Since September 11th 2020, there is a post on a social media platform, that is growing almost daily. Growing, because more pictures are added to it. Pictures, that for the most part seem to be screenshots, sometimes supplemented with an explanatory note.
I will use this post as a source of a lot of information for a series of blog-posts, of which this is the first one.
As the person who posted and is adding to it, who I will call KC, originates from Canada, the source concentrates at first on that country. But soon enough it includes information from around the globe, partly because of the comments other people make.
On 14 August, 2020, KC said:
"If you are going to follow anyone through this madness, follow Rocco.... Not Ford, not Tam, not Trudeau!!"
September 18, 2020
Someone commented: "Being a hypocrite at the wedding in action above then condemning others. Does not make sense in the end."
September 18, 2020
Someone commented: "Being a hypocrite in action with no care in the world. Can not condemn others afterwards and using scare tactics."
September 19, 2020
KC added: "Seriously, people need to start questioning things! Does this sound like normal protocol for a virus or the restructuring of society?"
Someone commented: "Learn how to boycott the MSM" and left a link:
which leads to a video post on Facebook by Randy Hillier, to which he added: They're selling fear, but are you buying it?
In the new digital media landscape every time you interact with news content by liking, following, sharing, commenting, or reacting to their content they increase their advertising revenue.
Let's send a message to the media that we aren't buying their fear and hit them where it hurts, in their wallets.
I share a few easy ways you can do that and together we can send a strong message that we won't let them profit off peddling fear. KC replied: "I believe this man in Australia is not spewing propaganda, but is just another freedom fighter. But I agree. I do not read the news and have lived without for 22 years."
The commenter added:
which is a link to "DESMASCARAR", a Group by "Liga Portuguesa Contra o Covid".
September 19, 2020
KC added: "Here is my take on the seat belt vs. mask narrative. Not looking to debate, but I do not think healthy people should be masked."
Someone commented: "We are all infatuated with the fake virus and trying to convince others that it is such. In my opinion we need to refocus our energy on what the true agenda is. I truly believe it is Agenda 2030. The international banking system and pharma and big business are in this together. They have government borrowing more and more ensuring our country will be bankrupt. Then they take over. We need to focus on them. We need to do any little thing to stop them. Not shop at their stores. Pay cash, never use cards. Never wear masks in any store. If they don't let you in protest outside, tell everyone. Get a group to assist. Let everyone know. Do not play their game, play ours. Protest everywhere, not just at government facilities. Call out those who try and reinforce stupid rules. Let them and everyone know how you feel. Support others, pitch in 10 bucks for legal fees to groups doing good for us. Pitch in a few bucks to any media that will support our cause. Again I feel we need to change our focus and do it quickly. Love everyone here.
September 20, 2020
September 21, 2020
KC reacted: "Hmmmmmmm"
September 23, 2020
September 23, 2020
September 23, 2020
September 23, 2020
September 24, 2020
KC added: "Just a reminder. 👇🏻 The decision was based on facts presented over a 3 yr period. Why is this relevant to me? Because the studies cited against mandatory masks were also from the CDC, and my husband is a nurse.
Someone commented: "COVId also determines science, and the result when it's convenient."
September 25, 2020
KC added: "How does Doug Ford sleep at night? Clearly he has sold his soul and aims to please his handlers."
Someone replied: "Can't we request this through the information act! ???"
To which KC replied:
"Good question?"
Someone else commented: "Do you think he’s getting paid off by others for an agenda? When his decisions are effecting 1000’s, then it all should be public.
Citizen arrest world be a great start."
To which KC replied: "yep...he looks like a zombie when he speaks...", and the commenter replied: "I love the country and the majority of the people. It’s too bad we couldn’t separate the country from the politicians."
September 25, 2020
KC added: "Running out of vocabulary for this situation...but corrupt; bribery; lacking integrity; crooked all come to mind! They changed the testing criteria, so now if you have antibodies you are considered an infected case!!!! They ramped up the testing in order to get the result they wanted. If that isn’t evil, nothing is!!"
Someone replied: "I guess the “real” numbers weren’t working for their plan, so they have to do something different to continue to justify their communist plans. We already know this though."
To which KC replied: "Exactly!!!"
Someone else commented: "Join me:"
September 25, 2020
KC added: "The Ontario Nurses association won a second time on the controversial vaccinate or mask policy stating there is no persuasive evidence establishing a conclusive relationship between the use of surgical and procedural masks and protection against influenza transmission." and shared a link:
which leads to a 53 page PDF file entitled "IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION BETWEEN: St. Michael’s Hospital and The Ontario Hospital Association and The Ontario Nurses’ Association"
September 25, 2020
KC added: "Here is to all the people who mocked me when I first spoke about the depopulation agenda. Welcome to Vancouver, Canada. "The most loving gift you can give your first child is to not have another". Who has the right to dictate how many children a family has? This is insane!!! These new governmental rules being implemented are not about safety or a virus. They have everything to do with the restructuring of society in Canada and around the world! The One Planet, One Child Billboard Campaign alerts people to the overpopulation crisis and celebrates the choice to have a small family."
! Taken straight from the website! "The small-family solution to overpopulation is compassionate, voluntary, and ethical. It’s the most loving thing we can do for the children of the world." "Human overpopulation is present in Vancouver just as it is in most parts of the world. Everyone around the world needs to be aware of this crisis, because we all have a role to play in resolving it. Today’s below-replacement birth rates are good, but need to be even lower – until world population has contracted back to a sustainable level. "
Someone commented: "Bill Gates plans to help out with that depopulation too. Here, come take this shot. It’s for the good of all."
To which KC replied: "Sadly so many people still tell me to stop being a conspiracy theorist and it has been debunked."
The commenter replied: "They should tell Africa and India this."
Someone else commented: "Wow, sounds like China's family policies........"
Again someone else commented: "This is hard to swallow because of our cultural upbringing. I have three children, and the biggest reason I have more than one was so they could support each other. As well, we are a very under populated country, so it is also hard to justify this way of thinking. Unfortunately, the U.N. data collected on having children does suggest that having less children is the#1 solution to solving the climate crisis, and the food distribution crisis."
And than there was this comment: "In Canada Population is not the problem politicians are the problem that are influenced by greed. The definition of a politician is in power for their own self gain." and "Other countries like India and China have many many people but that is for the people to decide."
September 26, 2020
KC added: " Is this the first virus in history that can read time, ascertain locations and recognize time zones?"
Someone commented: "Yes, it is, but it also knows when you are at a restaurant. Once you sit down, you can remove the mask. But when you get up, to go to the washroom, the mask is needed. This is the conclusion, made by the health ‘experts’ with no names, that have invested months of studies and want the best for the citizens."
Someone replied with a picture:
Someone else replied with the picture to the left, to which KC replied: " I know..., I still cannot believe people are falling for it....."
This is the way some people react to all of this:
Someone else's comment was: "And also, it recognizes people you know and people you don't know, and infects accordingly."
September 27, 2020
KC added: "This has been an important component of the psychological operation – a calculated reversal of terms. Rational convention is called an "experiment." Insanity is called "the new normal." PCR tests are "cases" etc. This whole "COVID-19" operation has been based on such lies. Hans im Glück"
September 27, 2020
KC added: "If one receives a + COVID test, is one obligated to disclose contacts? Can one advise a friend going for a test that they do NOT CONSENT for their information to be disclosed at any time? What if any legal rights do we retain in Ontario?"
September 27, 2020
KC added: "Face masks and fascism..., welcome to Canada." and a link to the video below.
September 28, 2020
KC added: "Ontarians aren’t likely to see a return of their normal routines until there’s a COVID-19 vaccine, Associate Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Barbara Yaffe says.
This is the same old bitty who admitted on camera that we have "up to 50 percent false positives". These people are incorrigible...I wonder how they sleep at night or how much they have been paid?"
September 28, 2020
KC added quoted Rocco Galati, a Constitutional Lawyer and the Executive Director (Founder) of the (Canadian) Constitutional Rights Centre Inc (CRC):
"Now people know how this totalitarian contact tracing works. On a test that is meaninglessly flawed and not meant, according to its inventor and science, and without an isolated nor identified virus, people are guilty of being "Asymptomatic by association."
September 28, 2020
KC quoted Your Ontario Doctors: "Dangerous & unconstitutional to now impose further illogical regional lockdowns/restrictions on Ontarians. You’re basing unscientific policies on horribly flawed PCR-testing-frenzy that erroneously labels “cases” as infections. This is abuse of power!" Someone commented: "Because they are in this together. They told you so, but you believed they were talking about supporting you... It was not!
September 28, 2020
KC quoted R. Lamartiniere, MD:
"How stupid is it, to quarantine 200 million healthy people - and in the process commit economic suicide - to protect a relatively small vulnerable population. Can’t blame the initial response, as we didn’t know enough to act differently. Should we have changed to the Sweden approach months ago?"
September 28, 2020
KC added: "If you have a right to put whatever food you want in your mouth, I have a right to choose what gets injected into my body!",
and supplied a link to the source article:
September 28, 2020
Any statements by naturopathic doctors about the prevention and/or treatment of COVID-19, beyond the information made available by the public health authorities, are inappropriate, potentially harmful, and likely to violate the CNPBC’s Advertising Policy and/or Immunization Standard. When brought to the attention of the CNPBC, such statements will be forwarded to the Inquiry Committee for investigation.
The CNPBC’s Advertising Policy and Immunization Standard prohibit marketing and/or advertising that is false, inaccurate, reasonably capable of misleading the public, unverifiable, or contrary to the public interest in the practice of the profession.
Someone commented: "I wonder if they realize that the agenda is to get rid of them."
September 30, 2020
KC added: "The CDC has updated their testing guidance to say the asymptomatic “do not need a test,” a change that has, according to the New York Times, “prompted confusion and alarm from experts.”
The CDC’s document on testing guidance now includes the following information:
* If you do not have COVID-19 symptoms and have not been in close contact with someone known to have a COVID-19 infection:
* You do not need a test. I do not need to line up to be tested!!
September 30, 2020
KC added: "The covid pandemic and lockdown have revealed even more clearly how we are being reduced to objects to be controlled, with our bodies and minds as the new colonies to be invaded … The extended lockdown has been a lab experiment for a future without humanity. ~ Vandana Shiva"
September 30, 2020
October 1, 2020
KC added: "I have been asking @AZDHS for controlled studies to support ANY mandate. Not a peep. Our journalists fail at investigation and never ask. Why do we need controlled studies for HCQ but not for masks? Why is 25% open ok but not 33%? Because it is all made up! Witch doctoring. -- Michael Klein"
Someone commented: "People should read this, and say “duh!” But of course they don’t, because the other people seem to think that fear is an acceptable way of getting what you want done."
This is the 1st of a series. So, this will be continued.