Today I came across the current numbers concerning the cases of and the deaths from what is called Covid-19.

I made above screenshot at 15:29, as you can see in the far right top corner.
At nearly the same time I checked for the current total quantity of the world population.

Again I made above screenshot, just minutes later, at 15:24, as you can see in the far right top corner.
The total population of the world was 7,868,580,226 at 15:24 0n May 27, 2021.
The total amount of deaths of Covid-19 was 3,500,383 at 15:29 om May 27, 2021.
1% of the world population = 78,685,802.26
The total deaths divided by 1% of the world population is the death-percentage for Covid-19 for the world population today!
Today that is 3,500,383 : 78,685,802.26 = 0.0444840466!
0.045% !!!