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The Ark and The Blood.

Updated: Oct 26, 2021

As I wrote in my very first contribution to "The Watchman", I would like to bring news and report of a different calibre. This is one of those.

Recently I came across a video that explains a lot about an artefact, about which even movies have been made, such as "Raiders of the Lost Ark", which was released in 1981.

From this introduction it should be clear, that I am talking about the Ark of the Covenant that was made in the time of Mosheh, or Moses as he's better known as, and was present in the Holy of Holies, a compartment of the Tabernacle, the Tent of Meeting, that was made by and accompanied the people of Yashar'el, that is Israel, after they left Mitsariym, that is Egypt.

I would like to present to you "THE ARK AND THE BLOOD - The discovery of the Ark of the Covenant":

Learn the amazing story of how and where the Ark of the Covenant was found, what it means and when the world gets to see the Ten Commandments !!

Help share this story with as many as possible so that people have the chance to prepare for the upcoming events.

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