The end will Come at The Appointed Time and the end will Tell of My Greatness and who I Really Am and where you will spend Eternity. This is why you must be serious in your Walk with Me. You must Work hard on your Personal Intimate Relationship with Me because it is your responsibility and Not that of anyone else. You do Not want to be disappointed on that Day because the end will come and for many sooner than they want or believe that it will come. Every day many are dying, some suddenly and unexpectedly. This is why you must always be Ready, Pleasing to Me so that I will Find you Worthy on that Day, to Receive The Prize of Eternal Life. Be Wise and Not foolish. You never know when it will be your Day, your time and your end. It will Come sooner or later. Be always Ready.
Sadly the end will Come for the foolish, the wicked also. There is a way that seems right to many but its end only leads to death, eternal damnation. This way only causes disappointment, weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Take heed now and do Not wait. It is Not too late to repent, to turn from all your wicked ways but when the end Comes it will be forever too late. Now is Mercy Time. This is why I Call sinners to repent because there will be no Mercy without true remorseful repentance.
I Am The only Righteous Judge and I Judge always Fairly and Justly because I Know every heart, all motives and thoughts. No one will have any excuse and No escape for the wicked. The end will Come and the end will Tell. Be Wise for the days are evil.
This “Message from King Yahusha” was published by His servant Christiena Boshoff, who originates from South Africa, on 26 October 2020.