Recently I woke up quite early and couldn't fall asleep again. I kept thinking about the discussion that had been going on during a Zoom meeting of our Faith Family for Shabbat.
Some people had been talking about the tribulation as mentioned in the Sacred Scriptures. Although I could have added to the discussion, I hadn't.
One subject spoken about was the shortening of the days of the tribulation, as spoken of by Yahusha.
People spoke about it as if it still had to happen. I think, though, that it already has happened.

As I explained in another blog (, I have made calculations which proof that we are near the time of the 6000th year since creation. And in the same blog I wrote about Judah Ben Samuel, who made calculations of his own and observations of the stars, which revealed to him matters he published in the form of predictions about Jerusalem and the Jubilee years.

I had written that blog because I had published another blog, just before, in which I had mentioned the 120th Jubilee and the 6000th year (
These two aspects are like two witnesses mentioned in Deuteronomy 19:15. Although that section of Scripture is speaking about matters of law, the principle can be applied to other matters too.
"One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sins: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established." DEVARIYM (DEUTERONOMY) 19:15 את CEPHER.
Or in a different translation "A lone witness is not sufficient to establish any wrongdoing or sin against a man, regardless of what offence he may have committed. A matter must be established by two or three witnesses," Deuteronomy 19:15 BSB.
[Cited in Mattithyahu (Matthew) 18:16 and Qorintiym Sheniy (2 Corinthians) 13:1]
I thought I would like a third witness. So I prayed and asked Yahuah to give me a third, if possible.
Shortly after that a thought came into my mind that the Yom Qodesh Hebraic Calendar book is the third witness.
The Yom Qodesh book gives the following information about this matter:
After an explanation about the Yom Qodesh calendar and about the Yovheliym (Jubilees), it states that "... the Gregorian years ending with 17 an 67 are Jubilee years, and ... the Gregorian calendar year 2017 is the 120th Jubilee, or six thousand years from the breathing of the soul into A'dam, the first man."
After receiving this third witness concerning where we are in time and thus how little time is left; 1. to go through this "Great Tribulation", and 2. before Yahusha HaMashiach will return to establish His Kingdom on All the earth, I'm sorry I didn't interrupt to share my knowledge in the discussion.
But praise be to Yahuah/Yahusha for doing what He promised!
The Great Tribulation was shortened from 7 years to maximal 5 years, because 2 years were cut of from it at the beginning. The 7 years started on the 18th of April 2018, but the tribulation only started in March 2020 with the declaration of a pandemic by the WHO.
The tribulation will continue and intensive from now on. But it should only last maximally unto and including the 29th of March 2025.
So all my friends and family in the faith I would like to encourage and say to them "Hold on and stand strong in your faith in Yahuah/Yahusha".
Our King is coming!