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As a citizen of another country, I am looking at the events in the United States of America as an outsider. Often that gives one a different view on what is happening that those who are living in the USA.

As you very probably know there have been elections for the Presidency of the USA in the end of last year, and there has been a lot of disagreement about the events surrounding the counting of the votes. Accusations flew back and forth.

By now there has been the inauguration of a new President, Mr Joe Biden.

But who is Joe Biden?

Of course he is well known in the USA, as he has been active in politics of that country for some 50 years. He is a member of the Democratic Party, represented the state Delaware in the Senate from 1973 to 2009 and served as Vice President at the time that Mr Barak H Obama was President, from 2009 to 2017.

He was born on Nov 20 1942 in Scranton, Pennsylvania, which means he is no 78 years old.

But ......

is there more to be known about him, that is important to know with who we are dealing here?

Yes, there is.

The following documentary gives us a lot of information that probably was unknown to a lot of people who voted for him. Although they could have known it, as a video called

"RIDING THE DRAGON: The Bidens' Chinese Secrets (Full Documentary)"

was premiered on YouTube by BlazeTV on 4 Sept 2020.

It uncovers Joe Biden and his family's secret relationship with China and the sinister business deals that enriched the Biden family at America's expense.

Before they left the White House, Melanie and Donald J Trump, the outgoing president and first Lady, released farewell speeches on video.

Both were also published by BlazeTV.

On 18 Jan they published "Melania Trump Releases Farewell Message That Every American Needs to See"

and the next day they published "Trump Releases Farewell Video Address in Last Moments as President".

As we all know, the next day, 20 Jan 2021, they were not present at the inauguration of Mr Joe Biden as the next President of the United States of America.

Shortly after this event Mr Biden was already attacking the institution of the press, snapping at a reporter on 21 Jan 2021 for asking a single challenging question.

This moment was also published on video by BlazeTV with the title "Biden SNAPS At Reporter For Asking a Single Challenging Question".

These four videos I have mirrored here, because there might be an actual chance that they will be removed from YouTube. For the same reason I will give you some of the comments posted under the video, without publishing the names of the commenters.

Pinned by BlazeTV:

This is chilling. Biden just openly attacked a member of the press. We need a full investigation.

"Be careful what you wish for." - Donald Trump

Why should anyone give BIDEN A BREAK. They never, never gave PRESIDENT TRUMP A BREAK.

Joe, you know you lost the election and we, the people will never forget this and always remind you when you do.

"Give me a break man."

He’s not fit to be president, he needs a BREAK. Lol 😂

No. You're the president. Presidents don't get breaks. Trump understood that. Why can't you?

We are in emergency because you’re in the White House

Yes we are in a National Emergency, it’s YOU‼️😈

"That's why we'll hear a lot more from Fauci, not from the president..." 😂

Oh give me strength, Fauci back on the scene again now then. He’s like a bad stink that just won’t go away, just like this covid nonsense

We don’t wanna hear it from dr. Fauci. We wanna hear it from you, Joe 😄

"Our plan is to restore public trust" is ironic while he's running away from questions

"Families and neighbors looking out for one another."

I.e., snitching on each other.

YouTube is really screwing with us. I cannot comment without a lot of interference. I'm out of here. Good night, don't let them upset you. That's what they want. 🙄✌️🇺🇸

After all of the above, I ask "What have they done?" and "What will come from this?"



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