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Your soul.

This “Message from the King” was published by His servant Christiena Boshoff,who originates from South Africa, on August 7th, 2021.

Your Soul must matter more to you than your body or anything else in this temporary life. Many are more concerned about their bodies and other things than their souls.

I Warned you even Beforehand Not to fear those who can only kill your body but Not your Soul. You must Fear Me, I Am The Only One who is Able to Destroy both your Soul and Body and Cast you Into Hell. This is why you must be in Awe and Reverence of Me and be Concerned about your Soul. There is No Fear in Perfect Love because Perfect Love, Cast out all Fear. Be Perfected in My Love.

Therefore be Reconciled and in Peace With Me, The Prince of Peace. Be Holy because I Am Holy and without Holiness No one will See Me. The unrighteous will Not Inherit My Everlasting Kingdom. Do Not be deceived and do Not let anyone deceive you with satan's lies, schemes and empty promises because it only leads to Disappointments and Eternal Damnation. I Will Say to many in That Day, Go Away, I Never Knew you, you who work iniquity.

Be Wise and Not foolish. I Am Love but I Am Also A Consuming Fire to My Adversaries. It will be a terrible thing to Fall Into My Hands. The Soul that sins will Die. The Wages of sin is Death.

I Find No Pleasure in the Death of a sinner. This is why I still Call sinners to Repentance. Repentance Leads to Eternal Life. Everyone must Seek Life and Not death. Repent and Turn from all your wicked ways. Bear Fruit Worthy of Repentance. Be Worthy of Me and My Everlasting Kingdom, that is Not of this world and The Only Kingdom that will Last Forever and Ever.

I Love and I Care for you, you are Loved. Love Me more than anyone and anything else in this world. Let Me always be your First Love. Your Soul matters to Me and must also matter to you more than anything else. Be Spiritual Ready, for the days are evil. Be Concerned about your Soul.

Sadly many are Not Spiritual Ready because they care more about their bodies and other things than their Souls. Their priorities are Not right. What will it Profit anyone if you gain the whole world but lose your own Soul? What will you be able to give in exchange for your Soul? Be Wise, it is all about your Soul. Your Soul matters and The End will tell.



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