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Truth concerning COVID19 according to "an old man in a chair".

International best-selling author, Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, provides unbiased, accurate information on health matters.

Since he started a YouTube channel to share his knowledge about COVID19 in this way, he presents himself as "an old man in a chair", who accepts no sponsorship or advertising.

Many of his videos though were banned by YouTube and removed.

Dr Coleman is the author of over 100 books, which have sold over two million copies in the UK alone, and have been translated into 25 languages.

His books have been in bestseller lists around the world. Dr Coleman has a medical degree and worked as a GP for 50 years.

His websites and https// contain many free articles, videos and more unbiased information about the coronavirus and other important matters.

His YouTube and BrandNewTube channels and his websites contain no advertising and no sponsoring in any way.


Dr Coleman started with his first video on 18 Mar 2020 , titled Coronavirus scare: The hoax of the century?

Dr Vernon Coleman explained why he thinks the current hysteria over the coronavirus has a hidden agenda.

(This video was removed from/by YouTube.)


4 Apr 2020 - Coronavirus: The Shocking, Hidden Truths.

Dr Vernon Coleman revealed facts about the coronavirus which bring into question government policies on dealing with the disease.


2 May 2020 - Coronavirus: The Hidden Agendas behind Government Lies and Deceits.

A fact by fact analysis of how and why governments have lied and deceived.


9 May 2020 - Coronavirus: It is governments not the coronavirus which threaten our lives.

Dr Vernon Coleman exposed the lies told about the coronavirus and explained the facts behind lockdown and the police state. He explained why paranoia is now the only sensible, healthy, sane option and what we have to do to defeat the politicians endangering our lives.


11 May 2020 - Coronavirus: Proof that Social Distancing Doesn’t Work

On May 13th YouTube informed Coleman that this video would be taken down. They did not explain why.


12 May 2020 - Coronavirus: Silent obedience will destroy us.

Dr Vernon Coleman explains why it is necessary for everyone to take a view on the coronavirus - is it a plague that is going to kill us all or an exaggerated scare being used by governments with hidden agendas?


13 May 2020 - Dementia - Most patients can be cured.

Dr Vernon Coleman disputes the claim that dementia cannot be cured, and shows that most patients with dementia have underlying problems which can be treated. Dr Coleman also explains why dementia and Alzheimer's Disease are not the same thing, and why Alzheimer's should never be the default diagnosis for a patient with dementia.

Vernon Coleman’s book Dementia Myth contains information about dementia in general and about the main curable causes – including Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus, vitamin B12 deficiency and the overuse of tranquillisers and sedatives. Dementia Myth is available as a paperback and an eBook on Amazon.


13 May 2020 - Coronavirus: Why did YouTube ban my video?

Dr Vernon Coleman questions YouTube's decision to ban one of his videos. He points out that all the facts in the video were accurate, and explains to YouTube that publishers who do not show integrity and respect their customers do not last long in business.


14 May 2020 - Everything you are allowed to know but I can't tell you what about.

Dr Vernon Coleman discusses how censorship affects access to vital news on YouTube.


21 May 2020 - Coronavirus: What are we doing to our children?

Dr Vernon Coleman explains how we are permanently damaging our children by introducing social distancing in schools. We will, he says, produce a generation of mentally disturbed children including loners, weirdos and psychopaths.


22 May 2020 - Coronavirus: Will social distancing be permanent?

Dr Vernon Coleman explains how the coronavirus 'crisis' has affected health care and assesses the impact that social distancing has had on the treatment of seriously ill patients. He points out that politicians are using social distancing to control us, describes how social distancing is wrecking our lives, and suggests that unless we stand up and fight against it, social distancing will be with us forever and will ruin our lives in every conceivable way.


23 May 2020 - Coronavirus: Why the economy won't bounce back.

Dr Vernon Coleman explains why the global economy will not bounce back in the way bankers and economists say it will. Dr Coleman explains that the damage done by social distancing and lockdowns will result in a major global depression worse than anything we've ever seen. If we are going to deal with the future, we have to know what's coming.


24 May 2020 - Coronavirus: A population control plan?

Dr Vernon Coleman explains why he thinks we are being manipulated and how the twin evils of lockdown and social distancing are being used to control the global population.


25 May 2020 - Coronavirus: Mental health problems will now soar.

Dr Vernon Coleman predicts that there will be twin pandemics of anxiety and depression as a result of lockdown and social distancing policies. Dr Coleman analyses the damage being done by the raising of stress to unprecedented levels for no good reason.


26 May 2020 - Coronavirus: Protecting the oil supplies?

Dr Vernon Coleman explains how governments are using the coronavirus to control our diminishing supplies of oil. It has been known for years that the oil has been running out and that the world will have to change. The coronavirus is being used ruthlessly to change the way we live and reduce our use of oil.


26 May 2020 - Coronavirus: Where is the science behind social distancing rules?

Dr Vernon Coleman points out that there is no real science behind social distancing laws which vary from country to country. He points out that if we were to have effective social distancing based on real science we would all have to keep at least 24 feet apart. He proposes better laws which would be more effective.


27 May 2020 - Coronavirus: You've been brainwashed (Here's how they did it)

Dr Vernon Coleman explains how governments have used mind control techniques to manipulate us during this alleged crisis.


28 May 2020 - Coronavirus: How we have all been betrayed.

Dr Vernon Coleman claims that we have all been betrayed by the medical establishments which have allowed governments to abandon patients not suffering from the coronavirus.


29 May 2020 - Coronavirus: These tests for new drugs will be dangerously misleading.

Dr Vernon Coleman explains what dangers there are with basic safety tests for new drugs.


30 May 2020 - Coronavirus: How they deliberately terrified us.

Dr Vernon Coleman tells the true story of how a government threatened, manipulated and deliberately terrified its citizens for a bug they knew was no worse than the flu.


31 May 2020 - Coronavirus: Snitches, sneaks and quislings are killing families, communities and society.

Dr Vernon Coleman explains how governments are encouraging people to tell tales on their friends and neighbours, and the damage this is doing to relationships and trust.


31 May 2020 - Coronavirus: How and Why Thousands of Old People Have Been Murdered.

Dr Vernon Coleman explains how hospitals dumped thousands of coronavirus patients into care homes where vulnerable, sick old people were unprotected. In many countries more than half of all coronavirus deaths were in care homes.


1 Jun 2020 - Tranquillisers - The Benzodiazepine Story.

Dr Vernon Coleman was in the 1970s the first doctor to draw public attention to the problems with benzodiazepine drugs.


2 June 2020 - Coronavirus: Is this how they plan to steal and sell your DNA?

Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, looks at the way governments sell confidential information they've obtained from their citizens. Medical information is valuable because drug companies pay big money to know the details of patients with specific diseases. Dr Coleman believes governments will use antibody programmes to steal your DNA - which they'll sell to anyone prepared to pay for it.


3 June 2020 - Is tap water safe to drink?

Dr Vernon Coleman explains how prescription drug residues have contaminated drinking water - with devastating consequences.


4 June 2020 - Why we must fight to keep cash.

Dr Vernon Coleman explains why governments want to get rid of cash and why we must fight to keep it.


5 June 2020 - New Law - Everyone Must Now Hop and Wear Galoshes.

Dr Vernon Coleman explains proposed new laws requiring British citizens to wear galoshes and to hop everywhere.


6 Jun 2020 - How the Hell Did We Get Here?

Dr Vernon Coleman looks at what has happened to the world since February, and analyses the causes and the consequences.


7 June 2020 - Stop Them Closing Our Loos.

Dr Vernon Coleman explains why public loos everywhere are being closed, and offers an original solution to the problem.


7 June 2020 - The Stupidities Keep Coming but Lockdowns Are Finished.

Dr Vernon Coleman demolishes the R number theory, criticises playground rules, condemns religious leaders and explains why the police can no longer arrest those who break lockdown rules.


8 June 2020 - The Dentistry Madness.

Dr Vernon Coleman explains why new regulations will put most dentists out of business and create havoc for patients.


9 June 2020 - Face Masks: Ending the Confusion.

Dr Vernon Coleman investigates the real science behind wearing face masks, discusses the dangers and explains why he won't be wearing a mask.


10 June 2020 - Masks (Part 2) - The Reasons They want Us To Wear Them.

Dr Vernon Coleman explains the sinister reasons behind the introduction of laws forcing us to wear masks.


11 June 2020 - Coleman's First Law of Medicine.

Dr Vernon Coleman explains the significance of drug side effects and the importance of Coleman's First Law of Medicine.


12 June 2020 - Why is the BBC Peddling Fake News?

Dr Vernon Coleman analyses the BBC as a source of news and concludes that the organisation is biased, bought and corrupt.


13 June 2020 - Why you should stockpile food - now!

Dr Vernon Coleman explains how the current 'crisis' has helped create a global food shortage, which will lead to rising prices and starvation.


14 Juni 2020 - The Coming Global Food Shortage (Part Two: A Perfect Storm)

Dr Vernon Coleman continues his analysis of the factors leading to food shortages and suggests why the current 'crisis' is a major factor.


15 June 2020 - How The Establishment Suppresses The Truth About Prescription Drugs.

Dr Vernon Coleman explains how decisions on health matters are always designed to benefit the State and the drug industry rather than individual patients, and how the medical profession has become a marketing arm for the pharmaceutical industry. He also explains why many doctors and nurses are now ashamed and embarrassed at the way their government has indefensibly given priority to Covid-19 over other diseases.


16 Jun 2020 - Why there will be a second wave (they need one).

Dr Vernon Coleman explains why ''They' want a second wave and how they'll arrange it.


17 Jun 2020 - Why we're fighting for our future - and why we'll win.

Dr Vernon Coleman explains that everything that has happened in the last three months has helped them take control and has turned us into slaves. But he also explains why we will win the battle for our freedom.


18 June 2020 - Have You Been Put on a List to be Left to Die?

Dr Vernon Coleman explains why and how 'Do Not Resuscitate Forms' are being used to deny medical treatment to patients whose only 'crime' is to be disabled in some way - physically or mentally. Doctors are killing the frail, the disabled, the elderly and the mentally ill.

Have you been secretly put on a list to be left to die?


19 June 2020 - Advice for Anyone Not Wanting to be Stuffed.

Dr Vernon Coleman uses amazing multi media tools to help examine one of the most divisive issues in medicine today.


20 Jul 2020 - We Are Victims of the Greatest Crime in History.

Dr Vernon Coleman was the first medical doctor to describe the coronavirus scare as a hoax. Here he analyses the coronavirus hoax from its beginning and shows how governments have lied and endangered millions of lives. Dr Coleman proves that the response of governments has killed far more people than the coronavirus.


20 June 2020 - Why Electric Cars are Bad for the Planet.

Dr Vernon Coleman explains that making electric cars requires vast amounts of energy. Moreover, three quarters of the electricity which keeps electric cars moving comes from coal, oil, gas and nuclear power.


21 June 2020 - How Many Coincidences Make a Conspiracy?

Dr Vernon Coleman lists a number of incidents which, he believes, support the contention (shared by many) that we're in the middle of a global conspiracy to take control of our lives.


22 Jun 2020 - Why I resigned from my job as a GP.


23 June 2020 - The Madness is Everywhere.

Dr Vernon Coleman explains why we are all fighting our own governments which are run by politicians who want to take away our freedom and our democracy.


24 June 2020 - This Couldn't Possibly Happen. Could it?

Dr Vernon Coleman explains that it has been known for over 50 years that it is possible to control human behaviour with an external transmitter and a receiver inside the body. He investigates the present possibilities.


25 June 2020 - Rage Against the Zombies.

Dr Vernon Coleman explains why he is fed up with the sanctimonious mask wearing idiots, who obey social distancing rules and are enabling the deceitful bullies in government. The zombies, he says, are our enemies as much as the people pulling the strings. And he explains what he's doing about them.


26 June 2020 - Climate Change is a Lot of Hot Air.

Dr Vernon Coleman analyses the claims of climate change campaigners and demolishes the myths.


27 June 2020 - Would You Trust these People with Your Life?

Dr Vernon Coleman describes precisely why we cannot trust the companies making vaccines. He lists scandal after scandal and explains why he won't accept a coronavirus vaccination.


28 June 2020 - Your Government Wants You Dead.

Doctor Vernon Coleman estimates that between 100,000 and 150,000 old people have been murdered during the coronavirus hoax. He explains how and why. He also explains how governments are deliberately withdrawing health care in order to kill younger people who are ill.


29 June 2020 - How Charities Betray Patients.

Dr Vernon Coleman explains how many charities, as they get bigger, lose touch with the needs of patients and become marketing departments for big companies.


30 June 2020 - Lies, Deceits and Consequences.

Dr. Vernon Coleman looks at the way our world is changing and why, and emphasises the need to spread the truth.


1 July 2020 - They're Going to Starve Us and Freeze Us to Death.

Dr Vernon Coleman explains that oil and food are running out (though we're apparently not allowed to talk about it) and that we're fighting a war for survival against a bunch of unelected manipulators.


2 Jul 2020 - We're at War.

Dr Vernon Coleman describes how the truth has been banished and lies have become the new normal. He looks at the media, the drive towards a cashless society, the R number, the antibody test and how truth-seeking doctors are being silenced.


3 Jul 2020 - Just a Little Prick: The Bill Gates Story (Part One)

Dr Vernon Coleman looks at how Bill Gates now influences every aspect of our lives and explains how Gates has used his vast wealth to give him extraordinary power over public health policies.


4 Jul 2020 - Just a Little Prick (Part 2)

Dr Vernon Coleman analyses the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and its enthusiasm for vaccines and vaccination. He Investigates some of the drug companies with which the Gates Foundation is associated.


5 Jul 2020 - Who Is Pulling the Strings?

Dr Vernon Coleman provides proof that most western countries introduced procedures (such as lockdowns) that didn't work and were politically motivated. He asks a number of questions, gives some answers and provides some startling evidence.


6 Jul 2020 - What did you do in the war?

Dr Vernon Coleman points out that we are fighting a war against our own governments. And we will, he says, all have to be prepared to answer the question: 'What did you do in the war?'


7 Jul 2020 - Old Lives Matter.

Dr Vernon Coleman discusses how and why the elderly are ignored, oppressed, discriminated against and murdered en masse.


8 Jul 2020 - Killing off the Sick.

Dr Vernon Coleman explains how and why governments are deliberately killing the sick, the frail and the disabled. Worse still, this policy is supported by some young activists who regard the sick as a drag on the global economy.


9 Jul 2020 - Hand Sanitisers Can Kill You.

Dr Vernon Coleman explains why and how hand sanitisers are dangerous and possibly lethal. In his unique way, he also discusses masks, social distancing and track and trace systems.


10 Jul 2020 - It's Going To Get Worse.

Dr Vernon Coleman explains why 'they' need a second wave and why the publicity about it will warn us that it is worse than Covid-19. He also explains why we all need a survival plan.


11 Jul 2020 - That's Not Science: It's Propaganda.

Dr Vernon Coleman explains why medicine is not a science and reveals some facts about doctors that will shock you.


12 Jul 2020 - Doctors and Nurses Betrayed Patients - and Themselves

Dr Vernon Coleman berates doctors and nurses for their failure to stand up for patients.


13 Jul 2020 - Is There Anything They Won't Do?

Dr Vernon Coleman describes how governments have now given themselves the right to kidnap us if they think we might be infected. He discusses the dangers of masks, the demonisation of cash and explains how and why social distancing is a war crime. He gives vital advice to anyone who is confronted by a public health official.


14 Jul 2020 - The Screw is Tightening.

Dr Vernon Coleman explains how and why we are all still being deliberately terrified by our governments, analyses the coronavirus which he first exposed in February 2020, and challenges the UK's Chief Medical Officer to a debate about vaccination.


15 Jul 2020 - Your Body And Mind Aren't Enough - They Want Your Soul.

Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, explains how doctors are being silenced, why shops will close and how brain washing experts are helping to destroy the minds and the will of millions.


16 Jul 2020 - Mask Wearers are Collaborators Who Could Destroy Us All.

Dr Vernon Coleman explains why mask wearing rules are illogical, unscientific and dangerous, and why those who insist on wearing masks are ignorant and are threatening our lives and our future.


17 Jul 2020 - They Want to Kill Six Billion of Us - Here's How They'll Do It

Dr Vernon Coleman explains that the people planning to rule the world want to reduce the global population to 500 million. And he then explains how'll they'll kill the six billion of us they want to eliminate.


18 Jul 2020 - Why is YouTube Protecting Government Lies?

Dr Vernon Coleman looks at how YouTube censors videos and wonders why. He explains that we're fighting the most important battle of our lives.


19 Jul 2020 - How Greens Will Destroy the World

Dr Vernon Coleman explains why the Greens are playing into the hands of those who want to vaccinate us all and take over the world with a Global Reset. If billionaires such as Gates win the war we're fighting it will be because of Greens and climate change believers.


21 July 2020 - Five Battles We Cannot Afford to Lose.

Dr Vernon Coleman describes how we can fight against masks, media lies, lockdowns, social distancing and the disappearance of cash.


22 Jul 2020 - How to Survive in the Lunatic Land of the Coronavirus Hoax.

Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, explains how we can prepare for survival in the war ahead. Our governments, aided by mainstream media, are our enemies, and Dr Coleman gives practical advice on how you can best protect and defend yourself.


23 Jul 2020 - How They Are Lying to Enslave Us.

Dr Vernon Coleman, explains how governments are using psychological tricks created by the military to terrify their populations into obedience. He also criticises a senior British police officer for encouraging people to shame those not wearing masks. And he explains how the United Nations is using Agenda 21 to push us towards a Global Reset. Finally, he provides evidence of a plan to combine all religions into a Global Church.


24 Jul 2020 - The Forces of Evil Are Gathering.

Dr Vernon Coleman explains why and how governments around the world have deliberately over-stated the threat of the coronavirus. And he explains the role of the United Nations and the way education has been changed to promote collectivism. He also shows how the myth of climate change was deliberately created to control people everywhere, and he explains one of the main aims of the coronavirus hoax.


25 Jul 2020 - A Vaccination Challenge.

Dr Vernon Coleman wonders why pro-vaxxers worry less about vaccine dangers than they do about the fire risks with tumble dryers and fridges. He provides evidence about vaccine dangers and explains how vaccination is done for financial reasons rather than to protect individuals. Dr Coleman also discusses herd immunity and asks why governments want everyone to have a vaccine to protect over 80-year-olds who they are trying to kill with schemes such as the Liverpool Care Pathway. Finally he challenges pro-vaccine leaders to a live national TV debate.


26 Jul 2020 - The Satanic Wars Have Started.

Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, describes the world "They" have created, and analyses the laws which have been invented. He explains why and how we are being terrorised by our governments.


27 Jul 2020 - BBC Fact Checking Investigated.

Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, shows how and why he believes BBC fact checkers are wrong about mask wearing, and provides evidence proving that masks can be dangerous. He also explains how and when British citizens do not have to pay the BBC licence fee.


28 Jul 2020 - Global Nightmare: Staying Sane During the Madness.

Dr Vernon Coleman explains why paranoia is now the only way to live. He points out that mask wearing collaborators are ignorant and don't understand what is happening. He gives some shocking facts about GlaxoSmithKline, the vaccine and drug manufacturer, and explains the plans for a Global Church as well as a Global Government. He also gives advice for those who don't want to wear masks in public.


29 Jul 2020 - Why There Are So Many Zombies.

Dr Vernon Coleman explains who is responsible for the confusion and fear which rule our lives. And he points out why law-abiding citizens who wear masks are collaborators and traitors. He condemns protestors, and explains why he thinks so many people are suffering from cognitive dissonance.


30 Jul 2020 - It's Our Bloody Country - and We Want it Back.

Dr Vernon Coleman describes some of the people he considers the most dangerous in the world, and regrets the fact that complex issues are no longer discussed and settled by debate. He also explains why he reserves his greatest contempt for the collaborators.


31 Jul 2020 - Why Genetic Engineering Must Stop Now.

Dr Vernon Coleman explains the dangers involved in genetic engineering and describes what happened when Bill Gates funded research to create genetically modified mosquitoes.


1 Aug 2020 - We're the Good Guys, and Good Guys Win.

Dr Vernon Coleman explains precisely how the coronavirus farce has been stage managed using psy.op techniques. He also discusses the importance of resistance movements.


2 Aug 2020 - We Are Prisoners of War.

Dr Vernon Coleman explains how people around the world are being oppressed and lied to, and discusses yet more evidence about face masks. He accuses the professions of betrayal, and calls for citizens to stand up to tyrannical governments.


5 Aug 2020 - Zombies and Trolls.

Dr Vernon Coleman discusses hypocrisy, masks, loopholes, celebrities, cognitive dissonance and how trolls are made. He also includes 10 simple facts which demolish the coronavirus nonsense.


9 Aug 2020 - The Plan to Create Unending Misery

Dr Vernon Coleman explains how and why we are being terrorised by people whose salaries we pay. He analyses how the world has been taken over and what their end game looks like.


12 Aug 2020 - How Many Billion Could the Covid-19 Vaccine Kill or Damage?

Dr Vernon Coleman explains how governments and vaccine companies are planning to inject us all with Covid-19 vaccines which could change our genes. We will become genetically modified beings. And even the World Health Organization has admitted that no one knows what will happen. Leading scientists want this evil experiment banned but time is running out. And finally, Dr Coleman explains who you can sue if things go wrong (drug companies have been given immunity).


16 Aug 2020 - Forbidden Truths.

Dr Vernon Coleman explains how and why politicians, scientists and the media are terrorising the public and giving a vastly exaggerated idea of the danger of covid-19. Dr Coleman also explains that the tests being used to check for covid-19 are ludicrously inaccurate and could be used to sustain the myth of covid-19 long after the disease has disappeared. He shows why parents may have to think about saying 'goodbye' forever when they send their children to school.


23 Aug 2020 - Nothing is Now Impossible.

Dr Vernon Coleman explains how we are being oppressed by people who want to turn us into slaves. And he explains how the Resistance Movement is the only chance we have to save our humanity.


29 Aug 2020 - The Doctor's Speech at the time of the London Rally.

This speech is almost as summary of his opinion on the subject of the current madness.


3 Sept 2020 - My Last Video for YouTube

Dr Vernon Coleman explains why this is the last video for his rapidly growing YouTube channel. He also explains why he doesn't use Wikipedia, why people should sue the BBC, and why scientific truth and freedom of speech are important.

IMPORTANT MESSAGE: Dr Coleman has now moved to BRAND NEW TUBE where you can watch his latest video entitled, "I'm Back! (September 6th 2020)

Dr Coleman wanted to inform his YouTube subscribers where he had moved to, but - unfortunately - YouTube has banned him for a week (ending Friday 11th September) from uploading any new videos.


11 Sep 2020 - Important Message From Vernon Coleman.

Dr Vernon Coleman is now on Brand New Tube. Click on the following link to watch his video, 'I'm Back! (September 6th 2020)'

Don't forget to subscribe to his new channel at Brand New Tube.


19 Sept 2020 - Everything that Has Happened Was Meant to Happen

Doctor Vernon Coleman explains that nothing that has happened in the last six months has been an accident or a mistake. Dr Coleman explains exactly what is happening.


23 Sept 2020 - Important Message With Special Offer.


27 Sept 2020 - This Will Shock and Enrage You!

Please click on the following link to see Dr Vernon Coleman's latest video on Brand New Tube.


1 Oct 2020 - Politicians and Advisors Are Going to Prison.

Click here to watch Dr Vernon Coleman's latest video on his new channel at Brand New Tube.


16 Oct 2020 - I Have No Wish to Dress Up A Cat to Look Like Queen Meghan.

Click on the following link to see Vernon's latest video at Brand New Tube


26 Oct 2020 - Vernon Coleman Juggles (Badly).

To see Vernon Coleman's latest video on Brand New Tube click on the following link


1 Nov 2020 - What Does the Future Hold?

Dr Vernon Coleman is old enough to remember the Black Death Plague which devastated Europe in the 14th century. Now, he's matured into an old man in a chair.

Click on the following link to see Dr Vernon Coleman's latest video on Brand New Tube called, 'What is covid-19 for?'


11 Nov 2020 - A Mask, a Pair of Goggles and an Incinerator.

Click on the following link to watch Dr Vernon Coleman's latest video.


12 Nov 2020 - The Three Stooges Are Back!

Click on the following link to watch Dr Vernon Coleman's latest video on Brand New Tube entitled, 'Will Life Ever Be The Same Again?'


4 Dec 2020 - Vital Information from Vernon Coleman.

Click here​ to watch Dr Vernon Coleman's latest videos.


15 Dec 2020 - Christmas Party Tips from Madge and Whitty.

For the serious stuff on Dr Vernon Coleman's channel at, please click on the following link:


22 Dec 2020 - Urgent News From Dr Vernon Coleman.


2 Jan 2021 - How Wikipedia is Used as a Weapon.

Click on the following link to watch Dr Coleman's latest video (Make no Mistake - This is Genocide) on


16 Jan 2021 - The Horrors of Social Credit - Coming Soon!

Dr Vernon Coleman explains in horrifying detail the horrors of social engineering and social credit scores.


20 Jan 2021 - The Death of Free Speech.

Click on the following link​ to watch Vernon Coleman's latest video on called, Following the Science? Don't Make Me Laugh.


24 Jan 2021 - The Full Scary Story of Agenda 21 and Your Future.

Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, explains what your future is likely to be and who is in control.

Please click on the following link to see Dr Coleman's latest video on brand new tube


27 Jan 2021 - The Shocking Truth About Health Passports.

Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, explains exactly what health passports are likely to contain and who will be making them (you'll be horrified).

Click on the following link to see Dr Coleman's video on PCR testing (more shocks) at


29 Jan 2021 - The Startling Truth about Covid-19 and Vitamin D.2:25


As shown before, Dr Vernon Coleman is usually most active on Brand New Tube:

View his videos via the above link.


31 Mar 2021 - The Shocking Truth: Drug Companies Do Animal Experiments Because They're Useless

Dr Vernon Coleman explains why animal experiments are worse than useless and are responsible for much patient illness.

Vernon Coleman's paperback book, 'Animal Experiments: Facts Every Animal Lover Should Know' is available on Amazon.

For more videos and articles, please visit or/and


Here is a link to the transcripts of Vernon Coleman's banned YouTube videos: > Click "Click here to enter the website" > Click "Health" or "Politics" or any of the other buttons > and Search then for your item.


After all the above, I still have some copies of Vernon Coleman's videos left over, of which I don't know when he published them because they were removed by YouTube and I can't check it anymore.

So, I will give them with whatever I know.

Dr Coleman explains the hidden agenda behind the coronavirus hysteria.

Coronavirus: Will social distancing be permanent?

Coronavirus: Mental health problems will now soar.

A Conspiracy of Silence.

And the last copy of Coleman's videos, of which I don't know when it was originally published on YouTube, nor what its original title was.

An important remark he makes is that what is going on is like a holocaust, which is - according the dictionary - a destruction or slaughter on a mass scale. The word originates from a Jewish sacrificial offering that was burned on an altar.


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