The war, that is meant, has been going on for 6000 years.
The victorious battle was fought when our Savior was with us on earth.
The fact is though that the enemy, Ha’satan, is not willing to admit he has been conquered at the cross on which Yahusha, Who is also known as Jesus, died for the transgressions of mankind.
We are speeding towards the return of our King, Who then shall fight the last battle before a thousand years of peace under His reign.
At the end of that period the enemy will be definitely destroyed by the One against Who he has been rebellious from the beginning: Yahuah Elohiym, Who is often referred to as the LORD God.
Many people are still not aware of these things, and don't know they are under the influence of either our Creator, or Ha’satan.
An ignorance that is very dangerous, because of the consequences of being on the wrong side in this war.
Don’t be deceived into unbelief and rejection of the free offer of eternal life with your Creator.
Accept the Atonement that was made for your transgressions of the Commandments of Elohiym Yahuah by the blood shed by Yahusha Ha'Mashiach, Who is also referred to as Jesus Christ.
He died on a cross, as the Lamb of Yahuah, for all the sins of all of mankind of all of time.
But each member of the human race has to respond to this free offer, by accepting it and submitting to the will of Elohiym Yahuah, our Father, and ending the life of rebellion we lived until that moment.
Yes, the battle is real.
The war is real.
And you are part in it, if you want it or not.
Choose the right side of it now, before it's too late.
Presented to you with love, by IJpe W. van Dijken, Editor in Chief of The Watchman News Agency: a one man nonprofit enterprise, that is present through a website and a Telegram channel.