Aug 4 2020 Massive explosion sends shockwaves through Beirut, Pray For Lebanon #Beruit

There's a video linked to this Tweet.

I don’t agree with the assessment that it was a fine particulate explosion, that wouldn’t explain the white hot plasma ball, only a nuke can explain that.

Windows blown out 7km away indicates a huge blast, again, suggesting this was indeed a nuke.

The phones going down is probably due to the EM pulse that nukes produce.

A Tweet by Ian Miles Cheong @stillgray on 4 Aug 2020. Another view of the Beirut explosion from (another) boat. There is a video in this Tweet.

Many people were tweeting this breaking news on 4 Aug 2020, either from experiencing it themselves, or sharing tweets from others.

There are a lot of casualties, probably mostly due to flying glass and debris.

News Agencies picked it up quickly as Breaking News:

Tweet from RT @RT_com on Aug 4 2020 Russia state-affiliated media Beirut streets after the explosion #BeirutExplosion #LebanonExplosion #Lebanon #Beirut MORE: There is video in this tweet.

Threaded tweet:

RT @RT_com on Aug 4 2020. Russia state-affiliated media Health Minister Hamad Hassan told local media that a ship carrying fireworks exploded in the port. #BeirutExplosion #LebanonExplosion #Lebanon #Beirut MORE: There is video in this tweet.

More threaded tweets:

LIVE: Aftermath of the explosion in Beirut #BeirutExplosion #LebanonExplosion #Lebanon #Beirut Quote Tweet: RT @RT_com Russia state-affiliated media · Aug 4 LIVE: Many injured, major damage reported after MASSIVE explosions rock #Beirut #BeirutExplosion MORE:

There is video in this tweet.

And more threaded tweets: RT @RT_com on Aug 4 2020. Russia state-affiliated media A scene from a disaster movie? No, this is Beirut now. #BeirutExplosion #LebanonExplosion #Lebanon #Beirut MORE:

There is video in this tweet too.

And even more threaded tweets: RT @RT_com on Aug 4 2020. Russia state-affiliated media Beirut explosion as seen from afar. #BeirutExplosion #LebanonExplosion #Lebanon #Beirut MORE:

There is video in this tweet.

BIOGRAPHY of this article:

Senior Editor , VT

Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. He is a disabled veteran and has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades. Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world’s largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues. Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than “several” countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology. Gordon’s Archives – 2008-2014



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