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THE TRUTH will shock the world.

This “Message from the King” was published by His servant Christiena Boshoff, who originates from South Africa, on Tuesday June 22, 2021.

It's about something that will happen, and going on already.

Here it is: "THE TRUTH will shock the world more and more, as it Unfold in these last Days. Nothing is Secret that will Not be REVEALED, Nor anything Hidden that will Not be KNOWN and Come to Light. I Am The One who Reveals and Makes it Known, I bring it to Light. I Expose all darkness. I Am The Light of the world, The Only Savior, The Messiah, The Prince of Peace and without Me, there will be No peace in the world, only turmoil.

Many choose to love darkness more than Light because their deeds are evil and Not Good. Many call evil good and Good evil, they put darkness for light and Light for darkness. Woe to them, unless they Seek THE TRUTH and Repent and Turn from all their wicked ways, they will Perish. The wages of sin is death. The soul that sins will die. There will be No Mercy without true remorseful Repentance.

Everyone must be Reconciled and in Peace With Me because I Am your only Hope for Eternal Life in the End and The End will tell. I Am THE ONLY WAY, THE TRUTH and THE LIFE. Many have been deceived by satan's lies and empty promises and this is why they are still in darkness and will Perish unless they Repent. This is why I still Call sinners to Repent because Repentance Leads to Eternal Life.

There is Hope. All TRUTH will be Preached in these last Days because Only TRUTH SETS FREE, Not lies. Trust Me, My Plan for this Time. My Will, Will be Done on Earth as it is in Heaven. I Am in full Control. I Work all Things out for Good for those who Love Me, Who are Called according to My Plan and Purpose.

Be Willing to be a TRUTH Warrior and a Light Bearer, a Beacon of Hope for the lost, those who are still in darkness, deceived by satan and all his lies. THE TRUTH will shock the world more and more as it UNFOLD Now because the days are evil and satan knows his time is running out. You will be hated and persecuted even more and some killed because of Me and for THE TRUTH but great will your Reward be in Heaven, Eternal Life With Me, The One Whom it is all About.

TRUTH will PREVAIL. THE END will tell. THE TRUTH will shock the world. It is all Biblical."


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