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Watch and Pray.

This “Message from the King” was published by His servant Christiena Boshoff, who originates from South Africa.

Watch and Pray – August 02, 2021

You must always Watch and Pray now because the days are evil. Be Vigilant all the time, always on guard. satan your adversary knows his time is running out and he is roaring like a lion seeking whom he can devour. Do Not fall prey to him. he has destroyed many and is seeking to destroy even more in these days. Do Not let your guard down and do Not let satan catch you off guard. Put on My Full Armor every day so that you will be able to stand against all the wiles of satan in these evil days. Realize the time that you are in. Therefore Watch and Pray always.

Many are still fast asleep, they do Not Watch or Pray. This is why they are deceived and in darkness. Unless they Wake Up, they will perish. satan will try his utmost to keep them asleep, deceived and in darkness. This is his plan.

My Plan and My Purpose are to Wake the sleepers Up with all The Truth in this time because I Love and I Care for everyone. I Find No Pleasure in the death of a sinner. This is why I still Call sinners to Repentance, to be Reconciled and in Peace With Me, The Prince of Peace. It is Not My Will that anyone Perish but that all Repent to have the Hope of Eternal Life in The End because The End will tell. I Am your Only Hope.

Watch and Pray always My Beloved children and be Ready for That Day so that I will Find you Worthy on That Day because That Day will tell. Only the Worthy will Escape, the Hour of Trial that will Come upon the whole world, at The Appointed Time. Do Not be deceived and do Not let anyone deceive you with satan's lies, many schemes and empty promises, it only cause disappointments.

My Beloved children, I Call you to Watch and to Pray and to Warn others out of Love and because you Care also. The lives of many are at risk because they are still fast asleep because of all satans' lies. Truth Sets Free, Not lies. My Truth Warriors, Watch and Pray. Be always Ready for Battle with The Truth. Victory is Always Assured With Me. I will be Glorified. Watch and Pray.

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