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Updated: Feb 18, 2021

A warning to Faith Communities of all kinds, and the World in general.

Most of the information in this blog is copied from an article on another website, and supplemented with additional information in footnotes, additional pictures, and additional links to sources of the presented information. For readability, taking into account those readers who are not (yet) used to them, I have left the translated and substituted words in place, but added the original ones in footnotes. The footnotes are numbered, and their occurrence presented between square brackets […].

Truth is Incontrovertible.

‘United wishes and good will cannot overcome brute facts,’ Churchill wrote in his War Memoirs. ‘Truth is incontrovertible. Panic may resent it. Ignorance may deride it. Malice may distort it. But there it is.’ [4]

Many do not know about the development of their “end-time” understanding and how it is a trap. Our forefathers paved the way for the deception that is going on, and that we must and will face. But us will be given a chance to choose right, where they chose wrong.

Most Protestants agreed at one point that the institution of the Papacy [34] was the Antichrist [7] who would sit in God’s [17] temple showing himself as a god [17], or judge (See 2 Thessalonians [92] 2:4). Please see video below for quotes from historical people to get this confirmed. This understanding was a wake-up call to many Christians [13], and many left the Roman Catholic [12] Church [14] to join the Reform Movement. They realized they had been fooled by a false Gospel [18] and a counterfeit Christianity [13] and that the Pope [34] himself was the Man of Sin.

Antichrist - Historical famous people warned you! QUOTE VIDEO.

However, in the 16th century, the Jesuit order was formed by the Roman Catholic [12] Church [14] mostly to counter the ongoing progress of the Protestant Churches [14]. As no Protestant would listen to what the Roman Church [14] had to say anymore, the main goal was to come up with an alternative belief to who the Antichrist [7] was and move it away from the Papacy [34] and to an unknown figure in the future. They had to create a new common enemy. Then they had to infiltrate this idea into Protestantism and make them think it was their own idea and understanding. When this had been accomplished the gap between them would be small enough to pull the Protestants towards submission to the Roman Catholic [12] Church [14] once again.

The idea they presented was that the Temple was not God’s [17] congregation or the individual believer like Paul [32] said (See 1 Corinthians [90] 3:16, 1 Corinthians [90] 6:19, 2 Corinthians [92] 6:16) but a physical building. Not just any physical building but the Jewish [25] Temple itself. And that Antichrist [7] would sit in this temple. Since there was no temple it had to talk about some distant future.

In this way they could slowly bring Protestantism back to themselves under the guise they are all Christians [7] with a common enemy, this future mystic person. Secondly, they could bring the matter from being about obedience to God [17] as only lawgiver (God [17] dwelled over His law [26] in His temple) to something diffuse. The Papacy [34] had changed God’s [17] law [26] and claimed they could do with God’s [17] law [26] as they wanted. But attention was taken away from these crimes.

The Vatican [40] was satan’s hand in motion. In Revelation [96] 13 (Yes, our forefathers believed this was speaking of the Papacy [34]) we learn that the Papal [34] beast is just doing the dragons agenda: v.2 (KJV): “the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.” In the verses before we learn what and who the target is: “And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keeps the commandments of God [17], and have the testimony of Jesus [23] Christ [13]” (Rev 12:17 KJV). The devil's target was they who believed in Jesus [23] and who kept God’s [17] law [26]. The devil was trying to destroy commandment-keeping Christians [13]. And he was now using the Roman Catholic [12] Church [14] (the beast out of the sea) to continue this agenda. The best way to do this was to create an alternative Christianity [13] and then call the real followers the false ones.

Do you remember the Pharisees [33] and Scribes [37] calling Christ’s [13] work the work of Beelzebub [10] and said he was working with demons [16]? (Matthew [84] 12:24) How could they have ended up viewing the power of God [17] as a deception of the devil? The devil had snuck in a wrong understanding of Christ’s [13] first coming.

He had made it into a political matter rather a matter of obedience to God [17]. He had fooled them into thinking different circumstances would take place than those that actually took place.

The devil is using the same tactic to get Christians [13] to reject God’s [17] last warning before Jesus [23] second coming.

Again, he makes it about politics and physical matters rather about obedience to God [17]. And again, he has given them a wrong understanding of the end-time events. The devil has confused believers of many denominations the same way as he once confused the Jews [24], even the very same deception. But while most of the Jews [24] prefer the lie over the truth represented in Christ [13], believers have now an opportunity to make a different choice. The Jews [24] claimed obedience to God [17], yet their obedience was more devoted to their own traditions, and inventions based on the law [26], rather the law [26] itself. They put God’s [17] commandments [15] aside to follow their own thoughts. (See Jeremiah [54] 8,8) They had neglected the laws [26] that required charity and kindness to strangers, even to their own parents. In many ways, the self-invented oral law [26] had overruled the written law [26] given by God [17]. (See Matthew [84] 7:7-13; Matthew [84] 12:9-14, Leviticus [46] 23:22) If they had not added to God’s [17] law [26] and removed from it, as God [17] had instructed them not to do, they would have recognized the truth when they met Him. You see it was illegal to add or remove anything from God’s [17] instructions and so the traditional laws [26] added were a violation of God’s [17] command (See Deuteronomy [48] 4:2). Jesus [23] preached the law [26] correctly and they were provoked as it exposed them as lawbreakers [26] (See John [87] 15:10, 15:22-24).

They had corrupted God’s [17] word and law [26] in such a way that they no longer recognized the word made flesh (See John [87] 1:1-5). If they had not added and diminished God’s [17] law [26] they would have recognized Christ [13] as God’s [17] heavenly sent messenger and the people would have exposed the leaders’ falsehood. They had been previously taught to measure any message or messenger with the law [26] (See Isaiah [66] 8:20). They would have had their false understanding of Messiah [28] corrected if they had understood God’s [17] word correctly. They would have known that God [17] could not and would not create a Jewish [24] kingdom with Messiah [28] as king, if they as a people were not pure of heart and in harmony with God’s [17] ways (See Deuteronomy [48] chapters 28 & 29). The idea itself was against the law [26] they had been given. Messiah’s [28] mission had to be restoring His kingdom in their hearts a work Christ [13] was trying to do (See Luke [86] 17:20-21). But their leaders’ word and interpretation were placed in higher regard than the prophecies and laws [26] themselves. They believed they were elected and were to be made an independent kingdom by relying on their genetic inheritance. To help them receive Jesus [23] as Messiah [28], God [17] sent them John [87] to forewarn them that it was not about genetics but about the heart (See Matthew [84] 3:9). This was done in an attempt to help them from being deceived by the devil about the coming kingdom. It is a similar situation that the Protestant movement is about to face. The same deception.

The papacy [34] had not lost control completely. The Protestant churches [14] still followed a lot of their teachings and doctrines and even continued to keep their changed version of God’s [17] law [26] rather than the one found in the Bible [11]. The Church [14] tradition still had a saying over the Bible [11] in the Protestant movement. But the gap created by understanding the Papacy [34] to be the Antichrist [7] was the high priority to remove.

< Robert Bellarmine (1542-1621)

In 1585 Jesuits Francisco Ribera and Robert Bellarmine started writing down these ideas of the future Antichrist [7] and that the Papacy [34] was the wrong person. Slowly the ideas were planted among the Protestants, but not really received. The understanding that the Papacy [34] was the Antichrist [7] and would lead people into false Christianity [13] and damnation, had deep roots.

The Jesuit ideas were slowly spread quietly.

In 1744 Morgan Edwards (1722-1792) shared similar thoughts with a Baptist [9] college creating more interested in the alternative future antichrist [7].

Francisco Ribera (1537-1591) >

In 1791 – Manuel De Lacunza (1731-1801), a Jesuit from Chile, wrote a manuscript in Spanish under the pen name of Juan Josafa (Rabbi [111]) Ben-Ezra. Lacunza wrote under a Jewish [24] name to hide the fact that he was a Roman Catholic [12]. The idea was that the Jewish [24] name would give his book better acceptance in Protestantism, his intended audience. He was also giving this futuristic interpretation in his book.

The idea became more and more accepted, but only by a smaller Protestant minority. But there were some problems with this theory. There was no Jewish [24] state and no Jewish [24] temple. It made the idea seem unlikely and distant. This was one of the biggest problems when introducing this idea. In order to have an Antichrist [7] in a physical Jewish [24] temple, the temple had to be rebuilt and in order for the temple to be rebuilt, Jerusalem [22] would have to be a Jewish [24] state. (Note that the idea of Jerusalem [24] as capital city of a Jewish [24] nation was not in sight yet!) The first attempt to point out an Antichrist [24] was to divert it from the papacy and to a Jew [24]. If the Jews [24] created a state in Jerusalem [22] the Protestants would be convinced the doctrine was correct and completely abandon the Pope [34] as the Antichrist [7] and look for this mystic one to come. But Jerusalem [22] was protected by the Turks. Their mosques were on the site of the temple. The real brain behind the Jesuit movement was the devil and he had many other agencies to do his bidding.

The devil would use another beast. The French revolution lasted only about 10 years. But while this power was in control, they persecuted Christians [13] and burnt Bibles [43] and rejected the existence of a God [17]. It was the first state to reject God [17] officially in that way. Napoleon was becoming more and more friendly with Roman Catholicism [12] even though he had placed the last Pope [34] in exile he did also place Roman Catholicism [12] higher than Protestantism. Napoleon was baptized Roman Catholic [12] and died as a Roman Catholic [12], although he midway in his life was wavering. Napoleon’s wife was also Roman Catholic [12]. His upbringing was never far from him and he tried to welcome religion back into acceptance in France. In fact, already in the Concordat of 1801, an agreement between Napoleon Bonaparte and Pope [34] Pius VII reaffirmed the Roman Catholic [12] Church [14] as the majority church [14] of France and restored some of its civil statuses. Napoleon also noted that the Jesuit order of the church [14] was a powerful order and should be viewed as an army of warfare. He was well acquainted with the Jesuits work (See footnote 1 at end of this article).

Inside the time frame and towards the end of the French revolution, (French Revolution: May 5, 1789 – Nov 9, 1799) Napoleon went up against Egypt and then Acre with the intention of riding into Jerusalem [22] next and proclaiming it a Jewish [24] state and to encourage them to start their religious practice again. This could not be done without them rebuilding their temple. He had written his proclamation to the Jews [24] and it still exists and can be read today (even though he never got to make the proclamation from Jerusalem [22]). This happened between Mar 20, 1799 – May 21, 1799 (See footnote 2 at end of this article).

The Ottoman Empire had come in great fury and won over Napoleon at Acre and took Jerusalem [22] to protect and control it. The plans of Napoleon were destroyed. And the Temple Mount remained a place for Muslim worship.

In 1826 Samuel Roffey Maitland, the Archbishop of Canterbury, was now presenting the futuristic idea and it was spreading.

And in 1827 Edward Irving, a Scottish Presbyterian and forerunner of the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements, translated Lacunza’s (the Jesuit pretending to be a Jew [24]) work from Spanish into English.

In 1830, John Nelson Darby presented even further speculation and theories concerning this same topic backing up the others view.

In order to have an Antichrist [7] in a Jewish [24] temple, you had to have a Jewish [24] temple, in order to have a Jewish [24] temple you need a Jewish [24] state in Jerusalem [22] and in order to have that Jews [24] had to return in large numbers to Palestine [31]. But Jews [24] had not turned away from their defiance or met God’s [17] criteria to rule from their land as they once had. Jesus [23] had said that them living peacefully in their land was tied to their acceptance to Him (Luke [86] 19:41-44; Matthew [84] 23:38-39; John [87] 4:23).

If the Jews [24] were to come back, it would have to be because God [17] gave them the land, but they had not met God’s [17] criteria and didn’t seem to want to and so the theory that there was one salvation for Jews [24] and another for Christians [13] was created to make all of this make sense. Before there had only been one salvation and one destiny no matter who you were (See Colossians [95] 3:11; Galatians [92] 3:28; Romans [89] 10:12). Now, this view was changed. The idea that Jews [24] would get their messianic [28] experience and a second chance after a rapture [36] of Christians [13] were introduced. With this theory people would accept the Jews [24] returning even though they had not accepted Christ [13] as the Messiah [28].

Jews [24] would get the land back, even though they had not accepted Christ [13], as their election was by flesh and not by faith. God’s [17] people were not those who did God’s [17] will but those who were born that way. The hypocrisy of the theory was evident, as many of Jewish [24] descent were no longer Jewish [24] and a large number of Muslims were actually at one time converted Jews [24]. And so, it was not about being of Jewish [24] decent; it was about being of Jewish [24] decent rejecting Christ [23], as no interest was given to Jews [24] with other ideologies. When you start a series of lies, it becomes a web of lies with holes and inconsistency.

(To see what the Bible [43] actually teaches about the matter see this article: “Who are God’s [17] people” ).

The doctrine was becoming complicated, but larger groups now believed it. Scriptures from the Bible [43] used about the return of Israel [21] from Babylon [8] was now used on a future gathering. Or scriptures referring to Christ [13] second coming. Scriptures the Bible [11] had about Jews [24] being God’s [17] people were no longer tied to converted Jews [24] but to the unconverted. In other words, in order to be accepted and blessed, you had to be a Jew [24] who denied Christ [13] as the Messiah [28]. The ideas were more and more widespread and bible [43] verses were picked and put together with no respect for other scripture saying something different, and they were placed together to make it all seem Biblical [11]. The more widespread the idea got, the more they realized that in order for Jesus [23] to come back they had to have a Jewish [24] state. Jesus [23] had said that He would come back when the Gospel [18] had been spread to the world: “And this gospel [18] of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come” (See Matthew [84] 24:14). Yet now another stone had been placed in the way in the evangelicals understanding. A Jewish [24] state had to be made in order for the end time events as they saw it, could happen and Jesus [23] come. But nothing seemed to happen to make it happen, and the Jews [24] themselves seemed to want to wait until their Messiah [28] came to do it. The Christians [13] then took it upon themselves to fulfil what they believed was a prophecy. If God [17] would not, they would make it happen themselves.

The problem with Protestants actively wanting to fulfil their perception of the prophecy was crazy as they needed a Jewish [24] state for there to be a Jewish [24] temple so that Antichrist [7] could come and sit in it and deceive the whole world. Why would Christians [13] engage in making the way for what they believed was the end time deceiver? Were they now preparing the way for the antichrist [7]? New theories were added to the theory to justify it: Jesus [23] was to rule in Jerusalem [22] with the Jews [24], and the Christians [13] were to be raptured [36] to heaven before the end time trouble began. The 70th week of Daniel’s [70] prophecy was being used to explain this, although it had been fulfilled already in the 1st coming of Jesus [23] and His death at the cross. The idea now was that the antichrist [7] would come to power through flattery, allow the Jews [24] to build their temple and restart their sacrifices, and after 3 1/2 years he would show his true colours, stop those sacrifices, and reign a despotic reign for 3 1/2 years, until Jesus [23] would come to stop him.

And the theory of the pre-tribulation [112] rapture [36] began to make this complicated end-time understanding fit with the Bible [43]. But either way they needed a Jewish [24] state, and so now they were gathering them for Christ’s [23] sake so He could make their kingdom with them and not to make their Antichrist [7] understanding plausible. Their actions now seemed a little bit more legit.

Another problem came up with this theory. Many Christians [13] now ended up believing that same wrong understanding that the Jews [24] had believed which once made them unprepared for the first coming of the Messiah [28]. Now they believed what the Jews [24] believed then and still do. Only the Christians [13] needed the Antichrist [7] first and so they could not wait for Jesus [23] to establish the Jewish [24] state, they wanted to help make it happen. While the Jews [24], in reality, wanted to wait, as they did not believe in an Antichrist [7] coming first.

But the devil had a plan with it all. The wrong understanding would help his deception. Many Christians [13] were again doing what the Jews [24] in the time of Christ [13] had done, turn the matter from spiritual obedience to a physical kingdom and this would carve the way for them to reject Christ’s [13] end time message when it was to be proclaimed. Not to just reject it, but to believe that it was from the Antichrist [7] himself. But let us continue and see the development of this deception.

Protestants and evangelicals started sending Jews [24] to what was then known as Palestine [31] that once had been the Jewish [24] state in Biblical [11] times. Christian [13] missionaries went to Palestine [31] often even endangering their own life trying to convert Jews [24] or help them understand “their role” in the end time. All this was done, and few were aware that they were fulfilling ideas that had been planted into their churches [14] by the Jesuit organization which wanted to bring Protestants back into accepting the Pope [34] as the Christian [13] leader.

The British Literalists – strong among the Anglican Evangelicals and in various Nonconformist churches – were not about to abandon their hopes of converting Jews [24] and sending them to Palestine [31] to meet their Messiah [28], especially not around 1840, when the current British policy of offering protection to Jews [24] living in Palestine [31] raised great expectations among the pre-millennialists [35].

Indeed, Literalist influence was unofficially helping to shape that policy. An ardent Literalist, Lord Ashley (later the Earl of Shaftesbury), was stepson-in-law and confidant of Lord Palmerston, the British foreign secretary. Ashley had private hopes of bringing about, through British action, the restoration of Israel [21] to Palestine [31] in preparation for the Second Advent [5]. In 1840 he prodded Palmerston, by adducing political reasons, into seeking international backing for Jewish [24] migration to Palestine [31], while he confided to his diary his own very different motives, which were distinctly religious:

“Dined with Palmerston. After dinner left alone with him. Propounded my scheme, which seemed to strike his fancy . . . . Palmerston has already been chosen by God [17] to be an instrument of good to His ancient people; to do homage, as it were, to their inheritance, and to recognise their rights without believing their destiny . . . . I am forced to argue politically, financially, commercially; these considerations strike him home; he weeps not like his Master over Jerusalem [22], nor prays that now, at last, she may put on her beautiful garments. (Anthony Ashley, Earl of Shaftesbury, Diary entries, quoted in Edwin Hodder, The Life and Work of the Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury, vol. 1, pp. 310, 311. Ashley was the one referred to, but not named (in London Times, Aug. 17, 1840, p. 3, col. 5), as the promoter of western-sponsored Jewish [24] migration to Palestine [31].

Ashley’s influence was likewise behind the establishment of a consulate in Jerusalem [22] in 1838, also the creating of an Anglican bishopric there in 1841 and the appointment to it of a Jewish [24] Christian [13] bishop. On October 16, 1841, he wrote in his diary: “Where would the Sultan’s permission [to build the bishop’s church] have been without Palmerston’s vigour in consequence of my repeated and earnest representations. (Hodder, op. cit., vol. 1, p. 377 (cf. pp. 370, 374). See also Harold Temperley, “England and the Near East: The Crimea” (1936), p. 443, note 275; Barbara W. Tuchman, Bible and Sword (1956, 1968), chap. 10.)

But Ashley’s dream of a British-sponsored and treaty-protected Jewish [24] migration to Palestine [31] did not materialize. The four-power treaty of 1840 ignored the matter. Even the Jews [24] themselves showed little interest; more than half a century passed before Zionism [42] arose.

Still, the majority Protestant movement continued to hold fast to the belief they had on the Antichrist [7], and that it was actually the institution of Papacy [34] who was claiming to be God’s [17] throne on earth. All the great Christian [17] leaders in the US still upheld this belief and were struggling against the Jesuits infiltrating their institutions. However, they most likely did not understand the agenda behind their teachings. It was as if God [17] protected them from the lies of the true Antichrist [7] and the devil. But something would happen that were to take away God’s [17] protection against this lie.

The Christian [13] movement was to resemblance Israel [21] in their time. Just like Israel [21] had ended up ignorant and in many ways corrupted during their stay in Egypt, their will to serve God [17] and learn was there. God [17] saved them from Egypt and all their enemies before they had even been re-introduced and instructed in God’s [17] laws [26] (Before Sinai: Exodus [45] 16:28).

God [17] protects the willing of heart even if they are ignorant to His will. He protects them until they know and understand the truth and then reject it. This is what happened to the Protestant movement. When they understood they had been corrupted and spiritual subdued by the Papal [34] power they had their exodus and God [17] was with them. But, when God [17] later would continue to educate them, the churches [14] split. Some would not be educated and be obedient to God [17]. When they made this decision after having been enlightened, the protective wall around them was removed and the devil could move in and do his agenda.

The same happened after Israel’s [21] exit from Babylon [8]. When they returned they received God’s [17] instruction. They started rebuilding God’s [17] temple, but were still unlearned. Then Ezra was sent to them, to teach them about God’s [17] laws [26] and ways. When they had listened to Ezra and received God’s [17] word, God [17] sent them Nehemiah [59] to rebuild the walls around Jerusalem [22]. This symbolized that, when they were obedient, God [17] would protect them. The walls had once been torn down because of their disobedience, now they were re-built because of their obedience. God [17] places a criterion to protect His people. “Like a city that is broken into and without walls, so is a man who has no control over his spirit.” - Proverbs [63] 25:28 (See also Ezekiel [69] 13).

The New Jerusalem [22] will also have walls; not because they need protection - for the enemy has been conquered - but because walls are a symbol of God’s [17] protection and care (Revelation [110] 21:12). It was the protective spiritual wall that God [17] had compassed the Protestants, that had preserved them from being caught up in the devils’ end-time deception. So, what happened that removed this protection?

According to the Bible [43], those who end up believing the Antichrist [7] - or the Man of Sin - do it, because they love the lie over the truth (See 2 Thessalonians [97] 2:10).

God [17] had long helped the reformation movement, step by step, ridding themselves of the remains of the Papal [34] lies that were a part of their religious practice. As they got more light from scripture, they subsequently removed a lot of superstition and rituals that had nothing to do with God [17]. But along the way, there was always a group that refused to reform the next step. Leaving the Protestant movement in many stages from some churches [14] having almost the same belief as Roman Catholicism [12] to groups going all the way back to the Biblical [11] doctrines.

The Reformation Dilemma: Tradition vs The Word of God.

But one step remained. Protestants still kept the law [26] that the Pope [34] had changed, and they valued this law [26] more than God’s [17] original law [26]. They did not obey God [17] before man and tradition. This was the major step that had to be taken in order for God [17] to prepare them for the end-time events. Just like John [87] the Baptist [9] had taught Israel [21] this before Christ’s [13] first coming, God [17] was trying to send the same message to prepare His people for His second coming. Obedience to God’s [17] law [26] was in the Bible [43] always what either made or broke His people (Read all the books in the Bible [43]). It was even the condition for the outpouring of the Spirit [38] (See Acts [88] 5:32; and John [87] 14:15-17). God [17] wanted to take the Protestant movement away from the arrogant presumption of the Antichrist [7] power that said they could be in favour with God [17] even when opposing His law [26], that they could change it as they saw fit, that they were their own lawgivers as they were God’s [17] throne on earth.

What the Bible [43] calls the mystery of lawlessness [6] (See 1 Thessalonians [96] 2:7), also translated into Iniquity [6], is from the Greek word ἀνομία (anomia) [6], which literally means ’violation of the law [26]’ or to be without the law [26].

Iniquity and opposing God’s [17] law [26] are the same thing in the Bible [43].

But the remnant Protestant movement had long been deceived by the Papacy [34] and they were just starting to understand how much. God [17] had great care and patience helping them reform gradually so that it would not be too hard for them. It was a gradually cleansing process and God [17] is merciful and patient, understanding how much emotions and feelings people have tied to traditions. Traditions are what glues families and societies together and breaking them causes great conflict and distress. And God [17] wanted to do it step by step. But the time had come. The Protestants were losing their glow and becoming worldly. God [17] needed to shake them up and reform them back to His govern and His law [26].

In the mid-19th century, another protestant movement awoke thinking Christ’s [13] second coming was close at hand. Dates were set and although the Bible [43] seems to state dates cannot be set, God [17] had an opportunity to teach people from scripture as many were reaching out to their Bibles [43] and had started actually studying. They quickly realized that no date could be set, but yet discovered another unsettling thing. Why were they still keeping doctrines from the Church [14] and regarding them over the Bible [43]? And they started to preach that, as long as protestants kept the Papal [34] changed version of God’s [17] law [26]. they were accepting the authority of the Pope [34] as God’s [17] mediator on earth. Rejecting him as mediator meant rejecting these changes and going back to God’s [17] original law [26]. Either the Papacy [34] held the position as God’s [34] throne on earth, or they were deceivers.

This remnant group proclaimed that Protestants needed to follow Christ [13], our High Priest, into the Most Holy place and see how the law [26] there still had relevance.

They sent people all over the world with the message to Christians [13] to return to God’s [17] original law [26], they enlightened people on the changes that had been made. The majority of Protestants rejected this message and refused to go back to God’s [17] original law [26]. They saw God [17] in the traditions rather than in the Word. Yet their work was not in vain and today at least 20 million Christians [13] around the world have gone back to God’s [17] original law [26].

All throughout the Bible [43], being obedient to God [17] gives people a shield from the devils’ attack. It means God [17] is fighting their battles. Up until then, God [17] had helped the reformation movement but now the movement had rejected God’s [17] authority and chosen to follow the doctrines of men instead. This was a serious decision that left them vulnerable to the enemy. Jesus [23] said He would give the Spirit [38] of Truth to those who kept His commandments [15]. Those who would refuse would end up believing lies. Actually, those fooled by the Man of Sin sitting in God’s [17] temple showing Himself as god [17] were the ones who were without God’s [17] law [26]. Workers of ANOMIA. This became the faith of the majority of the Protestant movement, they would not only reject God’s [17] law [26] as valid; they would even speak against it and work to make others reject it as well. They were now actively encouraging people to be disobedient to God’s [17] law [26] (See Matthew [84] 7:21-23 & Matthew [84] 5:17-20). Many were teaching their members that they would be lost if they wanted to keep God’s [17] law [26] but saved if they rejected it. They placed the law [26] and Christ [13] as contenders. But, in reality, Christ [13] was the law [26] personified. Rejecting the law [26] would eventually mean rejecting Christ [13]. If the two were separated and the law [26] viewed as a deception they would be stuck with a false Christ [13] figure or ending up not knowing Christ [13] for Who He is. The apostle John [87] warned against this (See 1 John [87] 5:2-3 & 1 John [87] 2:1-3).

But now the majority of Protestants were teaching that you could not worship Christ [13] and keep the original law [26] at the same time. This was a new turn in events for Evangelicals. Until then they had respected God’s [17] law [26] when they thought it was the original that they were keeping. They had even defended it. But when they learned the law [26] was altered and corrupted by man they started finding an ideology that put God [17] up against His own law [26]. It was clear from this moment that the devil, that old serpent, had in full been given access to the pulpits. The deception had started with the serpent fooling Eve [113] to think she would be blessed by going against God’s [17] command [15] and here the same message was repeated; Salvation and blessings to those keeping traditions and the changed law [26] and God’s [17] curses to those keeping God’s [17] original law [26]. Understand it those who can, but the Protestant world was completely fooled. Even the thought of God’s [17] original laws [26] seemed to scare them.

They called it legalistic to keep God’s [17] law [26], but good moral to keep their own version. The image of an upset and crying Jesus [23], or them crucifying Christ [13], came before them as their crime if they accepted God’s [17] original law [26] as valid. Every scripture proving this to be an utter lie, as Jesus [23] even asked His followers to be obedient to His commandments, was explained away. But the word was clear: “Now by this we know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments. He who says, "I know Him," and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.” (See 1 John [106] 2:3-4).

The many scriptures exposing the lie of lawlessness/iniquity were so solid, that they were left with only Paul’s [32] writings to defend their view.

Paul [32] spoke against the Jewish [24] sacrificial system as a means to atone sin in competition to Christ’s [13] cross, he never spoke against God’s [17] moral laws [26] and the laws [26] that were to bond Him with His people.

For as long as Paul [32] lived the temple service in Jerusalem [22] continued and was a contender to faith in Christ’s [13] sacrifice. When the temple was destroyed new understandings of Paul’s [32] words seemed valid. Even a warning against misunderstanding Paul [32] is given in the Bible [43] by the apostle Peter [114] (See 2 Peter [105] 3:14-18). God [17] saw the future and left a warning. The only author of the Bible [43], whom the Bible [43] itself warns against misunderstanding, was made as the sole base of the new understanding that said man had not sinned when they broke God’s [17] law [26] as they were not obligated to keep it.

But God [17] does not change. God [17] had been patient. For almost 500 years God [17] had through His servants provided Bibles [43] in peoples own languages. Many had been martyred for spreading them. It was not in vain as the result in the end was that everyone got the chance to have their own Bible [43] in their own language. God [17] had raised up leaders to reform them step by step and give them the knowledge needed to make the right decision. Now they had been shown their obligation to God’s [17] law [26] and order, and willingly chosen opposition. Always when this has happened in the past, God [17] had withdrawn His protection.

Why Christ [13] had to die & Ark discovery (Ark Files short)

Surely enough this is what happened next. After being mostly protected from this Jesuit-

created end-time understanding it was now about to enter the Churches [14] at full speed. The devil had taken control. He had successfully made a large part of the Protestants and Evangelicals reject God’s [17] authority in favour of man’s idea and traditions. Now he had to preserve them in the deception until it was too late for them to be saved. Triumphally destroying the same people that God [17] so eagerly had tried to save.

< Unveiling of the Darwin Statue outside the former Shrewsbury School building in 1897.

At the same time, those preaching they needed to keep God’s [17] law [26] and original Sabbath were proclaiming this message to the world. But they got a new competition set in by the devil. At the same time as they proclaimed “Fear God [17] and give glory to Him; for the hour of His judgment is come; and worship Him Who made heaven and earth, the sea, and the fountains of waters” (Revelation [110] 14:12), Darwin had started his publications. The first angel of Revelation [110] 14 sounded to people to worship God [17] as creator and therefore respect his Sabbath, the fourth commandment. At the same time as they were proclaiming this, Darwinism and Marxism started their work in convincing people there was either no God [17] or that the creation story in the Bible [43] was wrong and thereby also the premises for keeping Sabbath holy.

Cyrus I. Scofield >

In 1909 started what would forever determine the Protestant view on end-time, and to take it away from their original belief. Cyrus I. Scofield engaged in all these views and it was gathered in the Scofield Reference Bible [43]. It was largely through the influence of Scofield’s notes that dispensationalism grew in influence among fundamentalist Christians [13] in the United States. Scofield’s notes on the Book of Revelation [110] are a major source for the various timetables, judgments, and plagues elaborated on by popular religious writers such as Hal Lindsey, Edgar C. Whisenant, and Tim LaHaye. Their writings have led to popular films such as “Left Behind”. In this ideology, the Christian churches had a new common enemy.

Several people once have said “Nothing unites humans like a common enemy” and variations thereof, among whom Aristotle, James Alison, Condoleezza Rice, Hermann Goring, and John F Kennedy (See ).

The Pope [34] was no longer a threat and slowly the hands between Protestant groups and Papacy [34] could meet. They were now Christian [13] brothers.

The ideas that had been made up by Jesuits and planted became accepted as end-time facts and many have been taught in this understanding from early on.

The Papacy [34] had successfully reversed the Protestant movement back to themselves enough for them no longer to be threatened by them.

The fight for a Jewish [24] state, or to get Jews [24] to go to Palestine [31], continued. If this did not happen, the theory would eventually be rejected. Did it happen though, they would all see it as evidence that their interpretation was true and even more would believe it. Maybe even God’s [17] Christian [13] commandment[15]-keeping people would give up and follow.

The Ottoman stronghold had been weakened and Jerusalem [22] was now under the control of the British mandate, a Christian [13] protestant nation.

The devils’ plan was not over. He knew something the Catholic [12] Church [14] and the Protestant movement did not. In order to make God’s [17] future message fail, God’s [17] secret end-time proclamation, he had to continue setting up the false end-time scenes that he had planted among Protestants and even Roman Catholics. Although he did not know Gods [17] future plans fully, he had a partial idea of what God [17] would do. But in other parts, the devil was shooting arrows in the dark. The devil’s best attempt was to make salvation into a matter that had nothing to do with turning from sin and disobedience. To give both Jews [24] and Christians [13] a false sense of security. If it was political or physical genetics before the law [26] in the heart, he could accomplish this.

Because the Jews [24] were not fighting to get their own state and happy to wait until Messiah [28] came, they had to be pushed in order to do the end-time agenda. In order to get the Jews [24] to Palestine [31] the Jews [24] had to be under attack, they were mostly living and thriving in Europe and USA. Slowly the devil stirred up hate and superstition towards the Jews [24]. It was easy as Jews [24] had often been mistreated by Christians [13] in Europe for centuries. It was important to keep Christians [13] and Jews [24] separated in order for Christians [13] not to see that they were following a corrupted Christianity [13], as Jews [24] upheld a lot of knowledge from the Bible [43], and to keep Jews [24] from Christians [13] so they didn’t receive Jesus [23] as their Messiah [28]. Because the truth was somewhere in the middle of the two belief-systems, the devil had to make them opposites to keep them from learning from each other. The devil had long stirred hate between them, when the Jews [24] outnumbered the Christians [13] they persecuted them and later when Christianity [13] became strong in Europe, Jews [24] were persecuted by them. Church [14] councils in the 4th century forbade Christians [13] to take part in Jewish [24] feasts or even forbade Sabbath keeping. Seeing how Christians [13] fought against God’s [17] law [26] Jews [24] were strengthened in the view that Christianity [13] was a deception. Christians [13] viewed the stubbornness of Jews [24] not accepting Jesus [23] as a sign that they were deceived. They had long set the two up against each other. In the early 20th century, it was fairly easy to fire people up against the Jews [24]. Sanctions after sanctions were made against them, they were left in despair and their shops and synagogues were vandalized. Adolf Hitler was born Roman Catholic [12] and later had his confirmation in the Church [14]. Yet being brought up with a Roman Catholic [12] mentality he also had his own ideas. He also is said to have had great admiration for the Jesuit organization structure and to have been inspired by it (See Footnote 3 at end of this article). Hitler did, however, try to obstruct a version of Christianity [13] that was in-between Roman Catholicism [12] and Protestantism. The main belief was that the Old Testament [30] was to be disregarded along with its laws [26] and teachings.

Again, a mixture Christianity [13] religion rejecting God’s [17] law [26]. His ties to the Church [14] were although several. His background, although rejecting much of Christian [13] belief, bears similar trades of early Roman Catholicism [12] which also despised Judaism [25] and wanted to break its ties to Christianity [13]. It was this early work, of separating Judaic [25] roots from Christianity [13], that laid the ground for the Pope’s [34] Christian [13] religion in Europe. Hitler continued this agenda by showing the same principles while also promoting the ideas of evolution and atheism. The Roman Catholic [12] Church [14] has had the custom to do thoroughly historical falsification. That included on making great spiritual leaders seem Roman Catholics [12] after their death, even though they had not been. But also, to break their ties to unpopular leaders once they had become unpopular. But Hitler’s organization and even bad religious ideas had sprung out from Roman Catholicism [12]. According to M. Frederic Hoffet, Hitler, Goebbels, Himmler and most members of the party’s “old guard” were Roman Catholics [12](See Footnote 3 at end of this article). The effects of Hitler in Germany are shown in numbers. Before Hitler Germany was mostly Protestant with 67 % Protestants and

33 % Catholics. Only a few years after under the Nazi party the difference was 54% Protestants to 40% Catholics. Today in modern Germany 28.6% belong to the Catholic [12] Church [14] and 26.6% to the Evangelical Church [14]. Catholicism [12] has surpassed Protestantism in the land of Martin Luther.

The Jews [24] were under attack by the devil and his workers. The devil hated the Jews [24] because they were witnesses of God’s [17] original unchanged law [26] and because they had once been God’s [17] people. And he knew God [17] still loved them and wanted to reach out to them and that they were even closer to the truth then many Christians [13] were. Now he would use them for his agenda. The Jews [24] did not have God’s [17] protection because they had refused to receive the prophets God [17] had sent them and also their own King (See Matthew [84] 23:37-39). The Jews [24] no longer had atonement. The devil knew his pray was left without “walls” to protect them.

Jews [24] were suffering in Europe and had experienced great trauma. Even before the UN gave them land, Jews [24] were immigrating to Palestine [31] (Now Israel [21]) This photo shows the boat called SS Exodus carrying over 4000 Jews in 1947. >

Through the German Socialist Party and Hitler, millions of Jews [24] were treated like animals, starved, tortured, experimented on, and lastly killed. When the truth came out the world was abhorred. Even among the worst Jew-haters heads were bowed in shame. It did not take long before the United Nations was founded, and they decided to give the land back to the Jews [24]. Although the threat against them was removed and the need to move was not really there if they could be restored and honoured in their European countries, it was decided they were to be given their own land instead. After the traumatic experience during the Second World War, many Jews [24] were happy to move back trying to make a life for themselves away from the cruel hatred they had suffered. Many were running as fast as they could. After all, what had happened in Europe could happen again? The Jews [24] had their common potential enemy: everyone else. Now they would make their fortress in the land that they once were driven from.

However, they were not given Jerusalem [22]. What the Jews [24] did not know was that they had just gone into another trap.

The Jews [24] were now attacked by the Islamic countries, who for long had controlled the Temple Mount in Jerusalem [22] where the Jewish [24] temple once stood. God [17] had let the Islamic people control that Mount to protect it from a new temple being build there. Although God [17] permitted the Jews [24] to fight off their enemies He did not allow them to take over the Temple Mount. Although coming on the mount during the war, they were quickly told to leave it a Muslim religious site, by their own leaders (See ).

< June 1967. Defense Minister Moshe Dayan announces to the Wakf and the heads of the Supreme Muslim Council that they will be able to administer the compound themselves, while the Jews [24] will be able to visit but not pray there. (courtesy of Schocken Books)

Many were distressed and did not understand the order. But it was given all the same. God [17] let their decision be their rescue. Had they tried to rebuild the temple God [17] would have had to stop them. But now God [17] permitted them to stay in the land in the hope of reaching out to them once more.

However, if they were to cross the line and try and re-build the temple, God [17] would have to intervene and it would not be to their favour. They would not get this area for worship before they recognized Jesus [23] as their King, as Jesus [23] had prophesied.

For many Christians [13] this was frustrating. They believed Christ [13] could not come unless there was a Jewish [24] temple with an Antichrist [7] in. However, the devil had not given in. He had two ways he could still deceive the Christian [13] world. He had worked on Catholics [12] and Protestants for a long time to fear the temple furniture and anyone bringing a message from them to be of the Antichrist [7]. They were now ready to reject God’s [17] last message. The devil did not need a temple to be built, he could do even worse. He could use what he taught the Protestant world, in order to get them to reject the discovery of the Ark of the Covenant and any message coming from its hiding place.

Puppets used as a distraction and attention getter to confuse Christians [13] away from the real threat. Their bad moral, devil signs and dressing up as ancient goddesses are made so clear that everyone can see. >

To strengthen the mainstream protestant understanding of end-time events the devil would continue to create visible common enemies for the Catholics [12] and Protestants. One was the entertainment industry. His puppets would flash symbols and 666 signs and make it so that even a small child would see the occult in these music videos. Many female stars dress up as ancient goddesses while showing illuminati [115] signs. This would help strengthen the belief in the future antichrist [7]. It would also help continue to draw Catholics [12] together with Protestants in a joint effort to “protect their traditions” and “moral”. The second was to bring Muslims into Europe and US causing another common enemy pushing the Christian [13] world to unite with the real antichrist [7], the papal [34] power. It would be the Christians [13] against Islam and not Christians [13] deceiving Christians [13]. Having assumingly enemies on all ends made them unaware of the danger in their midst. But it was the Christian [13] nations that had initially stirred up the hate in Islamic countries, breaking their infrastructure and supporting rebels.

Although many messianic [28] groups would rise and respect God’s [17] law [26] their teachings on the end-time events were from the evangelical churches [14]. And Messianic [28] communities also helped in sharing these interpretations of the end-time.

In 1982 Ron Wyatt found the Ark of The Covenant with Christ’s [13] blood on it. The discovery was proving Christ [13] was the Messiah [28], that He died for our transgressions against that very law [26]. Meaning if we are to take part in the atoning blood, we need to confess breaking this original law [26] is God’s [17] definition of sin. Which in return means that this is the law [26] that we are measured by. But if we refuse to acknowledge that breaking it is a sin, or we think breaking the papal [34] version is sin instead, we are rejecting the Blood of Atonement. Because Christ’s [13] blood did not go down over the law the Pope [34] changed, or the ones the protestant advocate. The blood did not go on the command saying Sunday observance, but the one calling for the Biblical [11] Sabbath observance. God’s [17] definition of Sin is revealed in the law the blood went down upon. This is the transgression Christ [13] saved us from and that we need to repent and convert from.

This message, that we need to keep the law [26] that is in the foundation of God’s [17] throne, and seek pardon for our resistance towards His original law [26], is to go out to the whole world as one last message from God [17].

People will be put on choice. Many Protestants and evangelicals are unaware of the offer to turn back to the law [26] of God [17] that was given to their forefathers and how they rejected this offer. Many are unaware of the origin of their own traditions and practices. How unclean spirits had entered their churches [14] because of their disobedience. But they individually, even though their churches [14] were rejected, have been spared so God [17] could give them the chance to choose right and not do as their spiritual fathers. “If, however, he begets a son who sees all the sins which his father has done, and considers, but does not likewise; … he shall not die for the iniquity of his father, he shall surely live” (See Ezekiel [69] 18:14 and 17).

What will probably happen:

When the ten commandments are shown to the world and they are warned they will be judged by this law [26] if they do not repent and confess their sins and give them to Jesus [23], the whole world will (probably) for a short time give it attention and evaluate the message. The last plagues coming over the earth is the judgment of the law [26], that the one on earth is a copy of (See Revelation [110] 15:5-8). For a moment it will (probably) seem like the whole world will receive this message. Hearts will break over Christ’s [13] great sacrifice, they briefly comprehend that the original law [26] of God [17] is still valid and what they will be judged by. The majority almost turns (probably) from their past understanding.

Testimony Of The Ark.

How does the devil’s plot work to ruin this? This is what might happen or can be the consequence of the false end-time understanding: What may be the devils’ final card, is played out.

Just like he had prepared the Pharisees [33] and Scribes to reject Christ [13] and had them thinking He was of the devil and calling Him Beelzebub [10], and by giving them a false understanding of Gods [17] mission and the events around Christ’s [13] coming, he now has prepared the Christian world to do the same.

Angels and men will work together in bringing the discovery of the Ark of the Covenant out to the world. The devil will (probably) send his angels pretending to be people such as Elijah [116] or the disciples, to tell the Christian [13] world that this is the deception they had been warned against (See 2 Corinthians [91] 11:14-15 and Revelation [110] 19:20). They might say: “This was the temple antichrist [7] would fool people from, not a newly built one.” “Here is the temple furniture, here is the Ark. Here is also the antichrist hiding, sending out his messengers.” That papacy [34] has no other choice, their whole organization will fall apart if people accept this as truth and they will be exposed as liars. The same with Protestant leaders. Just like the leaders in the time of Christ [13] saw, all Christ [13] did that revealed His divine origin, they hardened their hearts and decided to go against Him anyway, calling Him of the devil. It was the only way for them to save face as Christ [13] had exposed them. History tends to repeat itself. The dragon will unite with the beast (Roman Catholicism [12]!) and the false prophet (false Protestantism?) to all work against the message from this discovery, making it seem like a deception.

Everyone’s fear will alarm. For long the devil has fooled this understanding on to them and told them that keeping God’s [17] law [26] was sinful or even a deception. Now they believe they had been almost fooled, and the majority again (probably) will choose to believe the lie. The law [26] from the old testament [30] is seen as an attack on Christ [13]. The seemingly heavenly sent messages will perhaps even claim that Jesus [23] had given the Pope [34] authority to change his law [26]. That we should have listened to these leaders. People will call the message from the cave the work of Beelzebub [10] and of demons. Because they have rejected God’s [17] law [26] they have no measuring rod to know deception from truth (See Proverbs [63] 2:1-12, Isaiah [66] 8:20). If they were true to God’s [17] authority and law [26] they would easily know who the serpent in the tree was and what message was from God [17]. But they love not the truth. They want the lie to be the truth and these agencies of the devil are preferred over the ones giving God’s [17] last warning and offer of salvation. Their anger is directed towards the people sharing these things.

The devil had even planted people sharing these things that now turn around and (probably will) warn against it along with the others. If even those, who had been in the lead preaching it, accept it was a deception, then surely the remaining are just being stubborn. The deception is, and will be, overwhelming. A small majority refuse to go against God’s [17] law [26]. Even an apparently ‘angel of light’ cannot take them from obedience to God [17] and the everlasting Gospel [18] (See 2 Corinthians [91] 11:14). They take heed to God’s [17] warnings in the Torah [26] and Christ [13] own warnings. That signs and wonders are not to be followed if it goes against God’s [17] law [26] (See 2 Thessalonians [97] 2:9-10). They will stand upright and wait for the Lord [27], rather than follow the excitement of the world as the false witnesses work their wonders. They know that the dispute has always been about God’s [17] law [26]. And that Revelation [110] 14 clearly warns that those who take the Mark of the Beast are disobedient to God [17] and those that do not are they “that keep the commandments of God [17], and the faith of Jesus [23]” (Revelation [110] 14:12).

Finally, the devil might pretend to be Christ [13] (See Matthew [84] 24:5). He would has prepared his own way. Now that he might have convinced people that the antichrist [7] spirit had been at works in the temple “cave” and the message from there, that he claims were to fool people into the old covenant, ‘Christ [13] can come’. And he pretends he is Christ [13]. But in order for him to set up his true kingdom here on earth, he tells people that the resistance must be dealt with (Revelation [110] 13:17). He might explain that the changed law was from him and perhaps he will even say that the Pope [34] had authority from him to change it and that the little group of protesters are deceiving them and are just being rebellious. Not only those who continue to share it, but that the antichrist [7] is still present in that cave with the Ark and the other sanctuary items.

The door of mercy would have quietly been shutting, as people have chosen the lie over the truth (See Hebrews [102] 10:26-30, 1 John [106] 5:8-9; 1 Timothy [98] 2:6). Once again, the serpent in disguise would have convinced mankind that they need not keep God’s [17] law [26] and that they will even have life and prosper when breaking it. They eat the fruit he offers: that good will come out of breaking it, and that bad things now will come over those respecting it. The plagues in the world would be said to be the remnants fault. But the plagues fall on them and not on God’s [17] people (Revelation [110] 16).

The devil is convincing as Jesus [23], he reflects goodness and kindness. And the many Christians [13] that believed the lie of lawlessness [26] are greatly angered at not only those who preached obedience to God’s [17] law [26] as it’s written in the Bible [43], but to the mysticism around the cave in Jerusalem [22] containing the sanctuary items. The more they have turned against God [17] the more they hate the testimony inside this cave.

People start to chase down God’s [17] remnant people to defuse them and help the false Christ [13] to establish His kingdom and the war of Armageddon [See below for explanation] is about to take place.

The beasts, the false prophet and the dragon who tricked them, and the kings of the east, all storm against Gods [17] throne in Jerusalem [22]. Thinking if they overthrow it, get rid of the Antichrist [7] they claim is represented there, Christ’s [13] kingdom can begin. They want to help the false Christ [13]. But, in reality, they are attacking God’s [17] throne on earth and His law [26] and everything it stands for. They are battling against God [17].

“And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are spirits of demons [16], performing signs, which go out to the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God [17] Almighty” (Revelation [110] 16:13-14).

Before these events, God [17] had already sent help to His people. Their angry enemies are slowed down and kept busy by the plagues sent over the earth. Now during the sixth plague, they all come up against Jerusalem [22]. Armageddon is a name from the Hebrew words HAR and MEGGIDO which translates ‘the mountain of gathering’. The Mountain of Gathering was in the past Jerusalem [22], and it was tied to God’s [17] temple. Now they attack God [17] by attacking the Ark of the Covenant, God’s [17] throne on earth with the blood of Christ [13] on it. They also attack God [17] by persecuting His faithful who keep God’s [17] law [26] and not the man-made one. But they cannot battle God [17]. He intervenes in the events and stops them. The law [26] is shown to the world yet again, the real law [26], the one written by the hand of God [17]. Everyone now realizes they have been deceived and was fighting against God [17] Himself. That they had stepped on Christ’s [13] blood. (See Hebrews [102] 10:29-31) When given an opportunity to step on God’s [17] law [26] they took it and did it. They followed the serpents lies and they had even been warned.

Graves are opened. Christ [13] is coming back to save His people, gather them and revenge His enemies (See 1 Thessalonians [96] 4:13-18; Luke [86] 21:27 & 23:30; Revelation [110] 20:10 and Revelation [110] 14:14-20). There is no division or separation! Christians [13] going to heaven and Jews [24] reigning on earth. There was only ever one way to be saved for all man, one, and one outcome. For those Jews [24] who did not choose the truth, it’s now too late. But Jews [24] are more likely to receive the truth in the discovery than many Christians [13], as they have a better understanding of the purpose of God’s [17] law [26]. Most likely many Jews [24] will be among those standing on God’s [17] side in the end.

The series of events that led up to this was God [17] working for a long time in reforming and cleansing a people, while those who refused to receive light and be obedient to God [17] were overpowered with the devil’s lies (Daniel [70] 12:10).

Because of this false interpretation, many although attracted to the truth, will out of fear and indoctrination chose the devils side in the last conflict.

Therefore I am giving out this warning and letting you know where this plot came from and what is about to happen.

There is only one thing that is important in the end-time: to have the commandments of God [17] and the faith of Jesus [23] (See Revelation [110] 14:12). Those who are not part of this group, will be part of the group that is deceived. The truth is very simple, it’s the lie that is complicated. The truth tells you to simply trust God [17], the Blood, and His law [26]. The lie is a web of lies and interpretations and excuses not to do what God [17] bids.

The devil has used three beasts to work on his end-time deception. The beast out of the bottomless pit, the beast out of the sea and the beast out of the earth all played their part.

Now you have the opportunity to seek God [17] today, to turn away from iniquity (to be without law [26], God’s [17] law [26]) and seek pardon for your transgression through the blood of Christ [13]. The moment you do make this decision God [17] will build a wall around you and protect you from being fooled by any of the Devil’s games and lies that will come in the end-time. But the moment you do, you will also become the Devils target. “And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keeps the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ." (Revelation [110] 12:17).

You will be the Devil’s target, but you will also be under God’s [17] protection.

“…, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, … .

But as for me and my house, we will serve YAHUAH [41]” (See Joshua [49] 24:15).

The King’s Seal

( The above is an Ark Files Movie.

Their description of it is:

History of the two Sabbaths. Bible [43] vs tradition. Why did God [17] put the Sabbath commandment [15] in the ten commandments [15] and why was it so important to keep this day holy? Did it symbolize something? Is there an end time conspiracy to attack God's [17] Sabbath and why?

How will the Ark of the Covenant discovery confront world leaders/religious leaders with God's [17] law [26] and how they have tampered with it. Will God [17] have a final say?

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[1] Napoleon on the Jesuit Order of the Catholic[?] Church[?]: “The Jesuits are a MILITARY organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power – power in its most despotic exercise – absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms – and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses.”

[2] Napoleon’s written declaration to be made affect when Napoleon conquered Jerusalem[?]. He failed at his attempt:

“The young army with which Providence has sent me hither, let by justice and accompanied by victory, has made Jerusalem my headquarters and will, within a few days, transfer them to Damascus, a proximity which is no longer terrifying to David’s city. Rightful heirs of Palestine! The great nation which does not trade in men and countries as did those which sold your ancestors unto all people (Joel,4,6) herewith calls on you not indeed to conquer your patrimony; nay, only to take over that which has been conquered and, with that nation’s warranty and support, to remain master of it to maintain it against all comers. Arise! Show that the former overwhelming might of your oppressors has but repressed the courage of the descendants of those heroes who alliance of brothers would have done honour even to Sparta and Rome (Maccabees 12, 15) but that the two thousand years of treatment as slaves have not succeeded in stifling it. Hasten!, Now is the moment, which may not return for thousands of years, to claim the restoration of civic rights among the population of the universe which had been shamefully withheld from you for thousands of years, your political existence as a nation among the nations, and the unlimited natural right to worship Jehovah in accordance with your faith, publicly and most probably forever (Joel 4,20).” (Letter to the Jewish Nation from the French Commander-in-Chief Buonaparte (translated from the Original, 1799) General Headquarters, Jerusalem 1st Floreal, April 20th, 1799, in the year of 7 of the French Republic.

[See also the section “Bonaparte's proclamation to the Jews of Africa and Asia” in and ]

[3] “At a time when the heads of the major nations in the world faced the new Germany with cool reserve and considerable suspicion, the Roman Catholic[?] Church[?], the greatest moral power on earth, through the Concordat expressed its confidence in the new German government.” – Guenter Lewy, “The Catholic[?] Church[?] and Nazi Germany”.

“Mein Kampf were already realized; this book, an insolent challenge to the western democracies, was written by the Jesuit Father Staempfle and signed by Hitler. For—as so many ignore the fact—it was the Society of Jesus[?] which perfected the famous Pan-German programme as laid out in this book, and the Fuhrer endorsed it.” The Secret History of the Jesuits Page 138 (See: and ).

“I learned much from the Order of the Jesuits”, said Hitler… “Until now, there has never been anything more grandiose, on the earth, than the hierarchical organization of the Catholic[?] Church[?]. I transferred much of this organization into my own party… I am going to let you in on a secret… I am founding an Order… In my “Burgs” of the Order, we will raise up a youth which will make the world tremble… Hitler then stopped, saying that he couldn’t say any more...” Hermann Rauschning, former national-socialist chief of the government of Dantzig: “Hitler m’a dit”, (Ed. Co-operation, Paris 1939, pp.266, 267, 273 ss), (See ).

Spanish dictator, Franco, published following Hitler’s death. It said, “Adolf Hitler, son of the Catholic[?] Church[?], died while defending Christianity[?].” It goes on to say, “Over his mortal remains stands his victorious moral figure. With the palm of the martyr, God[?] gives Hitler the laurels of Victory.”

“Hitler, Goebbels, Himmler and most members of the party’s ‘old guard’ were Catholics[?]”, wrote M. Frederic Hoffet……… On that subject, nothing is more instructive than Joseph Goebbels’ works. He had been brought up in a Jesuit college and was a seminarist before devoting himself to literature and politics… Every page, every line of his writings recalls the teaching of his masters; so he stresses obedience… the contempt for truth… “Some lies are as useful as bread!”, he proclaimed by virtue of a moral relativism extracted from Ignatius of Loyola’s writings…” Frederic Hoffet: “L’lmperialisme protestant” (Flammarion, Paris 1948, pp.172 ss).

[5] Advent = Coming.

[6] Anomia = iniquity, lawlessness, sin.

[7] Antichrist = literally ‘in the place of’ Christ, and ‘vicar’ of Christ.

[8] Babylon = the capital city of the ancient Babylonian empire, which itself is a term referring to either of two separate empires in the Mesopotamian area in antiquity. These two empires achieved regional dominance between the 19th and 15th centuries BC, and again between the 7th and 6th centuries BC. More information:

[9] Baptist = originally ‘immerser’; and also a Christian denomination.

[10] Beelzebub = the name of a Philistine god, later adopted by Abrahamic relirions as a major demon, and associated with the Canaanite god Baal. Used as another name for satan.

[11] Bible = see [43], Biblical = based on the Bible.

[12] Catholic = universal, Catholicism = literally: universal denomination,

[13] Christ, Christians, Christianity = words originally derived from words introduced by the Roman Emperor Constantine The Great, who in 321 AD legislated Sun-day as a day of rest dedicated to the Greek and Roman Sun-god, ‘Christos Helios’, which means ‘Christ-The-True-Sun’.

[14] Church = The word 'Church' refers to Sun Goddess 'Circe' of Magic and sorcery, Churches = plural of Church. Originally in the sacred texts the Greek word Ekklesia was used, which means ‘out calling’, and is better translated with ‘assembly’. For more information: From its etymology it is clear that it is of Pagan origin, and has nothing to do with the Most High nor his people, but has everything to do with those who worship the Sun as god on Sun-day, in their Roman Pantheon known as a Church.

[15] commandment(s), command(s): See [26].

[16] demon(s) = devil(s).

[17] God = substitutional word for the Hebrew words El, Elohiym, and such.

[18] Gospel = a contraction of the words God and spell, originally Besorah (single) and Besor’oth (plural).

[19] Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit = substitution for Ruach Ha’Qadosh.

[20] Iniquity = lawlessness = sinfulness.

[21] Israel = originally Yashar’el.

[22] Jerusalem = originally Yerushalayim.

[23] Jesus = a substitute for the name of the Saviour of mankind, which is the Hebrew name YAHUSHA.

[24] Judah = originally Yahudah, related words: Jew(s), originally Yahudiy(m), and Jewish, originally Yahudiyth. Note that, by translation instead of transliteration, the link between words is gone.

[25] Judaism = Jewish belief system developed during the Babylonian exile, related word: Judaic = relating to Judaism.

[26] Law(s) = translation of the Hebrew words Torah, meaning Instruction(s) and Direction(s), and Mitsvah/Mitsvoth, meaning Commandment(s). Related words: Lawbreaker(s), Lawlessness.

[27] Lord, LORD = words used as substitution for YAHUAH (See [41]).

[28] Messiah = Aramaic word for the Hebrew Mashiach, often translated as Christ.

[29] New Testament = originally Brit Chadashah, meaning Renewed Covenant.

[30] Old Testament = Ancient Covenant.

[31] Palestine = name given by the Romans to the Holy Land.

[32] Paul = originally Pa’al, meaning Worker.

[33] Pharisee(s) = originally Parashiy(m), a religious sect formed around the time of the Maccabees.

[34] Pope = from the Latin word Papa meaning Father, related words are8 Papacy = the system called the Holy See, that is the Holy Throne, and Papal = ‘from the Pope’.

[35] Pre-millennialists = Eschatological belief that Jesus will physically return to the earth (2nd Advent) before the 7th Millennium to set up His Kingdom of Peace. (There is also Post-millennialism and A-millennialism. Pre-millennialism is divided in Pre-Tribulational Pre-millennialism and Post- Tribulational Pre-millennialism.)

[36] Rapture = from the Latin Rapturo, which is from the Greek Harpazo, which means ‘being caught away’.

[37] Scribe(s) = a person/group of people with the profession of writing, who also interpreted the Law.

[38] Spirit = originally Ruach, which means breath and wind.

[39] (Old / New) Testament = originally Brit, which is Covenant.

[40] Vatican = City-state surrounded by Rome, Italy, and headquarter of the Roman Catholic Church. Its area consists of 44 hectares and it has a population of 825 as of 2019. It is the location of the ‘Holy See’.

[41] YAHUAH = the name of Elohiym, taken in vain by most people by making it to nothing, hiding or replacing it with the LORD, against His wishes expressed in the 3rd commandment of His covenant with mankind.

[42] Zionism = an ideology and nationalist movement among Jewish people, that espouses the re-establishment of and support for a Jewish state in the territory defined as the historic Land of Israel.

[43] Bible = the English translation of the Latin word biblia, which is from the Greek word biblos, which means Book.

[44] Genesis = originally Bere’shiyth.

[45] Exodus = originally Shemoth.

[46] Leviticus = originally Vayiqra.

[47] Numbers = originally Bemidbar.

[48] Deuteronomy = originally Devariym.

[49] Joshua = originally Yahusha.

[50] Judges = originally Shofetiym.

[51] Ruth = originally Ruth.

[52] 1 Samuel = originally Shemu’el Ri’shon.

[53] 2 Samuel = originally Shemu’el Sheniy.

[54] 1 Kings = originally Melekiym Ri’shon.

[55] 2 Kings = originally Melekiym Sheniy.

[56] 1 Chronicles = originally Divrei Hayamiym Ri’shon.

[57] 2 Chronicles = originally Divrei Hayamiym Sheniy.

[58] Ezra = originally Ezra V’Nechemyahu.

[59] Nehemiah = originally Ezra V’Nechemyahu.

[60] Esther = originally Ecter.

[61] Job = originally Iyov.

[62] Psalms = originally Tehhelliym.

[63] Proverbs = originally Mishlei.

[64] Ecclesiastes = originally Qoheleth.

[65] Song of Solomon = originally Shiyr Ha’Shiyriym.

[66] Isaiah = originally Yesha’yahu.

[67] Jeremiah = originally Yirmeyahu.

[68] Lamentations = originally Qiynah.

[69] Ezekiel = originally Yechezq’el.

[70] Daniel = originally Daniy’el.

[72] Hosea = originally Husha.

[73] Joel = originally Yo’el.

[74] Amos = originally Amoc.

[75] Obadiah = originally Ovadyahu.

[76] Jonah = originally Yonah.

[77] Micah = originally Miykah.

[78] Nahum = originally Nachum.

[79] Habakkuk = originally Chabaqquq.

[80] Zephaniah = originally Tsephanyahu.

[81] Haggai = originally Chaggai.

[82] Zechariah = originally Zakaryahu.

[83] Malachi = originally Mal’akiy.

[84] Matthew = originally Mattityahu.

[85] Mark = originally Marqus.

[86] Luke = originally Luqas.

[87] John = originally Yahuchanon.

[88] Acts = originally Ma’asiym.

[89] Romans = originally Romaiym.

[90] 1 Corinthians = originally Qorintiym Ri’shon.

[91] 2 Corinthians = originally Qorintiym Sheniy.

[92] Galatians = originally Gakatiym.

[93] Ephesians = originally Eph’siym.

[94] Philippians = originally Philippiym.

[95] Colossians = originally Qolasiym.

[96] 1 Thessalonians = originally Tasloniqiym Ri’shon.

[97] 2 Thessalonians = originally Tasloniqiym Sheniy.

[98] 1 Timothy = originally Timotheus Ri;shon.

[99] 2 Timothy = originally Timotheus Sheniy.

[100] Titus = originally Titus.

[101] Philemon = originally Philemon.

[102] Hebrews = originally Ivriym.

[103] James = originally Ya’aqov.

[104] 1 Peter = originally Kepha Ri’shon.

[105] 2 Peter = originally Kepha Sheniy.

[106] 1 John = originally Yahuchanon Ri’shon.

[107] 2 John = originally Yahuchanon Sheniy.

[108] 3 John = originally Yahuchanon Sheliyshiy.

[109] Jude = originally Yahudah.

[110] Revelation = originally Chizayon.

[111] Rabbi = Teacher.

[112] Pre-Tribulation = Before the Great Tribulation.

[113] Eve = originally Chuah.

[114] Peter = originally Kepha.

[115] Illuminati = The Illuminati is a name given to several groups, and historically the name usually refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on 1 May 1776 in Bavaria, today part of Germany. More information: ttps://

[116] Elijah = original Eliyahu



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