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On the way to a New Normal? - 2

This is the continuation of "On the way to a New Normal? - 1.


October2, 2020

KC added: "Didn't that famous Turkish-American, cardiothoracic surgeon, pseudoscience promoter say that in a live TV interview?"


October 3, 2020

KC added: "Saying it's unethical is being nice. This is pure propaganda meant to manipulate those dumb enough to follow authority blindly. Its agenda 2040, the great reset." and a link:, but the account to which it would lead is suspended for "violating the community rules".


October 5, 2020

KC added: "Remember when all the "conspiracy theorists" were warning about something like this?"


October 6, 2020

KC added: "Constantly surprised at how many intelligent, healthy people I meet, who are living in fear of Covid. I show them the actual data and they’re shocked. This govt’s fear mongering has been the most successful gaslighting exercise of all time. -- Luke Johnson"


October 6, 2020

KC added: "I still struggle to believe that this is our ACTUAL health minister. Canada gives greenlight for mass immigration, but I still cannot drive to the US to visit family? Still waiting for her to jump up with a hidden camera and point at us..., bursting out in laughter revealing it's been one long "JUST FOR LAUGHS" segment!!!!! What a joke!"


October 6, 2020

KC added: "This says it all! She's a globalist UN doctor. Look at her history. Toronto's "doctor " Eileen de Villa, interned at the United Nations in Vienna . Her passion is 'World Health'."


October 7, 2020

Someone commented: "The Evil is Blatantly clear! What will it take to wake more people up."


October 7, 2020


October 7, 2020

KC added: "Says the company, that was ordered by a New Jersey jury, to pay $750 million in punitive damages to four people, who said the company’s baby powder gave them cancer. If they can't make a safe "baby" powder, would you trust them with a vaccine? Ummm..that's a no......."


October 8, 2020

KC added: "Attention: Only COVID deaths are relevant now. Why have we not acknowledged, reported or discussed the numerous deaths & hospitalizations from suicides, overdoses, treatable cancers, cardiovascular diseases, isolation...countless suffering from testing, mask, lock down & quarantine measures on young and old?"


October 8, 2020


October 8, 2020


October 8, 2020


October 8, 2020

I had a look at the WITS website, to check what the situation is concerning Ireland, my country of residence, but found only 'Medical Test Kits', which doesn't necessarily have to be Covid-19 Test Kits.

Further searching led me to information from about the concerned claim, that a World Bank website has been recording exports of Covid-19 tests since 2017.

The Journal explained that screenshots taken from the website, which collates data on trade and tariffs, appear to show that several countries have been exporting tests for the coronavirus for years before the pandemic was officially declared.

According to them, this claim is however not true.

They state that, while the images appear to be genuine, the reference to Covid-19 is down to a temporary error in how certain data on the website was labelled.

On September 11th 2020 it had already been fact-checked in other countries, where different versions of posts on social media, such as the ones appearing from Irish sources, had been debunked.

The claim centres on two images taken from the World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS) website, which purport to show that test kits for Covid-19 were already being exported/imported in 2017 and 2018.

But a closer look at the WITS website, where the images come from, shows that this wasn’t the case.

The code identifying Covid-19 test kits on the website was actually an older code for general medical test kits, which had been re-labelled.

That meant that old information about exports of general medical test kits showed up as exports for Covid-19 test kits instead.

The website is a collaborative project involving the World Bank that aggregates trade databases from across the world.

It displays things like each country’s share of global exports, as well as import and export figures for certain products.

The system used to track exports and imports is called the Harmonised System (HS), which, according to the US Department of Commerce, is a “standardised numerical method of classifying traded products”.

HS is used by customs authorities around the world to identify products when they are assessing duties and taxes and for gathering statistics, and each product on the system has a unique code.

On the WITS website, these codes allow users to look up a specific product and see how much of it countries around the world imported and exported every year.

There are two codes – which are visible on the concerned images – for Covid-19 tests: 300215 and 382200.

Covid-19 test kits were assigned these codes in the HS classification reference for Covid-19 medical supplies, in April 2020.

But the codes 300215 and 382200 were based on a pre-existing HS classification from 2017. That’s because the codes are used for medical test kits in general, and aren’t unique to Covid-19 test kits.

The main source of confusion seems to have been an error in the way the WITS website labelled products with these codes on their website. Instead of referring to general test kits, the website included Covid-19 in the description.

That meant that anyone looking at exports for medical test kits in 2018 and 2017 would have seen references to Covid-19 kits, which did not exist at the time.

The website has since altered the entries for both years to correctly state that the products 300215 and 382200 are “medical test kits”, and no longer includes Covid-19 in the product description.

The above is according to an article of The Journal from September 2020. It explains why I couldn't find Covid-19 Test Kits imported/exported by Ireland before 2020.

But is this explanation trustworthy?

I don't know.


October 8, 2020

I commented to this screenshot: "To me it almost seems that they know that they have time for what the planned to do until maximal the end of March 2025. Here is why:

Putting the two Major clues together, as shown in this blog:, we know that the Scriptural year that overlapped the Gregorian years 2017 and 2018 was the 6000th year.

This means that year 6004 has started on March 13th (2021) according to the Yom Qodesh calendar, which is the true calendar according to the Sacred Scriptures.

The question in then of course "Why has Yahusha HaMashiach, known by most as Jesus Christ, not returned yet to start His 1000-year reign on earth?"

According to the Cepher Yovheliym (the Book of Jubilees) 3:18 it was only after the 1st week of 7 years that A'dam and Chuah (Eve) sinned for the first time.

If the 120 Jubilee year count, which is 6000 years in total, started at THAT moment, then it would end with the Scriptural year overlapping the Gregorian years 2024 and 2025.

The next year would start right after the New Moon of March 29, 2025, which is totally darkened at 10:57 GMT. In other words, March 29 would be the last day of year 6000 since the fall of A'dam and Chuah, and 30 March would be the first day of the year 6001!


October 9, 2020

KC added: "Covid....the secret to longer life."

Someone commented: "Canada median Covid death age 86, average lifespan 82."

Interested in similar information concerning Ireland, my country of residence, I searched for it.

This is what I found:

The CSO’s analysis of the confirmed deaths has found that COVID-19 has had the greatest impact on people aged 65 or over. Almost 92% of confirmed deaths occurred within this age group in the period from 11 March 2020 up to 15 May 2020.


While the age profile of cases is distributed across the large cohort between 15 to 64 years old, most of the deaths occur among people over 65 years of age, with a median age of 83 on the week of 8th of February 2020.


Normal life expectancy at birth of 78.4 years for men, and 82.8 years for women.


So, here too, we notice that Covid seems to increase the length of ones life! LOL.


October 9, 2020

KC added: "FORCE MASKS..., which also create fear, even in situations they aren't needed. FORCE ISOLATION to break us down. CENSOR thousands of Doctors around the world? Ask yourself what the endgame is?


October 9, 2020

Someone commented: "That’s definitively what’s coming here.

So sad to see people think, this or that will never happen in Canada. Just saw this on the news this morning too."

Someone else Commented: "Watch Utopia on Amazon Prime. The plan is plain sight."

Again, concerning Ireland, I found this:

(Updated: Sun, Jan 17, 2021, 17:04)

Under the Constitution, there is a fundamental personal right to bodily integrity. While fundamental rights are not absolute and may be balanced against the common good, there is currently no indication that the Government plans to legislate for mandatory vaccination.



October 9, 2020

KC added: "They are trying to fool us.

They keep saying that we are in a "Pandemic", but in a Pandemic WITHOUT DEATHS."

Someone Commented: "It is physiological and emotional warfare."

Someone else commented something along the lines of "their stupid masks didn't work, so why are they still mandatory?"

To which both 'pro-mask-ers' and 'anti-mask-ers' responded in language I will not repeat.

Someone else commented with this image:

Again someone else commented: "Fake test - cannot even distinguish between bacteria and virus, says CDC."

Then someone else commented: "It's the Fear Mongering and Psychological Terrorism Virus! I guess they never got the memo?!"

And then there was this comment: "the biggest secret of the CDC !!



October 10, 2020

KC added: "What happened to 14 days to flatten the curve? When Canada is building isolation camps, you better be concerned! This is much bigger than a cold virus!"

Someone else replied: "It is great, but they still push The PCR test, which is BS. It does not work and gives you false positives."


October 10, 2020

KC added: "The idea, that we should look upon each other as walking plague-givers, is deeply unsettling and wrong. What is the endgame? You won't sanitise the universe? It's NOT that they are "blissfully ignorant", this is ALL being enacted intentionally!"


October 10, 2020

KC added: "What an amazing co-incidence, all around the world they're using the same dumb slogan to promote the great reset! "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players." - William Shakespeare." It is called Propaganda folks! Used primarily to influence an audience and further an agenda...."

Someone commented with this video:


"this is extremely dangerous to our democracy" scenario"


October 11, 2020

KC added: "Have you had enough? HERE ARE YOUR RIGHTS as a to DECLINE MANDATORY COVID MEASURES from lawyer Rocco Galati.







October 11, 2020


October 11, 2020

KC added: "Stand together and demand your local FOOLISH politicians end the lockdown. Your freedom, your way of life, your businesses and the mental health of you and your family are at stake!!

The World Health Organization’s special envoy on COVID-19 has urged world leaders to stop using lockdowns as the primary control method against the spread of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) virus, commonly known as the novel coronavirus.


October 11, 2020

KC added: "The lockdown is not an experiment.

It is an Operation!


October 11, 2020

KC added: "Covid1984 is a pre-planned plandemic pretext for various new world order agendas including;

1 world currency,

1 world government,

Transhumanism (social distancing/masks disconnecting us),

De-population (vaccines/lockdowns/5G technology),

Mass surveillance (health passport), etc., etc."


October 12, 2020

KC added: "Family dinners are 10 people, but if your having a “funeral” for the bird,

up to thirty is good.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!


October 13, 2020

KC added: "Working from home until July 2021? Things are starting to look a bit pre- ummm -planned at this point."


October 13, 2020

KC added: "Will not shop there again! Shame on Goodness Me. Those with medical exemptions are not allowed in the store! Hasta la vista, baby!"


October 13, 2020

KC added: "For a complete rundown on how the media is lying to you about the virus, read this book: THE PRICE OF PANIC!"


October 14, 2020

KC added: "So is this what "New Normal" means. Rewriting all common knowledge? Lets just inject toxic chemicals into every human on earth and see what happens! He's not a medical doctor but an ex-foreign minister of Ethiopia with PHD in philosophy. But he's got elite connections so the world is forced to 'philosophy' with him. Btw, his mask looks creepy."


October 15, 2020

KC added: "The claim is that *SarsCov2 causes disease*. So far we have no convincing proof of the virus's existence, no evidence that it's a cause for anything (even if it exists), and no evidence of any unordinary disease. So every word of the above statement is unsubstantiated. ---

[Note: This Tweet is not available anymore!]


October 16, 2020

KC added: "Rocco Galati is the lawyer leading the fight against the Canadian Government lock downs. When YouTube bans better watch up!" and this link:


October 16, 2020

KC added: "So, Operation Warp Speed is a Military Operation Using CIA Assets?? Who would want the vaccine? This is arguably, the most dangerous, US military operation in decades. Unlike such well-funded and secretive military operations of years past, this one is aimed directly at the American people." and this link:


October 16, 2020

KC added: "Does this make sense to you???"

Someone commented: "And why layoffs of up to 100 nurses at Southlake hospital?"

KC replied: "All part of the plan. 14 days to flatten the curve....Doug Ford is a joke!"

The commenter replied: "Having a "plan" is giving too much credit to the current bunch of politicians. I think it has more to do with media interactions with politicians than anything else. The media always says, "what are you going to do about... xyz". If a politician says " nothing" then the media would make them look bad. Now they're all tripping over themselves to show how they're taking care of the "crisis" just to look like they're doing something and look good to save votes."


October 16, 2020

KC added: "The only way we'll get completely back to normal is by having, maybe not the first generation of vaccines, but eventually a vaccine that is super-effective, and that a lot of the people take, and that we get the disease eliminated on a global basis," Gates said Sunday in an interview on NBC's Meet the Press program. "That is where we can finally start taking all the problems that have been created -- in education, mental health -- and start to build back in a positive way." SHUT UP BILL!"

Someone Commented: "How many schools or hospitals has Bill Gates built? How many families has he helped to come out of poverty? Where is he and his family? Why is he consulted like an expert, when he is nothing but a rich eugenicist? Who cares about what Gates says? Obviously he is the COVID MASTER, THE CREATOR AND THE MIND BEHIND ALL OF THIS.


October 17, 2020

KC added: "Ask yourself why and do your own research, instead of pointing the finger and judging Canadians that have!"


October 18, 2020

KC added: "It is unconscionable that this father has to correct false reporting regarding the tragic death of his beloved son while he is mourning. Correcting a tweet about his son, who took his own life because of lack of support and loneliness due to coronavirus restrictions. The fact the governments are turning a blind eye to what is happening to mental health makes me sick. How many times does this need to happen before someone does something? These are crimes against humanity!"


October 18, 2020

KC added: "Have you heard of Simon Dolan? He is taking the UK Government to Court to end the illegal lockdown and bring those responsible to account. Please, look at the stats, about testing. This is all pointless. The governments are controlling our psyche same as ads make us buy things; create a problem, scare, manipulate. Check out Government's 'Behavioural Initiatives Team' aka 'BIT', who advise Government on how to control public's behaviour. I found a link for one in British Columbia."





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