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Ukraine targets same Civilian area twice after video was published.

Patrick Lancaster, US Navy veteran and independent crowd-funded journalist, published a video yesterday in which he - during a day of Intense shelling - showed an area in the Kuibyshevsky district of Donetsk, where civilians died.

Actually one of the most intense shelling of the city of Donetsk in the last 8 years of this war.

7 hours later Ukraine shelled that exact location killing more civilians.

Ukraine claims to use social media and journalistic reports to target military equipment.

How did they not know that civilians were killed in the attack on the area near the "Milk" Store yesterday morning and that it was just a civilian area?

If they did know then, that means it was - according to Patrick - a war crime, as 7 hours afterhe published the video of that location being an only civilian area Ukraine shelled that "Milk" Store and farmers market killing more civilians.

As always his reports have full translations into English

Yesterday Patrick published this video:

7 hours ago he published this video:

3 hours ago he published this video:

Please, if you are able, support Patrick's independent journalistic work.

The links are in the description of his videos.


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