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The End will Tell.

Updated: Jan 3, 2021

This blog is based on the message from King Yahusha HaMashiach, given through His servant Christiena Boshoff, who originates from South Africa, and published it on 2 December 2020 with the title “It Depends on you”.

Our King, Yahusha HaMashiach, has called us to be reconciled with Him and be in peace with Him, and He is still calling.

Today also!

And He will be calling until the end.

He is full of loving kindness. He is merciful and gracious.

It is Not His will that anyone perish, but that all repent; to have the hope of eternal life in the end.

He finds no pleasure in the death of a sinner.

That’s why He still calls sinners to repent, to turn from all their wicked ways.

Today also!

But people decide for themselves. You also! It depends on you yourself.

The end-destination will be either heaven, or damnation in a place often called hell.

The choice is always your own, because you will bear the consequences in the end, and the end will tell.

Be wise and not foolish. It depends on you.

He forces no one. You have a free will.

Remember who is your enemy, and who will do and try his utmost, to hinder and stop you from obeying the King.

Your end-destination depends on the decision of the King. He, and no one else, decides your fate on the day of the end.

And that day is fast approaching!

He has no favouritism and does not discriminate.

Let no one deceive you with their lies and empty promises.

The end will tell, but then it will be forever too late to change.

No one wants to be disappointed on that day.

Now is mercy time. He loves you and cares for you.

Repent now and do not wait, because satan does not want you to repent.

Many are deceived by him and lured away from the truth with his lies.

This is why they are in darkness, and on the wrong way; to eternal damnation.

Unless they wake up and seek truth they will perish.

It also depends on you, if you want to be in His perfect will or not.

His gifts and calling are irrevocable.

He forces no one to accomplish His plan and purpose as He wants, and at His time.

He has a plan and purpose for everyone. He uses the willing and the faithful.

He works all things out for good for those who love Him, who are being called according to His plan and purpose.

His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

His promises do not fail.

He is always faithful.

It depends on your obedience and faithfulness.

If you truly love Him, then be a doer also and not merely a hearer, or you only deceive yourself and the end will tell.

Not everyone who says to Him, “Lord, Lord” will see Him.

He will say to many on that day, “Go Away, I Never Knew you, you who work iniquity”.

Iniquity is rebellion against the laws of the Kingdom; against the King!

It Depends on you!

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